In this section, four 9-category classifications of the all accessible Higgs decay final states are realized according to different Z decay modes with the PFN method, and their confusion matrices are determined. As a preliminary attempt, a more ambitious 39-category classification is tried with the ParticleNet, and promising and consistent results are achieved.
For the two ML models used to classify the Higgs decays, kinematic information of energy, polar and azimuthal angles are always given for each reconstructed particle. We should note that energies and polar angles are used instead of the transverse momenta and rapidities, respectively, in the original studies [26, 27] since the models are utilized for
$ e^+e^- $ collider experiments in this study. The inputs also include the PID and impact parameters of charged particles.The PFN architecture [26] is designed to parameterize the functions Φ and F in a sufficiently general way, using several dense neural network layers as universal approximators. For Φ, three dense layers are employed, with 100, 100, and l nodes respectively, where l is the latent dimension that takes 256 after comparing the performances of 128 and 256. For F, we use the same configuration as the original paper, which has three dense layers, each with 100 nodes. Each dense layer uses the
$ {\rm{ReLU}} $ activation function and He-uniform parameter initialization [33]. A nine-unit layer (depending on the number of classes) with a$ {\rm{SoftMax}} $ activation function is the output layer.The ParticleNet [27] architecture consists of three EdgeConv blocks, one aggregation layer, and two fully-connected layers. The first EdgeConv block uses the spatial coordinates of the particles in the
$ \theta-\phi $ space to compute the distances, while the subsequent blocks use the learned feature vectors as coordinates. The number of nearest neighbors k is 16 for all three blocks, and the number of channels C for each EdgeConv block is (64, 64, 64), (128, 128, 128), and (256, 256, 256), respectively. After the EdgeConv blocks, a channel-wise global average pooling operation is applied to aggregate the learned features over all particles in the cloud. This is followed by a fully-connected layer with 256 units and the ReLU activation. A dropout layer with a drop probability of 0.1 is included to prevent overfitting. A fully connected layer with 39 units, followed by a SoftMax function, is used to generate the output for the 39-category classification task. -
In this study, there are 4 production modes for the Higgs boson at 240 GeV to be analyzed, i.e.,
$e^+e^- \to e^+e^-H$ ,$ \mu^+\mu^-H $ ,$ \tau^+\tau^-H $ , and$ q\bar{q}H $ . In each production mode, the same 9 decay modes are measured, which are$ H \to c\bar{c} $ ,$ b\bar{b} $ ,$ \mu^+\mu^- $ ,$ \tau^+\tau^- $ ,$ gg $ ,$ \gamma\gamma $ ,$ ZZ^* $ ,$ WW^* $ , and$ \gamma Z $ , respectively. So there are 36 processes in total. For each process, 400,000 events are generated with WHIZARD 1.9.5 [34] and fed to Pythia6 [35] for hadronization, where decays of most intermediate particles, such as W, Z, and τ, etc., are also simulated by Pythia6 according to its default configuration, and the branching fractions of the Higgs are customized based on Table 1. All the cross sections and decay branching fractions used in this study are summarized in Table 1. The organization and description of 4-fermion backgrounds are complicated and need some sophisticated scheme. Here$ ZZ $ represents that the 4 fermions are produced via two (virtual) neutral vector bosons. More details can be found in Ref. [36]. It should also be noted that the sequential decays of W and Z are not dealt with specifically, to avoid complexity, though it can enhance the classification performance if more decay knowledge is used.Mode Cross section or branching fraction $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to e^+e^-H) $ 7.04 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to \mu^+\mu^-H) $ 6.77 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to \tau^+\tau^-H) $ 6.75 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to q^+q^-H) $ 136.81 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to ZZ_{l}) $ 67.81 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to ZZ_{sl}) $ 516.67 fb $ \sigma(e^+e^-\to ZZ_{h}) $ 556.49 fb $ B(H\to c\bar{c}) $ 2.91% $ B(H\to b\bar{b}) $ 57.7% $ B(H\to \mu^+\mu^-) $ $ 2.19\times 10^{-4} $ $ B(H\to \tau^+\tau^-) $ 6.32% $ B(H\to gg) $ 8.57% $ B(H\to \gamma\gamma) $ $ 2.28\times 10^{-3} $ $ B(H\to WW^*) $ 21.5% $ B(H\to ZZ^*) $ 2.64% $ B(H\to Z\gamma) $ $ 1.53\times 10^{-3} $ Table 1. Standard model predictions of the decay branching fractions and cross sections at 240 GeV of a 125 GeV Higgs boson, with their irreducible backgrounds at the CEPC.
