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  • Fused model of the alternating spin chain from ABJM theory
    2025, 49(3): 033103-033103-9. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada521
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    In this paper, we present an algebraic construction of the fused model for the ABJM spin chain by gluing two adjacent quantum spaces and two original auxiliary spaces. We prove the integrability of the fused model by demonstrating the validity of the Yang-Baxter equation. Owing to the regularity property of the fused R-matrix, we successfully construct the boost operator for the fused model and obtain the third-order charge accordingly. We also investigate the open spin chain Hamiltonian for the fused model and indicate the general common structures of the boundary terms which are further used to analyze the integrability of the flavored ABJM Hamiltonian.
  • Soft pattern of Rutherford scattering from heavy target mass expansion
    2025, 49(3): 033102-033102-11. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/acdb56
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    We investigate the soft behavior of the tree-level Rutherford scattering process. We consider two types of Rutherford scattering processes: One in which a low-energy massless point-like projectile (say, a spin-${1/ 2}$ or spin-$ 0 $ electron) hits a static massive composite target particle carrying various spins (up to spin-$ 2 $), and one where a slowly-moving light projectile hits a heavy static composite target. For the first type, the unpolarized cross sections in the laboratory frame are found to exhibit universal forms in the first two orders of $ 1/M $ expansion yet differ at the next-to-next-to-leading order (though some terms at this order still remain universal or depend on the target spin in a definite manner). For the second type, at the lowest order in electron velocity expansion, through all orders in $ 1/M $, the unpolarized cross section is universal (also not sensitive to the projectile spin). The universality partially breaks down at relative order-$ v^2/M^2 $, though some terms at this order are still universal or depend on the target spin in a specific manner. We also employ the effective field theory approach to reproduce the soft behavior of the differential cross sections for when the target particle is a composite spin-${1/ 2}$ fermion.
  • Thermodynamic topology of Kiselev-AdS black holes within f (R, T) gravity
    2025, 49(3): 035110-035110-15. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ada379
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    In this paper, we investigate the topological charge and conditions for the existence of the photon sphere in Kiselev-anti-de Sitter (AdS) black holes within $f(R, T)$ gravity. Furthermore, we establish their topological classifications. We employ two different methods based on Duan’s topological current ϕ-mapping theory viz analysis of temperature and the generalized Helmholtz free energy methods to study the topological classes of our black hole. Considering this black hole, we discuss the critical and zero points (topological charges and topological numbers) for different parameters. Our findings reveal that the Kiselev parameter ω and $f(R, T)$ gravity parameter γ influence the number of topological charges of black holes, providing novel insights into topological classifications. We observe that for given values of the free parameters, total topological charges ($Q_{\rm total} = -1$) exist for the T method and total topological numbers ($W = +1$) for the generalized Helmholtz free energy method. Our research findings elucidate that, in contrast to the scenario in which $\omega = 1/3$, in other cases, increasing γ increases the number of total topological charges for the black hole. Interestingly, for the phantom field ($\omega = -4/3$), we observe that decreasing γ increases the number of topological charges. Additionally, we study the results for the photon sphere. The studied models reveal that the simultaneous presence of γ and ω effectively expands the permissible range for γ. In other words, the model can exhibit black hole behavior over a larger domain. Additionally, we observe that with the stepwise reduction of ω, the region covered by singularity diminishes and becomes more restricted. However, an interesting point about all three ranges is the elimination of the forbidden region in this model. In other words, this model and the investigated areas appear to have no region in which both the ϕ and metric functions simultaneously lack solutions. Additionally, we fully check the curvatures singularities and energy conditions for the mentioned black hole.
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ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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