Exotic states cannot be described by the traditional quark model and may have a more complex structure allowed by QCD such as glueballs, hybrid mesons and multiquark states. The discovery of exotic states and the study of their structure will extend our knowledge of the strong interaction dynamics [1-3].
A meson with quantum numbers
JPC=1−+ , which is excluded by the traditional quark model in theqˉq picture, is an exotic state [4]. Interestingly, three isovectorJPC=1−+ exotic candidates,π1(1400) ,π1(1600) , andπ1(2015) , have been reported by experiments [5]. On the theoretical side, the isovector exotic states are interpreted as hybrid mesons in different theoretical approaches, such as the flux tube model [6-8], ADS/QCD model [9, 10], and Lattice QCD [11-13]. In addition, the hybrid meson decay properties were studied in the framework of the QCD sum rules in Refs. [14-17]. Some studies suggest that the isovector exotic state might be a four-quark state [18] or a molecule/four-quark mixing state [19]. On the other hand, the three-body system can also carry the quantum numbersJPC=1−+ . In Ref. [20], by retaining the strong interactions ofˉKK∗ which generate thef1(1285) resonance [21, 22], theπˉKK∗ three-body system was investigated in the framework of the fixed-center approximation (FCA) of the Faddeev equation, whereπ1(1600) could be interpreted as a dynamically generated state in theπ -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system.In principle, an isoscalar exotic state is also possible, although it has not been experimentally observed [8, 13]. In fact, these isoscalar exotic states were studied with the QCD sum rules using the tetraquark currents [23], where the obtained mass is around
1.8∼2.1 GeV, and the decay width is about 150 MeV.In this paper, we study the
ηˉKK∗ three-body system in order to look for possibleIG(JPC)=0+(1−+) exotic states in the FCA approach, which has been used to investigate the interaction ofK−d at the threshold [24-26]. A possible state in the three-body systemK−pp , according to calculations performed with the FCA approach [27, 28], is supported by the J-PARC experiments [29]. In Ref. [30], theΔ5/2+(2000) puzzle is solved in a study of theπ -(Δρ) interaction. In Ref. [31], a peak is found around 1920 MeV, indicating that theNKˉK state withI=1/2 could exists around that energy, which supports the existence of theN∗ resonance withJP=1/2+ around 1920 MeV obtained in Refs. [32-35], where the full Faddeev calculations were performed. Recently, predictions of several heavy flavor resonance states in a three-body system have been reported in the framework of the FCA approach, for exampleˉK(∗)B(∗)ˉB(∗) [36],D(∗)B(∗)ˉB(∗) [37],ρB∗ˉB∗ [38],ρD∗ˉD∗ [39, 40],DKK (DKˉK) [41],BDD(BDˉD) [42], andKˉDD∗ [43]. TheDDK system was investigated in Ref. [44] with coupled channels by solving the Faddeev equation using the two-body input, and it was found that an isospin 1/2 state is formed at 4140 MeV whenD∗s0(2317) is formed in theDK subsystem. This result is compatible with Ref. [45], where the system D-D∗s0(2317) was studied without the explicit three-body dynamics. In a more recent work [46], where the Gaussian expansion method was used, the existence ofDDK states was further confirmed. The above examples show that the results of FCA prove to be reasonable. However, as important as it may be to understand the success of FCA, there are problems in the FCA calculations of theϕKˉK system [47] (more details about the limits of FCA can also be found in this reference), in whichϕ(2175) can be reproduced by the full Faddeev calculations [48].There are two possible scattering cases in the
