In this study, we investigate a cosmological model in the context of spatially homogeneous BI space-time, which is given as follows:
\begin{equation} {\rm d} s^2={\rm d}t^{2}-A^{2}(t){\rm d}x^{2}-B^{2}(t){\rm d}y^{2}-C^{2}(t){\rm d}z^{2}, \end{equation}
(1) where A, B, and C are the directional scale factors, which are functions of the cosmic time t alone. Thus, the average scale factor is given by
a=(ABC)^{1/3} . If we consider the matter field to consist of dark matter (DM) and DE, then the field equations in the BI model are given by\begin{equation} R_{ij}-\frac{1}{2}Rg_{ij}=\frac{1}{M_p^2}(T^m_{ij}+T_{ij}^\mathrm{de}), \end{equation}
(2) where
T^m_{ij} andT_{ij}^\mathrm{de} are the energy momentum tensor for DM and DE, respectively, andM^2_P=\dfrac{1}{8\pi G} is the reduced Planck mass.The energy conservation equation reads as
\begin{equation} (T^m_{ij}+T_{ij}^\mathrm{de})_{;\; j}=0. \end{equation}
(3) Equation (3) leads to
\begin{eqnarray} \dot{\rho}_m+\dot{\rho}_\mathrm{de}+3H\rho_m+3H(1+\omega_\mathrm{de})\rho_\mathrm{de}=0, \end{eqnarray}
(4) where
\rho_m and\rho_\mathrm{de} are the energy density of DM and DE, respectively,\omega_\mathrm{de}=p_\mathrm{de}/\rho_\mathrm{de} is the EoS parameter of DE, the over dot denotes derivatives with respect to time (t), and H is the mean Hubble function, defined asH=\dot{a}/a , with a as the average scale factor. Now, the mean Hubble parameter in BI space-time is given byH=\frac{1}{3}(H_1+H_2+H_3)=\frac{1}{3}\left(\frac{\dot{A}}{A}+\frac{\dot{B}}{B}+\frac{\dot{C}}{C}\right),
(5) where
H_1=\dot{A}/A ,H_2=\dot{B}/B , andH_3=\dot{C}/C are directional Hubble parameters. The scalar expansion and shear scalar can be defined as\theta=u^i_{;i}=\frac{\dot{A}}{A}+\frac{\dot{B}}{B}+\frac{\dot{C}}{C},
(6) \sigma^2=\frac{1}{2} \sigma_{ij}\sigma^{ij}=\frac{1}{2}\left( \left(\frac{\dot{A}}{A}\right)^{2}+ \left(\frac{\dot{B}}{B}\right)^{2}+\left(\frac{\dot{C}}{C}\right)^{2} \right )-\frac{1}{6}\theta^{2},
(7) where
\sigma_{ij}=u_{(i;j)}-\dot{u}_{(i }u_{j)}-\dfrac{1}{3}\theta h_{ij} is the shear tensor,h=g_{ij}-u_i u_j is the projection tensor, andu_i=(1, 0, 0, 0) is the four-velocity in the comoving coordinates. In the comoving coordinate system, considering Eqs. (5)−(7), the field in Eq. (2) for metric (1) is written as follows [47−49]:\begin{eqnarray} &&3H^2-\sigma^2=\frac{1}{M_p^2}(\rho_{m}+\rho_{\rm de}), \end{eqnarray}
(8) \begin{eqnarray} &&2\dot{H}+3H^2+\sigma^2=-\frac{1}{M_p^2}(\rho_{\rm de}\omega_{\rm de}). \end{eqnarray}
(9) Considering the particular case
\sigma=0 (implyingA(t) \rightarrow B(t)\rightarrow C(t) in (7)),\; A(t)=B(t)=C(t)=a(t) , the field equation is re-obtained in the framework of the flat FRW metric. Now, by introducing the density parameters\Omega_i for matter, DE, and anisotropy of the universe, we obtain\begin{eqnarray} \Omega_{m}=\frac{ \rho_{m}}{3M_p^2 H^2},\; \; \Omega_{\rm de}=\frac{ \rho_{\rm de}}{3M_p^2 H^2},\; \; \Omega_{\sigma}=\frac{\sigma^2}{3 H^2}. \end{eqnarray}
(10) Note that the continuity equation for anisotropy can be written as
\begin{eqnarray} \dot{\sigma}+3H\sigma=0, \end{eqnarray}
(11) which in turn gives
\begin{eqnarray} \sigma=\sigma_0 a^{-3}, \end{eqnarray}
(12) where
