  • Rediscovery of numerical Lüscher's formula from the neural network
    We present that by predicting the spectrum in discrete space from the phase shift in continuous space, the neural network can remarkably reproduce the numerical Lüscher's formula to a high precision. The model-independent property of the Lüscher's formula is naturally realized by the generalizability of the neural network. This exhibits the great potential of the neural network to extract model-independent relation between model-dependent quantities, and this data-driven approach could greatly facilitate the discovery of the physical principles underneath the intricate data.
  • Distinguishing the observational signatures of hot spots orbiting Reissner-Nordström spacetime
    This paper investigates observable signatures of hot spots orbiting Reissner-Nordström (RN) black holes and naked singularities. For an RN black hole, we find two discernible lensing image tracks in time integrated images, capturing a complete orbit of hot spots and a image shadow within the critical curve where photons with a small impact parameter fall into the event horizon. Conversely, in RN singularities, additional image tracks can be found within the critical curve, originating from photons reflected by the infinitely high effective potential well. Moreover, we find incomplete and converging tracks from the time integrated images of hot spot orbiting RN singularities that have no photon sphere. The presence of these additional image tracks significantly influences temporal magnitudes at their local maxima, enabling us to differentiate between RN black holes and RN naked singularities.
  • Ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group calculations for neutron-rich P, Cl, and K isotopes
    Neutron-rich P, Cl, and K isotopes, particularly those with neutron numbers of approximately $ N=28 $, have attracted extensive experimental and theoretical interest. We utilize the ab initio valence-space in-medium similarity renormalization group approach, based on chiral nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces, to investigate the exotic properties of these isotopes. Systematic calculations of the low-lying spectra are performed. A key finding is the level inversion between $ 3/2_1^+ $ and $ 1/2_1^+ $ states in odd-A isotopes, attributed to the inversion of $ \pi 0d_{3/2} $ and $ \pi 1s_{1/2} $ single-particle states. The ab initio calculations, which incorporate the three-nucleon forces, correlate closely with existing experimental data. Further calculations of effective proton single-particle energies provide deeper insights into the shell evolution for $ Z=14 $ and $ 16 $ sub-shells. Our results indicate that the three-body force plays important roles in the shell evolution for $ Z=14 $ and $ 16 $ sub-shells with neutron numbers ranging from 20 to 28. Additionally, systematic ab initio calculations are conducted for the low-lying spectra of odd-odd nuclei. The results correspond with experimental data and provide new insights for future research into these isotopes up to and beyond the drip line.
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  • Heavy neutral leptons in gauged U(1)LµLτ at muon collider
    2024, 48(9): 093102-093102-14. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad4d61
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    Heavy neutral leptons N are the most appealing candidates to generate tiny neutrino masses. We studied the signature of heavy neutral leptons in gauged $ U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau} $ at a muon collider. Charged under the $ U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau} $ symmetry, the heavy neutral leptons can be pair produced via the new gauge boson $ Z' $ at the muon collider as $ \mu^+\mu^-\to Z^{\prime *}\to NN $ and $ \mu^+\mu^-\to Z^{\prime (*)} \gamma\to NN\gamma $. We then performed a detailed analysis on the lepton number violation signature $ \mu^+\mu^-\to NN\to \mu^\pm\mu^\pm W^\mp W^\mp $ and $ \mu^+\mu^-\to NN \gamma\to \mu^\pm\mu^\pm W^\mp W^\mp \gamma $ at the 3 TeV muon collider, where the hadronic decays of W boson are treated as fat-jets J. These lepton number violation signatures have quite clean backgrounds at the muon collider. Our simulation shows that a wide range of viable parameter space is within the reach of the 3 TeV muon collider. For instance, with new gauge coupling $ g'=0.6 $ and an integrated luminosity of 1000 fb$ ^{-1} $, the $ \mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ $ signal could probe $ m_{Z'}\lesssim 13 $ TeV. Meanwhile, if the gauge boson mass satisfies $ 2 m_N<m_{Z'}<\sqrt{s} $, the $ \mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ\gamma $ signature would be more promising than the $ \mu^\pm\mu^\pm JJ $ signature.
  • Higgs boson decays hMZ in the TNMSSM
    2024, 48(9): 093101-093101-15. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad5427
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    We study the SM-like Higgs boson decays $ h\rightarrow MZ $ in the triplet extended NMSSM (TNMSSM), where M is a vector meson $(\rho,\omega,\phi,J/\psi,\Upsilon)$. Compared to the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), the TNMSSM includes two new $ S U$(2) triplets with hypercharge ±1 and an SM gauge singlet, which are coupled to each other. The indirect contributions to the $ h\rightarrow MZ $ decays are produced from the effective $ h\gamma Z $ vertex, and they are more important than the direct contributions. The results of this work could encourage a detection on $ h\rightarrow Z\gamma $ at the future high energy colliders for exploring new physics beyond the SM.
  • Thermodynamic phase transition and winding number for the third-order Lovelock black hole
    2024, 48(9): 095101-095101-11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad53ba
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    Phase transition is important for understanding the nature and evolution of the black hole thermodynamic system. In this study, we predicted the phase transition of the third-order Lovelock black hole using the winding numbers in complex analysis, and qualitatively validated this prediction by the generalized free energy. For the 7<d<12-dimensional black holes in hyperbolic topology and the 7-dimensional black hole in spherical topology, the winding number obtained is three, which indicates that the system undergoes first-order and second-order phase transitions. For the 7<d<12-dimensional black holes in spherical topology, the winding number is four, and two scenarios of phase transitions exist, one involving a purely second-order phase transition and the other involving simultaneous first-order and second-order phase transitions. This result further deepens the research on black hole phase transitions using the complex analysis.
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