ηˉKK∗ three-body system since theˉKK∗ andηK∗ systems lead to the formation of two dynamically generated resonances,f1(1285) andK1(1270) . Based on the two-bodyηˉK ,ηK∗ andˉKK∗ scattering amplitudes obtained from the chiral unitary approach [21, 49, 50], we perform an analysis of theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) andˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) scattering amplitudes, which allows to predict the possible exotic states with quantum numbersIG(JPC)= 0+(1−+) .The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we present the FCA formalism and ingredients to analyze the
η -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) andˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) systems. In Sec. 3, numerical results and a discussion are presented. Finally, a short summary is given in Sec. 4. -
In the framework of FCA, we consider
ˉKK∗(ηK∗) as a cluster, andη(ˉK) interacts with the components of the cluster. The total three-body scattering amplitudeT can be simplified as the sum of two partition functionsT1 andT2 , by summing all diagrams in Fig. 1, starting with the interaction of particle 3 with particle 1(2) of the cluster. The FCA equations can be written in terms ofT1 andT2 , which give the total scattering amplitudeT , and read [25, 26, 51]T1=t1+t1G0T2,
(1) T2=t2+t2G0T1,
(2) T=T1+T2,
(3) where the amplitudes
t1 andt2 represent the unitary scattering amplitudes with coupled channels for the interactions of particle 3 with particle 1 and 2, respectively. The functionG0 in the above equations is the propagator for particle 3 between the particle 1 and 2 components of the cluster, which we discuss below.We calculate the total scattering amplitude
T in the low energy regime, close to the threshold of theηˉKK∗ system or below, where FCA is a good approximation. The on-shell approximation for the three particles is also used.Following the field normalization of Refs. [52, 53], we can write the
S matrix for the single scattering term [Fig. 1(a) and 1(e)] as①S(1)=S(1)1+S(1)2=(2π)4V2δ4(k3+kcls−k′3−k′cls)×1√2w31√2w′3(−it1√2w11√2w′1+−it2√2w21√2w′2),
(4) where
V stands for the volume of a box in which the states are normalized to unity, while the momentumk(k′) and the on-shell energyw(w′) refer to the initial (final) particles.The double scattering contributions are obtained from Fig. 1(b) and 1(f). The expression for the
S matrix for double scattering [S(2)2=S(2)1 ] is given byS(2)=−it1t2(2π)4V2δ4(k3+kcls−k′3−k′cls)×1√2w31√2w′31√2w11√2w′11√2w21√2w′2×∫d3q(2π)3Fcls(q)1q02−|→q|2−m23+iϵ,
(5) where
Fcls(q) is the form factor of the cluster which is a bound state of particles 1 and 2. The information about the bound state is encoded in the form factorFcls(q) in Eq. (5), which is the Fourier transform of the cluster wave function. The variableq0 is the energy carried by particle 3 in the center-of-mass frame of particle 3 and the cluster, and is given byq0(s)=s+m23−m2cls2√s,
(6) where
s is the invariant mass squared of theηˉKK∗ system.For the form factor
Fcls(q) , we take the following expression fors wave bound states only, as discussed in Refs. [52-54]:Fcls(q)=1N∫|→p|<Λ,|→p−→q|<Λd3→p12w1(→p)12w2(→p)×1mcls−w1(→p)−w2(→p)12w1(→p−→q)12w2(→p−→q)×1mcls−w1(→p−→q)−w2(→p−→q),
(7) where the normalization factor
N isN=∫|→p|<Λd3→p(12w1(→p)12w2(→p)1mcls−w1(→p)−w2(→p))2,
mcls the mass of the cluster. Note that the width ofK∗ should also be included inFcls(q) [30]. However, as shown below, the masses off1(1285) andK1(1270) are below the threshold ofˉKK∗ andηK∗ , and the effect of the width ofK∗ is small and can be neglected.Similarly, the full
S matrix for the scattering of particle 3 on the cluster is given byS=−iT(2π)4V2δ4(k3+kcls−k′3−k′cls)×1√2w31√2w′31√2wcls1√2w′cls.
(8) By comparing Eqs. (4), (5), and (8), we see that it is necessary to introduce a weight in
t1 andt2 so that Eqs. (4) and (5) include the factors that appear in Eq. (8). This is achieved by,˜t1=t1√2wcls2w1√2w′cls2w′1,˜t2=t2√2wcls2w2√2w′cls2w′2.