\sigma_0 is the constant of integration. This shows that for smaller a, the shear scalar can increase faster and for large quantities, leans to zero. This indicates that at a late time, the universe can seem isotropic like. Because the stiff or Zeldovich fluid is included in the base ΛCDM model, the shear scalar\sigma^2 contributes to the BI equation as a stiff fluid\rho_\sigma\propto a^{-6} , described by the EoS of the form\omega_\sigma=1 . Moreover, the observations of redshift survey place the limit as\sigma/H\leq0.3 in the neighborhood of our present day galaxy. Collins et al. [50] concluded that for spatially homogeneous space-time, the normal congruence to homogeneous expansion follows the above condition, where\sigma/H is constant.Owing to the lack of complete knowledge on DE, one way to analyze models on the other side of the cosmological constant is to parameterize the EoS parameter
w(z) . To do this, we consider the simplest parameterization of the EoS parameter of DE, given by [51, 52]\begin{eqnarray} \omega(z)=\frac{\omega_0}{1+z}, \end{eqnarray}
(13) where
\omega_0 denotes the present value of the EoS parameter of DE. The main reason for considering the parameterization of\omega(z) in the form of Eq. (13) is that atz=0 , it gives\omega(0)=\omega_0 and obtains (z\rightarrow \infty ),\omega(\infty)\sim0 at early times, which is eventually true when modeling the universe. The best fit value of\omega_0 to gold SNIa, SDSS, and WMAP datasets is\omega_0=-1.1 [51]. Hence, the parameter favors DE of phantom origin. From the energy conservation law (4),\dot{\rho}_{m}+3H(\rho_{m}+p_{m})=0 holds for barotropic matter. For the dust filled current universe "p_m=0 " and using the relation1+z=1/a , we get\rho_m=\rho_{m_0}(1+z)^3 . The conservation law for the DE model is\dot{\rho}_\mathrm{de}+3H(1+\omega_\mathrm{de}(z))\rho_\mathrm{de}=0 . Therefore, the DE density\rho_{\rm de} is written as\rho_{\rm de}=\rho_0 \exp\left[3\int_0^z\left( \frac{1+\omega(z')}{1+z'}\right) {\rm d}z'\right],
(14) where
\omega(z') is that given by Eq. (13). From Eq. (14), we can deduce that the evolution of the DE component is highly dependent on the form of its EoS parameter\omega(z') . Combining Eqs. (13) and (14), the DE density is given as\rho_{\rm de}=\rho_0(1+z)^3 \exp\left(\frac{3\omega_0 z}{1+z}\right).
(15) For
z\gg 1 , we see that\rho_{\rm de}\sim\rho_0(1+z)^3 {\rm e}^{3\omega_0} and\rho_{\rm de}\rightarrow \infty whenz\rightarrow -1 . Now, substituting\rho_m ,\rho_{\rm de} , and\sigma^2 into Eq. (10), we get\begin{aligned}[b] \Omega_{m}=&\Omega_{m_0}(1+z)^3\left(\frac{ H_0}{H}\right)^2,\\ \Omega_{\rm de}=&\Omega_{ de_0}(1+z)^3 \exp\left(\frac{3\omega_0 z}{1+z}\right)\left(\frac{ H_0}{H}\right)^2,\\ \Omega_{\sigma}=&\Omega_{\sigma_0}(1+z)^6\left(\frac{ H_0}{H}\right)^2, \end{aligned}
(16) where
H_0 is the current Hubble parameter,\Omega_{m_0}=\rho_{m_0}/ 3M_p^2H^2_0 is the density parameter for the matter content,\Omega_{de_0}=\rho_{de_0}/3M_p^2H^2_0 is the density parameter for DE, and\Omega_{\sigma_0}=\sigma^2_0/3H^2_0 is the density parameter for the anisotropy of the present universe. Using Eqs. (9), (10), and (16) leads to\begin{aligned} H^2(z)=&H_0^2\bigg[\Omega_{m_0}(1+z)^3+\Omega_{\sigma_0} (1+z)^6\\&+(1-\Omega_{m_0}-\Omega_{\sigma_0}) (1+z)^3 {\rm e}^{\textstyle\frac{3\omega_0 z}{1+z}}\bigg]. \end{aligned}
(17) The term
\Omega_{\sigma_0} (1+z)^6 is the fastest growing term in the average expansion rate as it increases with increasing average redshift z. Notice that the ΛCDM model is recovered for\omega_0=0 . We also note that\Omega_{m_0}+\Omega_{de_0}= 1-\Omega_{\sigma_0} . This states that if the shear tensor tends toward zero, the sum of the energy density parameters approaches1 at late times. -
The property of ΛCDM and parameterization of the EoS of the DE model is investigated using the best fit value for the model parameters
\Omega_{m_0} ,\Omega_{\sigma_0} ,\omega_{0} , and M in an anisotropic universe. In what follows, we describe the database used. -
