- Received Date: 1980-09-16
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 1981-04-05
Abstract: In this model, the nucleus is consiered as a continuous medium with variable nucleon densities, ρp and ρn. The energy of the system is expressed by the formula:
where ρo=t/(4πa3)[1+exp((r-R)/a)]-1 is a reference density which is assumed to be the average density of an ideal nucleus with N=Z and without coulomb interactions. The binding energy and the density distributions of a nucleus were determined from the condition δE=0.The parameters were determined by fitting the nuclear masses and the general behavior of unclear charge distributions. Their preliminary values are: a=0.528 fm, t=0.3, a1=16.1027 MeV, a3=26.583 MeV, a4=15.19 MeV, a6=14.62 MeY, a2=1/2 a2, a5=1/2 a6. With this set of parameters, together with Myers and Swiatecki's formulae for shell corrcctions and pairing energies, the experimental nuclear masses can be reproduced wi thin 5 MeV and the nuclear mean wqare root radius within a few percent. These constants probably could further be improved by fitting other nuclear properties.With this new mass formula, the empirical mass difference between mirror nuclei can be reproduced within 4% (for A≥20). This is a substantial improvement over the liquid drop model. A theory of nuclear giant multipole resonance was developed by this model. Preliminary calculation on the giant dipole resonance yields rather promising results.