Eq. (3) can then be solved to give
(9) where
G0 depends on the invariant mass of theηˉKK∗ system, and is given byG0(s)=12mcls∫d3q(2π)3Fcls(q)q02−|→q|2−m23+iϵ.
(10) -
It is worth noting that the argument of the total scattering amplitude
T can be regarded as a function of the total invariant mass√s of the three-body system, while the arguments of two-body scattering amplitudest1 andt2 depend on the two-body invariant masses√s1 and√s2 .s1 ands2 are the invariant masses squared of the external particle3 with momentumk3 , and particle 1 (2) inside the cluster with momentumk1 (k2 ), which are given bys1=m23+m21+(s−m23−m2cls)(m2cls+m21−m22)2m2cls,s2=m23+m22+(s−m23−m2cls)(m2cls+m22−m21)2m2cls,
ml (l=1,2,3) are the masses of the corresponding particles in the three-body system.It is worth mentioning that in order to evaluate the two-body scattering amplitudes
t1 andt2 , the isospin of the cluster should be considered. For the case of theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system, the clusterˉKK∗ has isospinIˉKK∗=0 . Therefore, we have|ˉKK∗⟩I=0=1√2|(12,−12)⟩−1√2|(−12,12)⟩,
(11) where the kets on the right-hand side indicate the
Iz components of particlesˉK andK∗ ,|(IˉKz,IK∗z)⟩ . For the case of the total isospinIη(ˉKK∗)=0 , the single scattering amplitude is written as [20]⟨η(ˉKK∗)|t|η(ˉKK∗)⟩=(⟨00|⊗1√2(⟨(12,−12)|−⟨(−12,12)|))(t31+t32)(|00⟩⊗1√2(|(12,−12)⟩−|(−12,12)⟩))=(1√2⟨(1212,−12)|−1√2⟨(12−12,12)|)t31(1√2|(1212,−12)⟩−1√2|(12−12,12)⟩)+(1√2⟨(1212,−12)|−1√2⟨(12−12,12)|)t32(1√2|(12−12,12)⟩−1√2|(1212,−12)⟩),
(12) where the notation for the states in the last term is
|(IηˉKIzηˉK,IzK∗)⟩ fort31 and|(IηK∗IzηK∗,IzˉK)⟩ fort32 . This leads to the following amplitudes for single scattering [Fig. 1(a) and 1(e)] in theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system,t1=tI=1/2ηˉK→ηˉK,t2=tI=1/2ηK∗→ηK∗.
(13) In the
ˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) system, the clusterηK∗ can only have isospinIηK∗=1/2 . Therefore, for the total isospinIˉK(ηK∗)=0 , the scattering amplitude is written as [20]⟨ˉK(ηK∗)|t|ˉK(ηK∗)⟩=1√2(⟨1212|⊗⟨(12,−12)|−⟨12−12|⊗⟨(12,12)|)(t31+t32)1√2(|1212⟩⊗|(12,−12)⟩−|12−12⟩⊗|(12,12)⟩)=(1√2⟨(1212,−12)|−1√2⟨(12−12,12)|)t31(1√2|(1212,−12)⟩−1√2|(12−12,12)⟩)+1√2(1√2⟨(00,0)+1√2⟨(00,0)|)t321√2(1√2|(00,0)⟩+1√2|(00,0)⟩).
(14) This leads to the following amplitudes for single scattering in the
ˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) system,t1=tI=1/2ˉKη→ˉKη,t2=tI=0ˉKK∗→ˉKK∗.