A Pantheon sample with a set of the latest data points for the apparent magnitude of SNIa in the range
0.01< z<2.26 is used as one of two data point samples in this study [46]. This sample includes 279 spectroscopically confirmed SNIa discovered by the Pan-STARRS1(PS1) Medium Deep Survey [46, 53], Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) [54, 55], and Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) [56, 57]. We compute the residuals\Delta \mu and minimize the quantity\begin{eqnarray} \chi^2_\mathrm{SN}=\Delta \mu^\mathrm{T}. {Cov}^{-1}.\Delta \mu, \end{eqnarray}
(18) where
\Delta\mu\equiv \mu^\mathrm{obs}-\mu^\mathrm{th} ,{Cov} is the covariance matrix,\mu^\mathrm{obs} is taken from the compilation presented in [46], and the\mu^{\rm th} distance modulus of the luminosity distance is estimated, which is defined as\begin{equation} \mu(z_i)=M+5\log_{10}\bigg[(1+z)H_0\int^z_0 {\rm d} z'H^{-1}(z')\bigg]+25, \end{equation}
(19) where M represents the absolute B-band magnitude of a fiducial SNIa, and
H(z) contains the free parameters of Eq. (17). From Eq. (19), we can easily see a degeneracy between the parameters M andH_0 , which is considered constant in the context of a DE modelH(z) . Therefore, if we take M to be a member of the set of nuisance parameters characterizing the SN luminosities, the parameterization of the EoS of the DE model will have, at most, only three parameters:\Omega_{m_0} ,\Omega_{\sigma_0} , and\omega_{0} . For consistency with Refs. [46, 58], we setH_0 =70\; \mathrm{km \; s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}} . -
The Hubble dataset with 52 data points in the redshift range
0\leq z\leq2.36 is extracted in this study (see Table 1). Out of the 52 Hubble data points, 30 points are measured via the method of differential age (DA). BAO and another method are applied to extract the remaining 22 points. Table 1 shows the 52 H(z) points used in this paper and Refs. [59−61]. To find the best fit value of the parameters of the obtained models, we use the technique of a\chi^2 -test defined by the following statistical formula:z H(z) \sigma'_{H^{\rm obs}(z)} z H(z) \sigma'_{H^{\rm obs}(z)} 0 73.24 1.74 0.07 69 19.6 0.1 69 12 0.12 68.6 26.2 0.17 83 8 0.1791 75 4 0.1993 75 5 0.2 72.9 29.6 0.24 79.69 2.65 0.27 77 14 0.28 88.8 36.6 0.3 81.7 6.22 0.31 78.17 4.74 0.35 82.7 8.4 0.3519 83 14 0.36 79.93 3.39 0.38 81.5 1.9 0.3802 83 13.5 0.4 95 17 0.4004 77 10.2 0.4247 87.1 11.2 0.43 86.45 3.68 0.44 82.6 7.8 0.4497 92.8 12.9 0.47 89 34 0.4783 80.9 9 0.48 97 60 0.51 90.4 1.9 0.52 94.35 2.65 0.56 93.33 2.32 0.57 96.8 3.4 0.59 98.48 3.19 0.5929 104 13 0.6 87.9 6.1 0.61 97.3 2.1 0.64 98.82 2.99 0.6797 92 8 0.73 97.3 7 0.7812 105 12 0.8754 125 17 0.88 90 40 0.9 117 23 1.037 154 20 1.3 168 17 1.363 160 33.6 1.43 177 18 153 140 14 1.75 202 40 1.965 186.5 50.4 2.33 224 8 2.34 222 7 2.36 226 8 Table 1. Hubble parameter
H(z) with redshift and errors\sigma'_i .\begin{eqnarray} \chi^2_{H(z)}=\sum_{n=1}^{52} \frac{[(H_i)_\mathrm{th}(z)-(H_i)_\mathrm{obs}(z)]^2}{\sigma'^2_{(H_i)_\mathrm{obs}(z)}}, \end{eqnarray}
(20) where
(H_i)_\mathrm{obs} and(H_i)_\mathrm{th} are the observed and predicted values of the Hubble parameter, respectively. -
In our examination, the different measurements of SNIa and H(z) are merged by adding their corresponding
\chi^2 functions. They are not all dependent on each other and explore different cosmic periods. We express the combination of all the data as\begin{eqnarray} \chi^2_\mathrm{Total}=\chi^2_\mathrm{SNIa}+\chi^2_ {H(z)}, \end{eqnarray}
(21) where each function is defined as explained in previous subsections.
