Let us start by introducing the fundamentals of the STG theories. In these theories, gravitational interactions are described by non-zero NM scalar. In STG and related theories, the affine connection is incompatible with the metric, leading to a non-zero value for
$ \nabla_\mu g_{\alpha\beta} $ . The generalized metric affine connection must be defined at the first step to provide the formalism of STG theory [73]:$ \Gamma^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} = \left\{^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}\right\}+K^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}+L^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}. $
(1) In the above equation,
$ \{^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}\} $ is the standard Levi-Civita connection conventionally used in GR. The quantity$ \{^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}\} $ and the remaining two terms, the torsion and deformation tensors, are defined as follows:$ \left\{^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}\right\} = \frac{1}{2}g^{\alpha\lambda}(g_{\mu\lambda,\nu}+g_{\lambda\nu,\mu}-g_{\mu\nu,\lambda}), $
(2) $ K^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} = \frac{1}{2}g^{\alpha\lambda}(T_{\mu\lambda\nu}+T_{\nu\lambda\mu}+T_{\lambda\mu\nu}), $
(3) $ L^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} = \frac{1}{2}g^{\alpha\lambda}(Q_{\lambda\mu\nu}-Q_{\mu\lambda\nu}-Q_{\nu\lambda\mu}), $
(4) where
$ T^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}\equiv\Gamma^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}-\Gamma^{\alpha}_{\nu\mu} $ . The NM tensor is written as [74]$ Q_{\alpha\mu\nu}\equiv\nabla_{\alpha}g_{\mu\nu} = \partial_{\alpha}g_{\mu\nu}-\Gamma^{\lambda}_{\alpha\mu}g_{\lambda\nu}-\Gamma^{\alpha}_{\alpha\nu}g_{\mu\lambda}. $
(5) The representation of the NM tensor using the inverse metric is
$ Q_{\alpha}^{\mu\nu} = -\nabla_{\alpha}g^{\mu\nu} $ . The Riemann tensor can be defined as follows:$ R^{\alpha}_{\lambda\mu\nu}\equiv2\partial_{[\mu}\Gamma^{\alpha}_{\nu]\lambda}+2\Gamma^{\alpha}_{[\mu|\beta|}\Gamma^{\beta}_{\nu]\lambda}. $
(6) In GR, torsion and NM tensors are zero, and curvature is the basic geometric entity. The essential quantity in TEGR is the torsion scalar
$ T = S^{\alpha\mu\nu}T_{\alpha\mu\nu} $ , where$ S^{\alpha\mu\nu} = \dfrac{1}{2}(K^{\mu\nu\alpha} g^{\alpha\nu}T^{\lambda\mu}_{\lambda}+g^{\alpha\mu}T^{\lambda\nu}_{\lambda}) $ . Following that, the affine connection adopts the Weitzenböck form$ \Gamma^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} = e^{\alpha}_{\lambda}\partial_{\nu}e^{\lambda}_{\mu} $ . In STEGR, the torsion and Ricci tensors and scalars are both zero, and we only deal with the NM scalar$ Q = -Q_{\alpha\mu\nu}P^{\alpha\mu\nu}, $
(7) where the definition of the NM conjecture is
$ P^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} = -\frac{1}{2}L^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}+\frac{1}{2}\big(Q^{\alpha}-\hat{Q}^{\alpha}\big) g_{\mu\nu}-\frac{1}{4}\delta^{\alpha}_{\mu}Q_{\nu}. $
(8) The two separate traces of NM tensor are
$ Q_{\alpha} = g^{\mu\nu}Q_{\alpha\mu\nu} $ and$ \hat{Q}_{\alpha} = g^{\mu\nu}Q_{\mu\alpha\nu} $ . The most general STEGR connection has the following form:$ \Gamma^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu}: = \frac{\partial x^{\alpha}}{\partial\xi^{\lambda}} \frac{\partial^{2}\xi^{\lambda}}{\partial x^{\mu}\partial x^{\nu}}, $
(9) where
$ \xi^{\lambda} = \xi^{\lambda}(x) $ is a random spacetime position function. This connection can be gained by vanishing connection under the transformation$ x^{\mu}\rightarrow\xi^{\mu}(x^{\nu}) $ . It is always feasible to calculate a coordinate transformation to get a vanishing connection$ \Gamma^{\alpha}_{\mu\nu} $ thanks to the coincident gauge, and the NM tensor eventually falls to$ Q_{\alpha\mu\nu} = \partial_{\alpha}g_{\mu\nu} $ . The Einstein-Hilber action corresponding to underlying gravity is written as$ S = \int \mathrm{d}^{4}x\sqrt{-g} \left\{\frac{Q}{2}+{\cal{L}}_{m}(g_{\mu\nu,\Psi_{m}})\right\}. $
(10) We may propose an extended form of STEGR that is similar to
