In probability theory and statistics, the BD is the discrete probability distribution of the number of successes in a sequence of
$ n $ independent binary experiments, where the result of each experiment is true with probability$ p $ and false with probability$ q = 1-p $ [39]. The probability that the binomial random variable$ x $ takes on values in its range can be expressed using the binomial probability function:$ P(x) = \left(\begin{array}{c} n\\x \end{array} \right)p^{x}(1-p)^{n-x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}p^{x}(1-p)^{n-x}, $
(1) where
$ x $ corresponds to the number of protons or anti-protons in each event.Experimentally, if we know the mean
$ \mu $ and variance$ \sigma^2 $ ($ \sigma^2<\mu $ for a BD, while$ \sigma^2>\mu $ for an NBD) of the distribution, then the input parameters of$ p $ and$ n $ are:$ p = 1-\frac{\sigma^2}{\mu} = 1-\varepsilon, $
(2) and
$ n = \frac{\mu}{p} = \frac{\mu}{1-\varepsilon}, $
(3) where
$ \varepsilon = \dfrac{\sigma^2}{\mu} $ .With given
$ \mu $ and$ \varepsilon $ , the expectations of cumulants from the second to the sixth order can be written as:$ C_2 = n\left(p-p^2\right) = \varepsilon\mu , $
(4) $ C_3 = n\left(p-3p^2+2p^3\right) = \varepsilon\mu \left(-1+2\varepsilon\right) , $
(5) $ C_4 = n\left(p-7p^2+12p^3-6p^4\right) = \varepsilon\mu \left(1-6\varepsilon + 6\varepsilon^2\right) , $
(6) $ \begin{aligned}[b] C_5 = & n\left(p-15p^2+50p^3-60p^4+24p^5\right)\\ =& \varepsilon\mu \left(-1 + 14\varepsilon - 36 \varepsilon^2 + 24 \varepsilon^3\right) , \end{aligned} $
(7) $ \begin{aligned}[b] C_6 =& n\left(p-31p^2+180p^3-390p^4+360p^5-120p^6\right)\\ =& \varepsilon\mu \left(1-30\varepsilon + 150\varepsilon^2 - 240\varepsilon^3 + 120 \varepsilon^4\right) . \end{aligned} $
(8) If the numbers of protons and anti-protons are independently produced as BD, the net-proton
$ C_6/C_2 $ can be expressed as:$ C_6/C_2 = \frac{C_6^{p}+C_6^{\bar{p}}}{C_{2}^{p}+C_{2}^{\bar{p}}}. $
(9) Generally, the expected
$ C_6/C_2 $ is related to$ \varepsilon_p $ ,$ \varepsilon_{\bar{p}} $ ,$ \mu_p $ , and$ \mu_{\bar{p}} $ . Based on these four parameters, one can obtain the expected$ C_6/C_2 $ in each centrality. In contrast, the experimental studies had shown that$ \varepsilon_p $ and$ \varepsilon_{\bar{p}} $ are close to each other at$ \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 $ GeV in Au + Au collisions shown in Fig. 1(a) [35]. The error contains the statistical and systematical uncertainties, which is performed by$\sigma_{\varepsilon} = \sqrt{\sigma^2_{\rm stat} + \sigma^2_{\rm sys}}$ . The protons and anti-protons are selected at mid-rapidity$ (|y|<0.5) $ within$ 0.4<p_{T}< 2.0 $ GeV/c. It shows$ \varepsilon_p $ and$ \varepsilon_{\bar{p}} $ extracted from STAR are consistent with each other. Within$ 1\sigma_{\varepsilon} $ of uncertainty, the centrality dependence of$ \varepsilon $ is weak. To make an appropriate approximation, we assume$ \varepsilon = \varepsilon_p = \varepsilon_{\bar{p}} $ in this paper. In this case, the expectation of net-proton$ C_6/C_2 $ can be written as:Figure 1. (color online) The left panel shows
$\varepsilon_p$ and$\varepsilon_{\bar{p}}$ in different centralities at$\sqrt{s_{NN}} = $ 200 GeV in Au + Au collisions measured by RHIC/STAR [35]. The protons and anti-protons are identified at mid-rapidity$(|y|<0.5)$ within$0.4<p_{T}< 2.0\; {\rm GeV/c}$ . The right panel shows the$\varepsilon$ dependence of$C_6/C_2$ .$ C_6/C_2 = 1-30\varepsilon + 150\varepsilon^2 - 240\varepsilon^3 + 120 \varepsilon^4. $
(10) Eq. (10) shows the expectation of
$ C_6/C_2 $ is only dependent on$ \varepsilon $ . The effects of$ \mu_p $ and$ \mu_{\bar{p}} $ are canceled. The detailed$ \varepsilon $ dependence of$ C_6/C_2 $ is shown in Fig. 1(b). It shows$ C_6/C_2 $ drops drastically with the decrease of$ \varepsilon $ . It is already negative with$ \varepsilon<0.958 $ , which is within the experimentally measured range. In addition,$ C_6/C_2 $ has a broad range of values, and it can change from positive to negative, within$ 1\sigma_{\varepsilon} $ uncertainty of$ \varepsilon $ . Consequently, it is not suitable to directly give the expectation only based on the unique measured value of$ \varepsilon $ , without considering its uncertainty. Instead, we must set an interval of$ \varepsilon $ to study the behavior of$ C_6/C_2 $ . Figure 1(a) shows that the upper and lower values of the error bars touch$ \varepsilon $ at approximately 0.99 and 0.94, respectively. If we assume the range of$ \varepsilon $ is between 0.94 and 0.99, the expected values of$ C_6/C_2 $ are from –0.31 to 0.71. The negative$ C_6/C_2 $ can be obtained in the pure statistical BD. Only the negative signal is not enough to be taken as an indication of a smooth crossover transition.Here, the obtained