Now, we are ready to apply the maximum likelihood technique [62] using the effects of anisotropy on the aforementioned DE models. A cosmological model with a standard DM and DE component, considering the parameterization Eq. (13) with
H(z) defined in (17), is considered. A statistical method based on MLE is developed to minimize the\chi^2 estimator with reduced chi-squared,\chi^2_{\rm red}= \chi^2_{\rm min}/(d.o.f.) . In addition to the MLE technique, a prior technique on the Hubble parameter tensionH_0 =70 \mathrm{km \; s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}} is established, as cited in Refs. [46, 58]. We depict two dimensional contours in the1\sigma' and2\sigma' confidence regions by bounding our model with Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) data, which is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The results of this analysis are summarized in Table 2.Figure 1. (color online) One-dimensional posterior distributions and two-dimensional marginalized contours (
1\sigma' and2\sigma' ) for the parameters\Omega_{m_0} ,\Omega_{\sigma_0} ,\omega_0 , and M in the parameterization of the DE model (\omega=\omega_0/(1+z) ) using the Pantheon data forH_0 =70\; \mathrm{km \; s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}} prior.ΛCDM model Parameterization of the DE model Parameters Pantheon data Pantheon+H(z) data Pantheon data Pantheon+H(z) data \Omega_{m_0} 0.229\pm0.038 0.286\pm0.009 0.181\pm0.221 0.285\pm0.055 \Omega_{\sigma_0} 0.01098\pm0.00749 -0.00078\pm0.00041 0.00503\pm0.01341 -0.00183\pm0.00091 M -19.298\pm0.008 -19.291\pm0.005 -19.306\pm0.012 -19.312\pm0.009 \omega_0 - - -1.013\pm0.339 -1.205\pm0.165 \chi^2_{min} 1007.02 1039.38 1006.14 1033.52 \chi^2_{\rm red} 0.963 0.947 0.964 0.943 Table 2. Best fit values of the cosmological parameters for the ΛCDM (left) and parameterization of the DE model (
\omega=\omega_0/(1+z) ) (right) in an anisotropic universe forH_0 =70\; \mathrm{km \; s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}} prior.Figure 2. (color online) One-dimensional posterior distributions and two-dimensional marginalized contours (
1\sigma' and2\sigma' ) for the parameters\Omega_{m_0} ,\Omega_{\sigma_0} ,\omega_0 , and M in the parameterization of the DE model (\omega=\omega_0/(1+z) ) using the Pantheon+H(z) data forH_0 =70\; \mathrm{km \; s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}} prior.Considering the standard ΛCDM scenario with the Pantheon sample, we obtain
\Omega_{m_0}=0.229\pm0.038 andM=-19.298\pm0.008 (see the first row of Table 2). Given the SNLS sample for the ΛCDM model, Guy et al. obtained\Omega_{m_0}=0.215 andM=-19.21 , which are compatible with current observational data [63]. By combining the Pantheon data with the H(z) data for ΛCDM in the BI model, we obtain\Omega_{m_0}=0.286\pm0.009 andM=-19.291 \pm0.005 . From Table 2, we find that the smallest value of the reduced\chi^2_{\rm red} belongs to the parameterization of the DE model with the Pantheon+H(z) data.Considering the fit results of the parameterization of the DE model with the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) datasets, it is realized that for the parameterization of the DE model, the value of the best fit obtained for
\Omega_{m_0} is approximately equal to\Omega_{m_0}=0.181 (for Pantheon+H(z)\Omega_{m_0}=0.285 ). Then, the fit value of\Omega_{m_0} in the parameterization of the DE model in the BI model is confirmed with the ΛCDM model using the data combinations. The nuisance parameter is constrained asM=-19.306,\; -19.312 with the Pantheon and combined H(z)+Pantheon data, which is in agreement with the results of Ref. [46], where anisotropy cosmology was not considered. With regard to the SNIa and H(z) data in our analysis, we apply the constraint\Omega_{\sigma_0}<10^{-3} . A comparison with the direct-model independent observational data shows that the method used is appropriate [35, 44].Having obtained the SNIa data, we have