(15) We see that only the transition
ˉKK∗→ˉKK∗ withI=0 gives a contribution, since the total isospinIˉK(ηK∗)=0 and theη meson has isospin zero. -
An important ingredient in the calculations of the total scattering amplitude for the
ηˉKK∗ system using FCA are the two-bodyηK ,ηK∗ , andˉKK∗ unitarizeds wave interactions from the chiral unitary approach. These two-body scattering amplitudes are studied with the dimensional regularization procedure, and they depend on the subtraction constantsaηK ,aηK∗ andaˉKK∗ , and also on the regularization scaleμ . Note that there is only one parameter for the dimensional regularization procedure, since any change inμ is reabsorbed by the change ina(μ) througha(μ′)−a(μ)=ln(μ′2μ2) , so that the scattering amplitude is scale independent. In this work, we use the parameters from Refs. [21, 49, 50]:aηK=−1.38 andμ=mK forIηK=1/2 ;aηK∗=−1.85 andμ=1000 MeV forIηK∗=1/2 ;aˉKK∗=−1.85 andμ=1000 MeV forIˉKK∗=0 . With these parameters, we get the masses off1(1285) andK1(1270) at their estimated values.In Figs. 2(a) and (b), we show the numerical results for
|tI=0ˉKK∗→ˉKK∗|2 and|tI=1/2ηK∗→ηK∗|2 , respectively, where we see clear peaks for thef1(1285) andK1(1270) states. -
To connect with the dimensional regularization procedure, we choose the cutoff
Λ such that the two-body loop function at the threshold coincides in both methods. Thus, we takeΛ=990 MeV such thatf1(1285) is as obtained in Refs. [55, 56], while forK1(1270) , we takeΛ=1000 MeV. The cutoff is tuned to get a pole at1288−i74 for theK1(1270) state.In Figs. 3 and 4, we show the respective form-factors for
f1(1285) andK1(1270) , where we takemcls=1281.3 MeV forf1(1285) and 1284 MeV forK1(1270) , as obtained in Ref. [49]. In FCA, we keep the wave function of the cluster unchanged in the presence of the third particle. In order to estimate the uncertainties of FCA due to this "frozen" condition, we admit that the wave function of the cluster could be modified by the presence of the third particle. To do so, we perform calculations with different cutoffs. The results, shown in Figs. 3 and 4, are obtained withΛ=890 ,990 and1090 MeV forf1(1285) , while forK1(1270) we takeΛ=900 , 1000 and 1100 MeV.Figure 3. Forms-factor Eq. (7) as a function of
q=|→q| for the cutoffΛ=890 (dashed),990 (solid), and1090 MeV (dotted) forf1(1285) as theˉKK∗ bound state.Figure 4. As in Fig. 3, but for
K1(1270) as theηK∗ bound state. The dashed, solid and dotted curves are forΛ=900 , 1000, and 1100 MeV, respectively.In Fig. 5, we show the real (solid line) and imaginary (dashed line) parts of
G0 as a function of the invariant mass of theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system forΛ=890 ,990 and1090 MeV.Figure 5. (color online) Real (solid line) and imaginary (dashed line) parts of
G0 for theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system andΛ=890 (blue),990 (red) and1090 MeV (green).The results for
G0 of theˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) system are shown in Fig. 6, where the real (solid line) and imaginary (dashed line) parts are forΛ=900 ,1000 and1100 MeV.From Figs. 5 and 6, it can be seen that the imaginary part of
G0(s) is not sensitive to the value of the cutoff, while the real part slightly changes with the cutoff. -
For the numerical evaluation of the three-body amplitude, we need the two-body interaction amplitudes of
ηˉK ,ηK∗ , andˉKK∗ , which were investigated in the chiral dynamics and unitary coupled channels approach in Refs. [21, 49, 50]. The total scattering amplitudeT can then be calculated, and the peaks or bumps in the modulus squared|T|2 associated to resonances.In Fig. 7, we show the modulus squared
|T|2 for theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) scattering with the total isospinI=0 . A clear bump structure can be seen below theηf1(1285) threshold with a mass of around 1700 MeV and a width of about 180 MeV. Furthermore, taking√s=1700 MeV, we get√s1=927 MeV and√s2=1315 MeV. At this energy, the interactions ofηˉK andηK∗ are strong.Figure 7. Modulus squared of the total amplitude
T for theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) system. The dashed, solid and dotted curves are forΛ=890,990 , and1090 MeV, respectively.In Fig. 8, we show
