The research on
CP violation is vital for accurately testing the Standard Model (SM), searching for the origin ofCP violation, and exploring new physics.CP violation has been favored by scientists since its discovery in 1964 [1, 2]. The decays of B mesons are important events for us to study theCP violation. In recent years, with the operation of large-scale experimental devices such as LHC and BESIII, breakthroughs have been achieved in the experimental and theoretical research on theCP violation of the heavy-flavor meson system. In 2013 and 2019, the LHC Collaboration discovered largeCP violations in the three-body decay of the B mesons (B±→π±π+π− andB±→K±π+π− decays) [3, 4], which attracted many theorists to explore the mysteries.The nature of the light scalar mesons has attracted significant interest for decades since its discovery [5–11]. Because of sharing the same quantum numbers, light scalar mesons have an important role in elucidating the QCD vacuum. The
a00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism has been a popular research topic because of its potential to reveal the structure of scalar mesons. In the late 1970s, thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect was first suggested theoretically [12].a00(980) andf0(980) have the same spin parity quantum numbers but different isospins. Because of the isospin breaking effect, when they decay intoKˉK , a difference of 8MeV exists between the charged and neutral kaon thresholds. To date,a00(980) andf0(980) mixing has been studied extensively in various processes and with respect to its different aspects [13–33]. The signal of this effect was observed for the first time by the BESIII Collaboration in theJ/ψ→ϕf0(980)→ϕa00(980)→ϕηπ0 andχc1→a00(980)π0→f0(980)π0→π+π−π0 decays [34]. Inspired by the fact thatρ−ω mixing (also due to isospin breaking effect) can induce largeCP violations when the invariant mass of theππ pair is in theρ−ω mixing effective area [35–37], we aimed to study thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect on the localizedCP violations in three-body decays of the B meson.In this paper, we investigate the localized
CP violation bya00(980)−f0(980) mixing and the branching fraction of theB−→Kf0→K−π+π− decay in the QCDF approach. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Sect. II, we present the formalism for B decays in the QCDF approach. In Sect. III, we present thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism, calculations of the localizedCP violation, and the branching fraction of theB−→Kf0→K−π+π− decay. The numerical results are provided in Sect. IV, and we summarize and discuss the paper in Sect V. -
In the framework of the QCD factorization approach [38, 39], we can obtain the matrix element B decaying to two mesons
M1 andM2 by matching the effective weak Hamiltonian onto a transition operator, which is summarized as follows (λ(D)p=VpbV∗pD withD=d or s)⟨M1M2|Heff|B⟩=∑p=u,cλ(D)p⟨M1M2|TpA+TpB|B⟩,
(1) where
TpA andTpB describe the contributions from non-annihilation and annihilation topology amplitudes, respectively, which can be expressed in terms of the parametersapi andbpi , respectively, both of which are defined in detail in Ref. [38].With the operator product expansion, the effective weak Hamiltonian can be expressed as [38]
(2) where
G_{\rm F}} represents the Fermi constant,λ(D)p=VpbV∗pD (Vpb andVpD are the CKM matrix elements),D=d,s can be a down or strange quark, andci(i=1,2,⋯,10) are the Wilson coefficients. The operatorsQi are given by [39]Qp1=(ˉpb)V−A(ˉsp)V−A,Qp2=(ˉpαbβ)V−A(ˉsβpα)V−A,Q3=(ˉsb)V−A∑q(ˉqq)V−A,Q4=(ˉsαbβ)V−A∑q(ˉqβqα)V−A,Q5=(ˉsb)V−A∑q(ˉqq)V+A,Q6=(ˉsαbβ)V−A∑q(ˉqβqα)V+A,
(3) where
Qp1,2 andQ3−10 are the tree and penguin operators, respectively,Q7γ is the electromagnetic dipole operator,Q8g is the chromomagnetic dipole operators, α and β are color indices, andq=u,d,s,c,b quarks.Generally,
api includes the contributions from the naive factorization, vertex correction, penguin amplitude, and spectator scattering terms, which have the following expressions [38]:api(M1M2)=(ci+ci±1Nc)Ni(M2)+ci±1NcCFαs4π×[Vi(M2)+4π2NcHi(M1M2)]+Ppi(M2),