$ C_6/C_2 $ is the ideal theoretical expectation. In the experiment, the statistics are still a critical issue for the analysis of$ C_6/C_2 $ . The satisfaction of the CLT requires to be carefully checked before the data analysis. -
It is known that if the statistics are sufficient for validation of the CLT [40], the experimentally measured results should always be consistent with the true value within
$ 1\sigma $ ,$ 2\sigma $ , and$ 3\sigma $ of uncertainties with probabilities of 68.3%, 95.5%, and 99.7%, respectively. For most of the measurements, such as the mean of the net-proton number, the required statistics for the CLT are easily achieved in experiments. In this case, within the uncertainties, the mean of the measured observable needs to be a real value and independent of the statistics, i.e.,$ \left<X\right>_{n_{1}} = \left<X\right>_{n_{2}} = \left<X\right>_{n_{3}}, $
(11) where
$ X $ is the measured observable. The subscripts$ n_1 $ ,$ n_2 $ , and$ n_3 $ denote different statistics. As an example, Fig. 2(a) shows the simulated$\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ of the net-proton number as a function of the statistics. The BD is applied in simulations with parameters:$\mu_{p} = 12.66, ~ \mu_{\bar{p}} = 7.5, \varepsilon_{p} = $ $ \varepsilon_{\bar{p}} = 0.97$ .$ \mu_{p} $ and$ \mu_{\bar{p}} $ are mean values of proton and anti-proton in 0-10% centrality with$ 0.4<p_{T}<2.0 $ GeV/c and$ |y|<0.5 $ . For each data point, we randomly and independently generate 50 sub-samples with the fixed statistics to calculate$\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ asFigure 2. (color online) Statistics dependence of
$\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ and$\left<C_6/C_2\right>$ , respectively.$ <{\rm Mean} > = \frac{\displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{i = N}({\rm Mean})_i}{N}, $
(12) where
$({\rm Mean})_i$ is the averaged number of net-proton in$i_{\rm th}$ sub-sample. There are two methods to estimate error ($\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ ). One is obtained by the formula of the error propagation:$ {\rm error}(<{\rm Mean}>) = \frac{\sqrt{\displaystyle\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{i = N}{\rm error(Mean)}_i^{2}}}{N}. $
(13) We can also first calculate the width of
$\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ based on these$ N $ results. Then error($\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ ) is the width of$\left < {\rm Mean}\right >$ divided by$ \sqrt{N} $ . A good agreement is obtained based on these two methods. In this paper, the formula of error propagation is used to measure the statistical uncertainty.The simulated statistics in Fig. 2(a) are from 50 to 5000 events. The black dashed line is the theoretical expectation. For the mean of the net-proton number analysis, Fig. 2(a) clearly shows that 50 events are sufficient for the validation of the CLT. That is why we do not require to check whether the statistics are sufficient for most observables.
However, it is a challenge for analysis of the high-order cumulants, which are up to the fifth, sixth, or even eighth order [36-38]. When the CBWC method is applied in cumulants calculations, the statistics in each
$N_{\rm ch}$ are significantly limited in 0-10% centrality even with a few hundred million MB events. As a crude estimation, supposing there are 1000$N_{\rm ch}$ bins in 0-10% centrality, the averaged events are only approximately 10000 in each$N_{\rm ch}$ with 100M MB events. If 10000 events are not sufficient for the CLT in$ C_6/C_2 $ calculations, the value obtained by the CBWC method is not reliable in 0-10% centrality with 100M MB events.By using the same simulated parameters as Fig. 2(a), while the simulated sub-sample
$ N $ is significantly larger than 50, the statistics dependence of$ \left<C_6/C_2\right> $ from 10000 to 3M events are demonstrated in Fig. 2(b). Below 0.1M events in each$N_{\rm ch}$ ,$ \left<C_6/C_2\right> $ is systematically smaller than 0 and theoretical BD expectations. Up to 0.5M events in each$N_{\rm ch}$ ,$ \left<C_6/C_2\right> $ is consistent with theoretical expectations within statistical uncertainties.As we mentioned, the required statistics are also related to the detail shape and width of the net-proton multiplicity distributions [36-38]. The behavior of the statistical dependency in different centralities requires a careful case-by-case study. To directly compare, we study the statistics dependence of
$ C_6/C_2 $ in BD with the same calculation method as RHIC/STAR.
The sixth order cumulant of net-proton number in Binomial distribution at $ {\sqrt{{\boldsymbol s}_{\boldsymbol{NN}}}}$ = 200 GeV
- Received Date: 2021-04-12
- Available Online: 2021-10-15
Abstract: It is proposed that ratios of the sixth order to the second order cumulant (