|T|2 for theˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) system. A strong resonant structure around 1680 MeV with a width of about 160 MeV is clearly seen, which indicates that theˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) state could be formed. The mass of this state is below theˉK andK1(1270) mass threshold. The strength of|T|2 at the peak is much higher than in Fig. 7 for theηf1(1285)→ηf1(1285) scattering. Thus, it is clear that the preferred configuration isˉKK1(1270) . However,ˉK keeps interacting withK∗ , and could sometimes also formf1(1285) .Figure 8. Modulus squared of the total amplitude
T for theˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) system. The dashed, solid and dotted curves are forΛ=900,1000 , and1100 MeV, respectively.From Figs. 7 and 8, it can be seen that the peak positions and widths for the
η -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) andˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) systems are quite stable for small variations of the cutoff parameterΛ . ② This gives confidence that theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) andˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) bound states can be formed. In fact, theηf1(1285) configuration could mix withˉKK1(1270) . However, since the strength ofˉK -(ηK∗)K1(1270) scattering is much higher than ofη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) scattering, the interference between the two configurations should be small. As both configurations peak around a similar energy, it is expected that the peak of any mixture of states is also around this energy.The
ηˉKK∗ bound state with quantum numbersI(JP)=0(1−) has a dominantˉKK1(1270) component. SinceK1(1270) mostly decays intoKππ [49], the dominant decay mode of the proposed state should beˉKKππ , and we hope that future experimental measurements could test our predictions.We should mention that two
K1(1270) states were obtained in Ref. [49]. The one with a mass of 1284 MeV couples more strongly to theηK∗ andKρ channels, while the other with a mass of 1195 MeV mainly couples to theπK∗ channel, and couples very weakly toηK∗ . Thus, one could expect that the lower massK1(1270) state of Ref. [49] does not affect our calculations. -
In this work, we used FCA of the Faddeev equation to look for possible
IG(JPC)=0+(1−+) exotic states generated from theηˉKK∗ three-body interactions. We first selected a clusterˉKK∗ , which is known to generatef1(1285) withI=0 , and then allowed theη meson to interact withˉK andK∗ . In the modulus squared of theη -(ˉKK∗)f1(1285) scattering amplitude, we find evidence of a bound state below theηf1(1285) threshold with a mass of around 1700 MeV and a width of about 180 MeV. In the case ofˉK scattering with the clusterηK∗ , which was shown to generateK1(1270) withI=1/2 , we obtained a bound stateI(JP)=0(1−) just below theˉKK1(1270) threshold with a mass of around 1680 MeV and a width of about 160 MeV. In addition, the simplicity of the present approach also allows a transparent interpretation of the results, which are not easy to see when the full Faddeev equation is used. In the present study, it is easily recognized thatˉKK1(1270) is the dominant state, and that theˉKK∗ subsystem can still couple to thef1(1285) resonance. Yet, one may think that we should rely on the full Faddeev calculations where all scattering processes can be summed up to infinite order, as pointed out, for example, in Refs. [57, 58] in the study of theK−d→πΣn reaction. Such calculations are welcome and we intend to address this issue in a future study.The predictions of existence of possible exotic states have been made in the framework of the flux tube model [8], Lattice QCD [13] and QCD sum rule [23]. The results obtained here provide a different theoretical approach for a particular investigation of these exotic states.
We would like to thank Prof. Li-Sheng Geng for useful discussions.
Prediction of possible exotic states in the ηˉKK∗ system
- Received Date: 2019-10-28
- Accepted Date: 2019-12-20
- Available Online: 2020-05-01
Abstract: We investigate the