(4) where
Ni(M2) are the leading-order coefficients,Vi(M2) ,Hi(M1M2) , andPpi(M1M2) are from one-loop vertex corrections, hard spectator interactions with a hard gluon exchange between the emitted meson, and the spectator quark of the B meson and penguin contractions, respectively, and their specific forms and derivations are presented in Refs. [5, 38, 40],CF=(N2c−1)/2Nc withNc=3 [38].The weak annihilation contributions can be expressed in terms of
bi andbi,EW , which areb1=CFN2cc1Ai1,b2=CFN2cc2Ai1,bp3=CFN2c[c3Ai1+c5(Ai3+Af3)+Ncc6Af3],bp4=CFN2c[c4Ai1+c6Ai2],bp3,EW=CFN2c[c9Ai1+C7(Ai3+Af3)+Ncc8Af3],bp4,EW=CFN2c[c10Ai1+c8Ai2],
(5) where the subscripts 1, 2, 3 of
Ai,fn(n=1,2,3) denote the annihilation amplitudes induced from(V−A)(V−A) ,(V−A)(V+A) , and(S−P)(S+P) operators, respectively, the superscripts i and f refer to gluon emission from the initial- and final-state quarks, respectively. The explicit expressions forAi,fn are provided in Ref. [41].Concretely,
TpA contains the contributions from naive factorization, vertex correction, penguin amplitude, and spectator scattering and can be expressed asTpA=δpuα1(M1M2)A([ˉqsu][ˉuD])+δpuα2(M1M2)A([ˉqsD][ˉuu])+αp3(M1M2)∑qA([ˉqsD][ˉqq])+αp4(M1M2)∑qA([ˉqsq][ˉqD])+αp3,EW(M1M2)∑q32eqA([ˉqsD][ˉqq])+αp4,EW(M1M2)∑q32eqA([ˉqsq][ˉqD]),
(6) where the sums extend over
q=u,d,s , andˉqs(=ˉu,ˉdorˉs) denotes the spectator antiquark. The coefficientsαpi(M1M2) andαpi,EW(M1M2) contain all dynamical information and can be expressed in terms of the coefficientsapi .For the power-suppressed annihilation part, we can parameterize it into the following form:
(7) where
q,q′=u,d,s and the sums extend overq,q′ . The sum overq′ occurs because a quark-antiquark pair must be created viag→ˉq′q′ after the spectator quark is annihilated. -
In the condition of turning on the
a00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism, we can obtain the propagator matrix ofa00(980) andf0(980) by summing up all the contributions ofa00(980)→f0(980)→⋅⋅⋅→a00(980) andf0(980)→a00(980)→⋅⋅⋅→f0(980) , respectively, which are expressed as [33](Pa0(s)Pa0f0(s)Pf0a0(s)Pf0(s))=1Df0(s)Da0(s)−|Λ(s)|2(Da0(s)Λ(s)Λ(s)Df0(s)), (8) where
Pa0(s) andPf0(s) are the propagators ofa0 andf0 , respectively,Pa0f0(s) ,Pf0a0(s) , andΛ(s) occur due to thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect, andDa0(s) andDf0(s) are the denominators for the propagators ofa0 andf0 when thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect is absent, respectively, which can be expressed as follows in the Flatté parametrization:Da0(s)=m2a0−s−i√s[Γa0ηπ(s)+Γa0KˉK(s)],Df0(s)=m2f0−s−i√s[Γf0ππ(s)+Γf0KˉK(s)],
(9) where
ma0 andmf0 are the masses of thea0 andf0 mesons, respectively, with the decay widthΓabc expressed asΓabc(s)=g2abc16π√sρbc(s)with
(10) Scholars have indicated that the contribution from the amplitude of
a00(980)−f0(980) mixing is convergent and can be expressed as an expansion in theKˉK phase space when onlyKˉK loop contributions are considered [12, 42],Λ(s)KˉK=ga0K+K−gf0K+K−16π{i[ρK+K−(s)−ρK0ˉK0(s)]−O(ρ2K+K−(s)−ρ2K0ˉK0(s))},
(11) where
ga0K+K− andgf0K+K− are the effective coupling constants. Since the mixing mainly results from theKˉK loops, we can adoptΛ(s)≈ΛKˉK(s) . -
With the
a00(980)−f0(980) mixing being considered, the process of theB−→K−π+π− decay is shown in Fig. 1 and the amplitude can be expressed asM=⟨K−π+π−|HT|B−⟩+⟨K−π+π−|HP|B−⟩,
(12) in which
HT andHP are the tree and penguin operators, respectively, and we obtain⟨K−π+π−|HT|B−⟩=gf0ππTf0Df0+gf0ππTa0ΛDa0Df0−Λ2,⟨K−π+π−|HP|B−⟩=gf0ππPf0Df0+gf0ππPa0ΛDa0Df0−Λ2,
(13) where
Ta0(f0) andPa0(f0) represent the tree and penguin diagram amplitudes forB→Ka0(f0) decay, respectively. Substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (12), the total amplitude of the decayB−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π− can be expressed asM(B−→K−π+π−)=gf0ππDf0M(B−→K−f0)+gf0ππΛDa0Df0−Λ2M(B−→K−a0).