\omega_0= -1.013\pm0.339 at the1\sigma' confidence level. By combining the H(z) and Pantheon datasets, the parameterization of the DE model approach leads to\omega_0=-1.205\pm0.165 at the1\sigma' confidence level, as shown in Fig. 2. We derive-1.25<\omega_0<-1.16 at the 95% confidence level, which indicates that DE completely varies in the phantom region. Now, we compare this result with the best fit of the\omega_0 value obtained with the SNIa 'gold set'+SDSS+ WAMP,\omega_0=-1.1\pm0.2 [51] and the 159 SNIa data,\omega_0 =-1.15^{+0.20}_{-0.17} [64]. We find that the values of\omega_0 , when combined, are consistent with observational values.In the following, we discuss the improvement in the precision of cosmological parameters with the addition of the H(z) data. For the ΛCDM model, the precision of
\Omega_{m_0} from the data of Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) are promoted from16.6\% and3.15\% , respectively. In the precision of\Omega_{\sigma_0} , the data of Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) are improved from68.2\% and52.6\% , respectively. The precision of M is improved by0.04\% and0.02\% for the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) data, respectively. We can see a more precise nature of the Pantheon+H(z) data compared to the Pantheon data alone. For the parameterization of DE in the BI model, in the current combined observations (Pantheon+H(z)), the constraints on\Omega_{m_0} ,\Omega_{\sigma_0} , M, and\omega_0 are improved by19.3\% ,49.7\% ,0.04\% , and13.7\% , respectively. In addition, upon closer examination of the posteriors of Figs. 1 and 2, it is evident that the parameters from the dataset combinations that include Pantheon+H(z) exhibit tighter constraints, with the cosmological parameter showing notably improved precision. Therefore, we conclude that the Pantheon data do not help to improve the constraints on the parameterization of DE in an anisotropic universe; however, they would significantly improve the constraints on the parameterization of DE using the H(z) combination.Because of the different numbers of parameters, a model with more parameters is more favorable with a lesser value of
\chi^2 . Therefore, we use the Akaike information criterion (AIC) to make a fair model comparison. The selection function of the AIC model can be written as [65, 66]\begin{equation} AIC=-2\ln \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{max}+2k+\frac{2k(k+1)}{N_\mathrm{tot}-k-1}, \end{equation}
(22) where
\mathcal{L}_\mathrm{max} and k are the maximum likelihood and number of parameters, respectively. For Gaussian errors,\chi^2_{\min}=-2\ln \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{max} . In the case of numerous data pointsN_\mathrm{tot} , we haveAIC\simeq-2\ln \mathcal{L}_\mathrm{max}+2k . In actuality, the relative values in various models are more applicable and valuable, i.e., we have\Delta AIC=\Delta \chi^2_{\min}+2\Delta k . A model with a lower AIC value is preferred. In comparison with a reference model, models with0<\Delta AIC<2 have considerable support, models with4<\Delta AIC<7 have significantly less support, and models with\Delta AIC>10 have mainly no support [65]. However, compared with the base ΛCDM model with\chi^2=1007.02 , the parameterization of the DE model has\Delta \chi^2=-0.88 and\Delta AIC=1.12 , indicating that the parameterization of DE is favored by the Pantheon data. From a statistical point of view, the parameterization of the DE model has\Delta \chi^2=-5.86 and\Delta AIC=3.86 and is considerably less supported by the Pantheon+H(z) data combination (see Table 3).Fit k \chi^2_\mathrm{min} AIC \Delta AIC ΛCDM model Pantheon 3 1007.02 1013.04 - Pantheon+H(z) 3 1039.38 1045.4 - \omega=\omega_0/(1+z) Pantheon 4 1006.14 1014.18 1.12 Pantheon+H(z) 4 1033.52 1041.56 3.86 Table 3. Minimum value of
\chi^2 , AIC, and\Delta AIC of the ΛCDM and parameterization of DE(\omega=\omega_0/(1+z)) models in an anisotropic universe using the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) data.A distance modulus error plot of the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) datasets with the parameterization of the DE model is shown in Fig. 3. The derived model agrees well with the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) data. It closely resembles the behavior of the parameterization of the DE model in BI cosmology.
Figure 3. (color online) Supernovae data with the Pantheon sample (gray points) and the best-fit curves of the modulus distance μ as a function of the redshift z [Eq. (19)] for the parameterization of the DE model in an anisotropic universe. Each color represents a different dataset. The continuous (dashed) curves correspond to the Pantheon (Pantheon+H(z)) data.
