《Chinese Physics C》BEST PAPER AWARDS 2024

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We are pleased to announce the following papers have been selected as the Chinese Physics C 2024 BEST PAPER  based on the citations and potential impact to the community of the papers published in 2023. Congratulations to our best-paper-award who are listed (in no particular order) below.

“Standard model effective field theory fromon-shell amplitudes” by Teng Ma (马腾), Jing Shu (舒菁), Ming-Lei Xiao (肖明磊)  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 023105, 2023);


“Weak deflection angle and shadow cast by the charged-Kiselev black hole with cloud of strings in plasma” by Farruh Atamurotov, Ibrar Hussain, Ghulam Mustafa, Ali Övgün  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 025102, 2023);

“Examination of machine learning for assessing physical effects: Learning the relativistic continuum mass table with kernel ridge regression by Xiao-Kai Du (杜晓凯), Peng Guo (郭鹏), Xin-Hui Wu (吴鑫辉), Shuang-Quan Zhang (张双全)  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 074108, 2023);

Strangeness S = −2 baryon-baryon interactions and femtoscopic correlation functions in covariant chiral effective field theory” by Zhi-Wei Liu (刘志伟), Kai-Wen Li (李凯文), Li-Sheng Geng (耿立升)  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 024108, 2023);

Observations of the Cabibbo-Suppressed decays Λ+cnπ+π0, nπ+π−π+, and the Cabibbo-Favored decay  Λ+cnK−π+π+ by BESIII Collaboration  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 023001, 2023);

Charge-changing cross section measurements of 300 MeV/nucleon” by Chang-Jian Wang (王长建), Ge Guo (郭戈), Hooi Jin Ong (王惠仁), et al.  (Chinese Physics C, 47, 084001, 2023);


ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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