(14) In the QCD factorization approach, we derive the amplitudes of the
B−→K−f0 andB−→K−a0 decays, which areM(B−→K−f0)=−GF√2∑p=u,cλ(s)p{(δpua1+ap4−rKχap6+ap10−rKχap8)fu0K(m2B−m2f0)fKFBfu00(m2K)−(δpua2+2ap3+2ap5+12ap9+12ap7)Kfu0(m2B−m2K)ˉffu0FBK0(m2f0)−(ap3+ap5+ap4−rfχap6−12ap9−12ap7−12ap10+12rfχap8)Kfs0(m2B−m2K)ˉffs0FBK0(m2f0)+(δpub2+bp3+b3,EW)Kfu0fBˉffu0fK+(δp,ub2+bp3−12b3,EW)Kfs0fBˉffs0fK}, (15) and
(16) respectively, where
GF represents the Fermi constant;fB ,fK ,ˉff0 , andˉfa0 are the decay constants of B, K,f0 , anda0 , respectively;FBfu00(m2K) ,FBK0(m2f0) , andFBa00(m2K) are the form factors for the B tof0 , K anda0 transitions, respectively.By integrating the numerator and denominator of the differential
CP asymmetry parameter, we can obtain the localized integratedCP asymmetry, which can be measured using experiments and takes the following form in the region R:ARCP=∫Rdsds′(∣M∣2−∣ˉM∣2)∫Rdsds′(∣M∣2+∣ˉM∣2),
(17) where s and
s′ are the invariant masses squared ofππ orKπ pair in our case, andˉM is the decay amplitude of theCP -conjugate process.Since the decay process
B−→K−π+π− has a three-body final state, the branching fraction of this decay can be expressed as [43]B=τB(2π)516m2B∫ds|p∗1||p3|∫dΩ∗1∫dΩ3|M|2,
(18) in which
Ω∗1 andΩ3 are the solid angles for the final π in theππ rest frame and for the final K in the B meson rest frame, respectively,|p∗1| and|p3| are the norms of the three-momenta of final-state π in theππ rest frame and K in the B rest frame, respectively, which take the following forms:|p∗1|=√λ(s,m2π,m2π)2√s,|p3|=√λ(m2B,m2K,s)2mB,
(19) where
λ(a,b,c) is the Källén function and with the formλ(a,b,c)=a2+b2+c2−2(ab+ac+bc) . -
When solving the contributions from the hard spectator and the weak annihilation, we encounter the singularity problem of infrared divergence
X=∫10dx/(1−x) . We can adopt the method in Refs. [5, 38, 39] to parameterize the endpoint divergence asXH,A=(1+ρH,AeiϕH,A)lnmBΛh , whereΛh is a typical scale of order 0.5GeV ,ρH,A is an unknown real parameter, andϕH,A is the free strong phase in the range[0,2π] . For convenience, we use the notationsρ=ρH,A andϕ=ϕH,A . In our calculations, we adoptρ∈[0,1] andϕ∈[0,2π] for the two-bodyB−→K−f0 andB−→K−a0 decays. The first term of Eq. (14) is the amplitude of theB−→K−π+π− decay without the effect of thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing when the mass of theπ+π− pair is in the vicinity of thef0(980) resonance. Substituting this term into Eq. (17), we can obtain the localizedCP violation of theB−→K−f0→K−π+π− decay when we consider the integration interval as[mf0−Γf0,mf0+Γf0] , which isACP(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=[0.126,0.338] (Fig. 2 (a)). Using the central value form, we can express it asACP(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=0.232±0.106 . Substituting Eqs. (15) and (16) into Eq. (14), we can also obtain the total amplitude of theB−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π− decay with thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism. Subsequently, by inserting it into Eq. (17), we can also obtain the result of the localizedCP violation in the presence ofa00(980)−f0(980) mixing by integrating the same integration interval as above. The predicted result isACP(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)=[0.230,0.615] (0.423±0.193 with the central value form), which is plotted in Fig. 2 (b). TheCP violating asymmetry in Fig. 2 (b) is significantly larger than that in Fig. 2 (a). Thus, we conclude that thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism can induce a larger localizedCP violation for theB−→K−π+π− decay. For consistency, we also calculate the branching fraction of theB−→K−π+π− decay with thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect being considered and estimate the relative contribution strength of this effect,R . We obtainB(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)=[6.852,15.64]×10−6 andR=[0.0008,0.017] , respectively. Compared with the contribution from first term in Eq. (14), that from the second term is very small and can even be ignored when calculating the branching fraction; thus, we obtainB(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)≈B(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−) . Subsequently, we calculate the branching fraction of theB−→Kf0→K−π+π− decay combining the first term in Eq. (14) and Eqs. (15) and (18), the theoretical result isB(B−→K−f0→K−π+π−)=[7.150,14.89]×10−6 , which is plotted in Fig. 3. This result is consistent with the experimental resultB(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=(9.4+1.0−1.2)×10−6 [44] when the divergence parameter ranges are used asρ∈[0,1] andϕ∈[0,2π] .Figure 2. (color online) Localized