$ f(R) $ and$ f(T) $ gravity, where the action is expressed as$ S = \int \mathrm{d}^{4}x\sqrt{-g} \left\{-\frac{f(Q)}{2}+{\cal{L}}_{m}(g_{\mu\nu,\Psi_{m}})\right\}, $
(11) where g is the determinant of metric tensor
$ g_{\mu\nu} $ ,$ \kappa^{2} = 8\pi G = 1 $ , and$ {\cal{L}}_{m} $ is the matter Lagrangian, depending on matter fields$ \Psi_{m} $ and metric tensor and filling the cosmos as a perfect fluid. For$ f(Q) = Q $ , STEGR reduces to GR. We assume a spatially flat geometrical model of the universe defined by the FLRW metric as follows:$ \mathrm{d}s^{2} = -\mathrm{d}t^{2}+a^2(t)(\mathrm{d}x^{2}+\mathrm{d}y^{2}+\mathrm{d}z^{2}), $
(12) where
$ a(t) $ is called the scale factor of the cosmos. Cosmological equations are constructed as follows by varying the action given in Eq. (11):$ 6f_{Q}H^{2}-\dfrac{1}{2}f = \rho,\;\;\;(12f_{QQ}H^{2}+f_{Q})\dot{H} = -\dfrac{1}{2}(\rho+P), $
(13) where the dot signifies the derivative with respect to cosmic time t, and
$ f_{Q} $ and$ f_{QQ} $ denote the first- and second-order derivatives with respect to NM scalar Q, respectively. Furthermore, ρ and P represent the fluid's total energy density and pressure, respectively. -
We take into account the following
$ f(Q) $ function [62]:$ f(Q) = \alpha Q+\beta Q^{m}, $
(14) where
$ \alpha,\; \beta $ are free model parameters, and m is a dimensionless parameter. There are two cases for m:$ m<1 $ indicates low-curvature and$ m>1 $ indicates high-curvature regime. In this manuscript, we restrict our study to the case of$ m = 2 $ so that we can evaluate the exact solutions. The NM scalar for spatially flat FRW metric has the form$ Q = 6H^{2} $ . By using this form of Q in the above chosen function, one might set up the dynamical system of Eq. (13) as$ \alpha H^{2}+18\beta H^{4} = \dfrac{1}{3}\rho,\;\;\;\; \alpha\dot{H}+36\beta H^{2}\dot{H} = -\dfrac{1}{2}(\rho+P). $
(15) Regarding the standard inflationary mechanism, the inflaton field has the following energy density
$ \rho_{\varphi} $ and pressure$ p_{\varphi} :$ $ \rho_{\varphi} = \frac{\dot{\varphi}^{2}}{2}+V(\varphi),\quad P_{\varphi} = \frac{\dot{\varphi}^{2}}{2}-V(\varphi), $
(16) where
$ V(\varphi) $ denotes the inflaton field's potential. Under SR conditions,$ {\dot{\varphi}^{2}}/{2}\ll V(\varphi)$ and$ \ddot{\varphi}\ll H\dot{\varphi} $ , along with an approximation$ \rho_\gamma\ll \rho_\varphi $ . By inserting the above expressions of$ \rho_{\varphi},\; P_{\varphi} $ into Eq. (15), we get the solution of$ H^2 $ as a function of$ V(\varphi) $ as follows:$ H^{2} = \frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}. $
(17) The conservation equation in underlined gravity can be written as
$ \dot{\rho}+3H(\rho+P) = 0, $
(18) which further leads to the following conservation equations for scalar field and radiation, respectively illustrating WI dynamics in a spatially flat FRW universe:
$ \dot{\rho_{\varphi}}+3H(\rho_{\varphi}+P_{\varphi}) = -\Gamma\dot{\varphi}^{2}, $
(19) $ \dot{\rho_{\gamma}}+4H\rho_{\gamma} = \Gamma\dot{\varphi}^{2}, $
(20) where Γ is a dissipation factor acting as an interacting coefficient between the inflaton field and radiation. Equation (20) may be expressed as follows by defining a ratio
$r = {\Gamma}/{3H}$ :$ \nonumber \dot{\rho_{\gamma}}+4H\rho_{\gamma} = 3Hr\dot{\varphi}^{2}. $
By ignoring the evolution of radiation density during inflation, the preceding equation provides the solution of radiation density as
$ \rho_{\gamma} = \frac{3}{4}r\dot{\varphi}^{2}. $
(21) The SR conditions are provided below to make the system easier to solve by removing some highly non-linear terms from the background equations:
$ \begin{aligned}[b]&\nonumber \dot{\rho}_{\gamma}\leq4H\rho_{\gamma},\quad \dot{\rho}_{\gamma}\ll\Gamma\dot{\varphi}^{2},\quad \rho_{\varphi}\sim V(\varphi), \\& \dot{\varphi}^{2}\ll V(\varphi),\quad \ddot{\varphi}\ll\bigg(3H+\frac{\Gamma}{3}\bigg)\dot{\varphi}.\end{aligned} $
The evolution of effective potential of inflaton is determined in the following by using the above-mentioned approximations:
$ V'(\varphi) = -3H\dot{\varphi}(1+r), $
(22) where
$ ' $ represents the first derivative with respect to φ. The generic form of the Friedmann equation under SR condition$ \dot{\varphi^{2}}\ll V(\varphi) $ becomes$ F(H) = \frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}, $