All the generated samples are simulated in a simplified way to model detector responses. In detail, all particles are simulated according to the performance of the baseline detector in the CEPC CDR [9]. The momentum resolution of charged tracks is
$\frac{\sigma(p_t)}{p_t} = 2\times 10^{-5}\oplus \frac{0.001} {p\sin^{3/2}\theta}~ [\mathrm{GeV}^{-1}] .$
The energy resolution of photons is
$\frac{\sigma(E)}{E} = 0.01 \oplus \frac{0.20}{\sqrt{E/\mathrm{(GeV)}}},$
and that of neural hadrons is
$\frac{\sigma(E)}{E} = 0.03 \oplus \frac{0.50}{\sqrt{E/\mathrm{(GeV)}}},$
and all the reconstruction efficiencies are assumed to be 100% in the simulation. In the case of impact parameters and particle identification, they are taken directly from the truth of generation. While the simplified simulation is a bit too ideal, it is sufficient for a feasibility study. The performance is expected to get worse in the full simulation since the impact parameters are crucial for the separations among Higgs hadronic decays, especially for
$ b\bar{b}/c\bar{c}/gg $ . -
The ParticleFlow Network and ParticleNet are implemented and running with 8 Intel
$ ^\circledR $ Xeon$ ^\circledR $ Gold 6240 CPU cores and 8 NVIDIA$ ^\circledR $ Tesla$ ^\circledR $ V100-SXM2-32GB GPU cards at the IHEP GPU farm. During model training, the common properties of the neural networks include categorical cross-entropy loss function, the Adam optimization algorithm [37], a batch size of 1000, and a learning rate of 0.001. 400,000 events are used for each production mode, and the total number of events for 9 decays is 3,600,000. The full data set is split into training, validation, and test samples according to the ratio 8:1:1. The monitoring of loss and accuracy on training and validation samples shows that the models converge well and there is no obvious over-training after the models are trained for 100 epochs; see Fig. 1 as an example.Figure 1. (color online) Accuracy and loss versus the number of epochs of the
$ e^+e^- \to e^+e^- H $ process during training.The computation consumption of two architectures can be estimated and compared. Only total consumption of the GPU and CPU is used for comparison, because all the computing resources can only be accessed indirectly via a workload manager server. Taking the 9-category classification as an example, ParticleNet takes about 347 minutes for training (40 epochs) and 4 minutes for inference while PFN takes only about 76 minutes for training (100 epochs) and inference. It can be seen that computation of both architectures can be finished on a reasonable time scale, although PFN is much faster than ParticleNet. This is consistent with the results in the Ref. [27].
The outputs of the classifier, which are from a nine-unit layer with a
$ {\rm{SoftMax}} $ activation function, are visualized in various ways. The$ {\rm{SoftMax}} $ is essential because it helps to produce scores comprising 9 probabilities proportional to the exponential of the input information for each event, which is input for a cut-based data analysis. Figure 2 presents the 9 scores for each category. Taking the bottom left panel as an example, these events are of$ H\to ZZ^* $ , and the curves in different colors represent the probability distributions identifying$ H\to ZZ^* $ as the other processes. The blue curve peaks when the score approaches 1, which means the classifier can identify$ H\to ZZ^* $ signals. There are two small peaks in the blue and brown curves around 0.8, which shows that$H\to Z Z ^*$ and$ H\to \gamma Z $ can contaminate each other because of the similarity of their cascade decays. From Fig. 2, it can be seen that high-dimensional data is difficult to visualize intuitively. A better way is plotting data in lower dimensions to show the inherent structures. To aid visualization of the structure of 9 outputs, the t-SNE [38] method is used. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the two largest components after the dimensionality reduction, where labels 1–9 represent the 9 decay modes of the Higgs boson from$ c\bar{c} $ to$ \gamma Z $ in the same order as the above. The patterns in Fig. 3 are consistent with those in Fig. 2 but much clearer. It can be seen that$ \mu^+\mu^- $ (3),$ \gamma\gamma $ (6),$ \tau^+\tau^- $ (4) and$ \gamma Z $ (9) modes are almost isolated clusters and their backgrounds are rather low in this simplified case. The clusters of the others can also be seen and the overlaps are also significant.Figure 2. (color online) The distributions of 9 outputs for each true category, taking
$ e^+e^-H $ as an example. Each score is calculated by assuming that the event belongs to that category.Figure 3. (color online) Classification performance on the test set visualized with t-SNE, where the two largest components are used, taking 10,000 events of
$ e^+e^-\to e^+e^-H $ for illustration.Some standard quantities can measure the performances of classifiers. For instance, efficiency (EFF) measures the fraction of correctly classified observations, ROC curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic curve) visualizes the True Positive Rate (TPR) versus the False Positive Rate (FPR), and AUC (Area Under the Curve) is the area under the ROC curve. If we have a better classification for each threshold value, the area grows, and a perfect classification leads to an AUC of 1.0. The EFF and AUC for all 36 processes in the 4 tagging modes are summarized in Table 2. Several conclusions can be drawn from the table. First, the accuracy reaches about 87%, which is good and adequate for further analysis. The decays of
$ H\to \mu^+\mu^- $ ,$ \tau^+\tau^- $ , and$ \gamma\gamma $ have the best efficiency and largest AUCs, as expected. Last but not least, the efficiencies of$ H\to ZZ^* $ or$ WW^* $ are not as good as the others. The main reason is that the similarities between them, as well as bits of$ bb $ ,$ cc $ , and$ gg $ can also fake$ WW^* $ /$ ZZ^* $ . This leaves room for further improvement.Decay mode $ e^+e^-H $ $ \mu^+\mu^- H $ $ \tau^+\tau^- H $ $ q\bar{q}H $ EFF AUC EFF AUC EFF AUC EFF AUC $ H\to c\bar{c} $ 0.880 0.991 0.882 0.991 0.857 0.987 0.755 0.966 $ H\to b\bar{b} $ 0.908 0.994 0.893 0.994 0.877 0.991 0.733 0.972 $ H\to \mu^+\mu^- $ 0.997 1.000 0.986 1.000 0.981 1.000 0.983 1.000 $ H\to \tau^+\tau^- $ 0.993 0.999 0.985 0.999 0.985 0.999 0.982 0.999 $ H\to gg $ 0.810 0.985 0.830 0.986 0.816 0.982 0.736 0.954 $ H\to \gamma\gamma $ 0.997 1.000 0.999 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.997 1.000 $ H\to ZZ^* $ 0.650 0.958 0.667 0.960 0.585 0.947 0.535 0.926 $ H\to WW^* $ 0.806 0.981 0.801 0.981 0.771 0.974 0.632 0.952 $ H\to \gamma Z $ 0.921 0.996 0.936 0.996 0.910 0.993 0.896 0.993 Table 2. Efficiencies (left) and AUCs (right) of four classifiers.