CP violation of theB−→K−f0→K−π+π− decay (a) without thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism, (b) with thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism.In addition to the above specific calculations, from a logical perspective, we can perform the following analysis as in Ref. [45]. The width or the branching fraction of the cascade decay
B−→Kf0→K−π+π− can be split into the weak decayB−→Kf0 and strong decayf0→π+π− , and can be replaced by the width relationship asΓB−→Kf0→K−π+π−∝ΓB−→Kf0 Γf0→π+π− adopting the narrow width approximation, withΓB−→Kf0∝∣MB−→Kf0+Δa0f0MB−→Ka0∣2 . The mixing term contribution is small, at most a few percent or less; hence, it is negligible to branching fraction. However, the mixing corrections behave differently forCP conjugate processes, which has been discussed in detail in Ref. [45];ACP(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)=A0CP+ΔACP with a Taylor expansion ofACP up toO(mixing−term) , whereA0CP andΔACP are theCP violations without and only considering thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect, respectively. From our calculation, we can deriveΔACP=0.191±0.087 which is comparable to the value ofA0CP=0.232±0.106 and cannot be ignored. These analysis are consistent with the above calculations. Therefore, we propose that thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism be extended and applied to other decays. -
In this paper, we have studied the localized integrated
CP violation of theB−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π− decay considering thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism in the QCD factorization approach. We observe that the localized integratedCP violation is enlarged owing to thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect. Without thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing, the localizedCP violation is observed to beACP(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=[0.126,0.338] (0.232±0.106 with the central value form), whileACP(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)=[0.230,0.615] (0.423±0.193 with the central value form) when this mixing effect is considered. Meanwhile, theCP violation caused by the mixing termΔACP=0.191±0.087 is comparable to that ofA0CP=0.232±0.106 when the mixing effect is not considered; therefore, we cannot easily ignore the contribution from thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect. In addition, we also calculate the branching fraction of theB−→K−f0→K−π+π− decay and obtainB(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=[7.150,14.89]×10−6 as shown in Fig. 3, which agrees well with the experimental resultB(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−)=9.4+1.0−1.2×10−6 . The mixing corrections for the branching fraction behave differently forCP conjugate processes, as mentioned in Sect. IV. Since the mixing term is very small, often a few percent or even less, while calculating the branching fraction, we can ontain the approximationB(B−→K−f0(a0)→K−π+π−)≈B(B−→Kf0→K−π+π−) by ignoring thea00(980)−f0(980) mixing effect. However, forCP violation, this mixing effect contributes significantly and cannot be neglected. The same scenario is also expended for other B or D mesons decay channels. Thus, we suggest thata00(980)−f0(980) mixing mechanism should be considered when studying the heavy meson decays both theoretically and experimentally when this mixing effect can exist. -
One of the authors (J.-J. Qi) thanks Professor Zhi-Qing Zhang for helpful discussions.