The redshift evolution of the Hubble parameter
H(z) is reconstructed within the1\sigma' confidence region in Fig. 4. The points with bars show the experimental data abstracted in Table 1. It is clear that our model is best-suited to the data when we perform a joint analysis of the two datasets. In all cases, we setH_0=70\;\rm km/s/Mpc [46, 58]. As shown in this figure, theH(z) curve of the Pantheon data deviates from the1\sigma' region at redshifts higher thanz\sim0.9 .Figure 4. (color online) Reconstructed Hubble parameter
H(z) based on the best fit values of the cosmographic parameters for the parameterization of the DE model in an anisotropic universe. Table 1 summarizes the experimental data behind the points with bars. The red (blue) band shows the1\sigma' confidence region using the Pantheon (Pantheon+H(z)) data.Having been constrained by the different observations, Fig. 5 shows the EoS for the parameterization of the DE model used at the
68% % confidence level of the BI universe. The evolution in the Pantheon sample (red) moves close to\omega(z)=-1 . Nevertheless, as it approachesz=0 , the EoS approaches higher values toward\omega(z=0)= -1.016^{+0.305}_{-0.203} . By combining the Pantheon with H(z) data (blue), the EoS reaches a value of\omega(z=0)=-1.208\pm 0.17 , which is located in the phantom region. This scheme proposes a phantom crossing of the universe aroundz = 0.206 . In [67], the old SNIa data with the Gold dataset were used to reconstruct\omega(z) and exhibited a gentle preference for\omega(z) and the phantom evolution of the universe [68]. The WMAP7 measurements give\omega(z)=-1.1\pm0.14 [69], and an analysis of the Union2 SNIa dataset gives\omega(z)=-1.035\pm0.95 [70]. Therefore, the current observational data are still consistent with the phantom model.Figure 5. (color online) Posterior probability
Pr(\omega|z) of the DE EoS\omega=\omega_0/(1+z) against z. The red (blue) region represents the1\sigma'(68\%) confidence contour level using the Pantheon (Pantheon+H(z)) data.Figure 6 shows a similar graph for the posterior probability of the deceleration parameter
q(z) at the1\sigma' confidence level. We can see a flip in the signature of the deceleration parameter, which exhibits a transition from the decelerated phase to an accelerated phase; therefore, it is essential for the formation of a not hindered structure of the universe. In the parameterization DE model approach, the best suited value of the deceleration parameter within the1\sigma' confidence level isq_0=-0.73\pm0.13 andq_0=-0.80\pm0.08 when considering the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) samples, respectively. We find that adding H(z) to the Pantheon data leads to a smaller value of the deceleration parameter compared to that of the solely Pantheon sample. Recently, Shrivastava [52] obtained an empirical value ofq_0 as-0.61^{+0.03}_{-0.02} with Pantheon+H(z) in FRW cosmology. Furthermore, Ref. [71] considered the parameterization of the deceleration parameter in modified symmetric teleparallel gravity (f(Q) ) and obtained the current deceleration parameter valueq_0=-0.832\pm0.091 , which is close to our result.Figure 6. (color online) Posterior probability
Pr(q|z) of the deceleration parameterq(z) against z. The red (blue) region represents the1\sigma'(68\%) confidence contour level using the Pantheon (Pantheon+H(z)) data.Finally, we consider the isotropize model. The measure of anisotropy is described by
{\sigma}/{H} , expressing the magnitude of the space-time shear per average expansion rate. The criterion of late-time isotropization in an expanding universe (H>0 ) is the vanishing of the shear\sigma\rightarrow 0 , or alternatively, we can use the condition{\sigma}/{H}\rightarrow 0 att\rightarrow \infty . Evolution of the anisotropy parameter{\sigma}/{H} with respect to the redshift z for the parameterization of the DE model with the Pantheon and Pantheon+ H(z) datasets is presented in Fig. 7. However, as shown in Fig. 7, the anisotropy is a non-zero value at the present time,z=0 , although it is approaching zero, i.e., the anisotropy will be very low after inflation. Then, at the end of inflation,\mathcal{O}(10^{-6}) , which is closer to the bound obtained by [72].Figure 7. (color online) Plot of the evolution of the anisotropy parameter versus redshift for the parameterization of the DE model in an anisotropic universe. The figure is obtained using the best-fit values for the Pantheon and Pantheon+H(z) datasets presented in Table 2.
z | z | |||||