Finally, the confusion matrices are used to evaluate the performance of the ML model and to be used as an important ingredient for further data analysis. Confusion matrices are calculated by comparing the prediction of the model and the true labels. Figure 4 shows the confusion matrices of the four classifiers. In terms of the confusion matrix, the efficiencies appear as the diagonal elements of the corresponding confusion matrices, and the off-diagonal elements represent misclassification rates. So confusion matrices contain complete information of both the correct and incorrect classifications, which could help to unfold the generated numbers of signals,
$ N_i $ . -
The above study shows that multicategory classification is very promising in data analysis, so here a more ambitious case of 39-category classification will be tried. For the signal processes, considering that Z decays into 4 categories (neglecting neutrino decay and W fusion processes up to now), i.e,
$ e^+e^- $ ,$ \mu^+\mu^- $ ,$ \tau^+\tau^- $ , and$ q\bar{q} $ , and that the Higgs has the same 9 decay modes as above, so there are 36 signals. For a realistic analysis, the backgrounds must be taken into account, especially the irreducible ones. In the analysis of$ e^+e^- \to ZH $ study, the irreducible backgrounds mainly come from the SM process of$ e^+e^- \to ZZ $ . The background can be categorized into 3 classes depending on the decays of Z bosons, i.e, pure leptonic ($ ZZ_{l} $ ), semi-leptonic($ ZZ_{sl} $ ), and hadronic ($ ZZ_{h} $ ) decays. Overall it is a 39-category classification problem.Same data sets of the signal and extra 3 background processes are pre-processed with the same procedure, which has 39
$ \times $ 400,000 = 15,600,000 events, which is very challenging because of memory usage. So we switch to another deep learning framework, ParticleNet/Weaver[27, 39], which has a more flexible memory strategy.The confusion matrix of the 39-category classification is presented in Fig. 5, which shows very good separation power among all 39 processes. For the signal, four blocks of the
$ e^+e^-H $ ,$ \mu^+\mu^-H $ ,$ \tau^+\tau^-H $ , and$ q\bar{q}H $ processes can be seen clearly, which demonstrate similar patterns to the corresponding processes in Fig. 4. In each sub-matrix, the$ H\to \gamma\gamma $ ,$ \mu^+\mu^- $ , and$ \tau^+\tau^- $ decays achieve the best performances. Among the four "blocks", the misclassification rates are rather small. The$ H\to ZZ^* $ decay doesn't achieve as good performance as the other decays, which is also consistent with the results of the 9-category classification. For the irreducible backgrounds of$ e^+e^- \to ZZ $ , all of three processes are labeled correctly with very high efficiencies, greater than 90%, which indicates that the kinematics of different events can be learnt to discriminate the irreducible backgrounds by the ParticleNet.In this 39-category classification, all 9 Higgs decays in 4 tagging modes with the irreducible backgrounds together can be classified with rather good accuracy. It is different to the single tagging mode, which indicates that the Higgs decays can be determined with a combined method using much more information.
Classify the Higgs decays with the PFN and ParticleNet at electron–positron colliders
- Received Date: 2022-07-07
- Available Online: 2022-11-15
Abstract: Various Higgs factories are proposed to study the Higgs boson precisely and systematically in a model- independent way. In this study, the Particle Flow Network and ParticleNet techniques are used to classify the Higgs decays into multicategories, and the ultimate goal is to realize an "end-to-end" analysis. A Monte Carlo simulation study is performed to demonstrate the feasibility, and the performance looks rather promising. This result could be the basis of a "one-stop" analysis to measure all the branching fractions of the Higgs decays simultaneously.