In the numerical calculations, we should input distribution amplitudes and the CKM matrix elements in the Wolfenstein parametrization. For the CKM matrix elements, which are determined from experiments, we use the results in Ref. [43]:
\bar{\rho}=\rho\left(1-\frac{\lambda^2}{2}\right), \quad \bar{\eta}=\eta\left(1-\frac{\lambda^2}{2}\right).\tag{A2}
The Wilson coefficients used in our calculations are obtained from Refs. [46–49]. It should be noted that the convention in this work is different from that in Ref. [46] for the effective Hamiltonian (from the expressions of the
Q_{1, 2}^p ), so we adoptc_1=1.1502 andc_2=-0.3125 :\begin{aligned}[b] &c_1=1.1502, \quad c_2=-0.3125,\quad c_3=0.0174,\\& c_4=-0.0373,\quad c_5=0.0104,\quad c_6=-0.0459,\\&c_7=-1.050\times10^{-5},\quad c_8=3.839\times10^{-4}, \\& c_9=-0.0101,\quad c_{10}=1.959\times10^{-3}. \end{aligned}\tag{A3}
For the masses of mesons appeared in B decays, we use the following values [43] (in units of GeV):
\begin{aligned}[b]&m_{B^-}=5.279,\quad m_{K^-}=0.494,\quad m_{f_0(980)}=0.990,\\& m_{a_0^0(980)}=0.980,\quad m_{\pi^\pm}=0.14, \end{aligned}\tag{A4}
whereas, for the widths we use (in
{\rm{GeV}} ) [43]\Gamma_{f_0(980)}=0.074,\quad\Gamma_{a_0^0(980)}=0.092. \tag{A5}
The pole masses of quarks are [43] (in
{\rm{GeV}} ):\begin{aligned}[b]&m_u=m_d=0.0035, \quad m_b=4.78,\\& m_q=\frac{m_u+m_d}{2},\quad m_c=1.67. \end{aligned}\tag{A6}
The running masses of quarks are [5, 43] (in
{\rm{GeV}} ):\begin{aligned}[b]&m_s(1{\rm{GeV}})=0.119,\quad m_c(m_c)=1.30, \\& m_b(m_b)=4.20, \quad \frac{m_s(\mu)}{m_{u,d}(\mu)}=27.5. \end{aligned}\tag{A7}
The following numerical values for the decay constants are used [5, 50–52](in
{\rm{GeV}} ):\begin{aligned}[b]& f_{\pi^\pm}=0.131,\quad f_{B^-}=0.21\pm0.02, \\& f_{K^-}=0.156\pm0.007,\\& \bar{f}_{f_0(980)}=0.370\pm0.02, \\&\bar{f}_{a_0^0(980)}=0.365\pm0.02. \end{aligned}\tag{A8}
For the form factors, we use [5]
\begin{aligned}[b]&F_0^{B\rightarrow K}(0)=0.35\pm0.04,\\& F_0^{B\rightarrow f_0(980)}(0)=0.25, \\& F_0^{B\rightarrow a_0^0(980)}(0)=0.25.\end{aligned}\tag{A9}
The values of Gegenbauer moments at
\mu=1 {\rm{GeV}} are obtained from [5]:\begin{aligned}[b]& B_{1,f_0(980)}=-0.78\pm0.08,\quad B_{3,f_0(980)}=0.02\pm0.07,\\& B_{1,a_0^0(980)}=-0.93\pm0.10,\quad B_{3,a_0^0(980)}=0.14\pm0.08. \end{aligned} \tag{A10}
Impact of a00(980)−f0(980) mixing on the localized CP violations of the B−→K−π+π− decay
- Received Date: 2022-02-28
- Available Online: 2022-08-15
Abstract: In the framework of the QCD factorization approach, we study the localized