Angular Momentum Projection of Cranked PNC Wave Function
- Received Date: 1999-06-22
- Accepted Date: 1900-01-01
- Available Online: 2000-06-05
Abstract: In studying the properties of nuclear higher-spin states, not only is the K-mixture needed to be taken into account, but also the Coriolis interaction (the cranking term) should be introduced. The cranking term breaks the time reversal symmetry, and the projection of the single-particle angular momentum on the intrinsic symmetric axis is no longer a good quantum number. This makes the theoretical calculation somewhat complicated. However, considering some intrinsic symmetry in a nucleus, it is not very difficult to apply the angular momentum projection technique to the PNC wave functions including the cranking components (the cranked PNC wave functions). In this paper the fundamental expressions for calculating the nuclear energy spectra and the electromagnetic properties are deduced and evaluated in theory, consequently the feasibility of actualizing the present scheme is made clear.