(23) and the evolution of the above equation according to the field turns out to be
$ F_{,H}H'(\varphi) = \frac{V'(\varphi)}{\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}. $
(24) By inserting the value of
$ V'(\varphi) $ from Eq. (22) into the above equation, we get an expression for$ \dot{\varphi} $ as$ \dot{\varphi} = -\frac{F_{,H}H'\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{3H(1+r)}. $
(25) After some simple algebra,
$ \rho_{\gamma} $ from Eq. (21) turn out to be$ \rho_{\gamma} = \frac{3r}{4}\bigg(\frac{F_{,H}H'\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{3H(1+r)}\bigg)^{2}. $
(26) As
$ \rho_{\gamma} $ is pure radiation, which can be written as$ \rho_{\gamma} = \sigma T^{4} $ , here, σ is the "Stefan-Boltzmann constant", and T is the temperature of the radiation bath. We get the exact solution of temperature by using the value of$ \rho_{\gamma} $ from Eq. (26):$ T = \bigg(\frac{3r}{4\alpha}\bigg)^{\tfrac{1}{4}}\bigg(\frac{F_{,H}H'\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{3H(1+r)}\bigg)^{\tfrac{1}{2}}. $
(27) The effective potential can be evaluated by inserting Eq. (25) into Eq. (23) as follows:
$ V(\varphi) = \frac{H^{2}(1+r)^{2}((108\beta F+3\alpha^{2})^{2}-9\alpha^{2})-108\alpha^{2}\beta(F_{,H}H')^{2}}{2592\beta^{2}(F_{,H}H')^{2}+216\beta H^{2}(1+r)^{2}}. $
(28) Now, we define the SR parameters
$ (\epsilon,\eta) $ in terms of Hubble parameter as defined in Ref. [75]. In this scenario, we utilize these parameters in the context of$ f(Q) $ gravity and obtain the following expressions:$ \begin{aligned}[b]&\epsilon = -\dfrac{\dot{H}}{H^{2}} = \sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}\bigg(\dfrac{F_{,H}}{3H(1+r)}\bigg(\dfrac{H'}{H}\bigg)^{2}\bigg),\\& \eta = -\dfrac{\ddot{H}}{2H\dot{H}} = \sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}\bigg(\dfrac{F_{,H}H'}{3H(1+r)}\bigg(\dfrac{H''}{H}\bigg)\bigg), \end{aligned} $
(29) where
$ '' $ represents the second derivative with respect to φ. The e-folding number determines the rate of inflation, which is defined and calculated by$ N = \int_{t}^{t_{*}}H(t)\mathrm{d}t = -\int_{\varphi_{*}}^{\varphi_{e}}\frac{3H^{2}(1+r)}{F_{,H}H'\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}} \mathrm{d}\varphi, $
(30) where
$ \varphi_{*},\; \varphi_{e} $ indicate the values of inflation at the beginning and end of inflation. As long as$ \epsilon<1 $ , inflation will continue to exist and ϵ must be unity at the end of inflation. The exact solution of scale factor by making use of the definition$\mathrm{d}N = \dfrac{\mathrm{d}a}{a}$ is calculated as$ a(\varphi_{*}) = a(\varphi_{e})\exp\bigg(\int_{\varphi_{e}}^{\varphi_{*}}\frac{3H^{2}(1+r)}{F_{,H}H'\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}} \mathrm{d}\varphi\bigg). $
(31) The following is the crucial and fundamental SR condition:
$ \nonumber -\frac{\ddot{H}}{\dot{H}H}\ll1. $
Our current goal is to determine the expression
$ -\dfrac{\ddot{H}}{\dot{H}H} $ to identify some new parameters in further calculations. We begin by looking at the second derivative of H, i.e.,$\ddot{H} = \dfrac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}(H'\dot{\varphi})$ . By expanding the derivative in this expression, we get$ \ddot{H} = \dot{\varphi}^{2}H''+\ddot{\varphi}H'. $
(32) We first determine the value of
$ \ddot{\varphi} $ to get the solution of Eq. (32). We have done this by differentiating Eq. (25) with respect to t, which results in$ \begin{aligned}[b]\ddot{\varphi} =& -\frac{\dot{\varphi}}{(3H+\Gamma)^2(\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)})}((3H\\&+\Gamma)((108\beta F_{,H}H'V'(\varphi))+(F_{,HH}H'^{2}+H''F_{,H})(9\alpha^{2}\\&+216\beta V(\varphi)))- F_{,H}H'(9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi))(3H'+\Gamma')). \end{aligned} $
This allows us to obtain
$ \begin{aligned}[b]-\dfrac{\ddot{H}}{\dot{H}H} = &\dfrac{1}{H'}\bigg(\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}\bigg(\dfrac{F_{,H}H'}{3H(1+r)}\bigg(\dfrac{H''}{H}\bigg)\bigg)\bigg)\\&+\dfrac{1}{H(3H+\Gamma)^{2}\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}\\&((3H+\Gamma)((108\beta F_{,H}H' \times V'(\varphi)) \\&+(F_{,HH}H'^{2}+H''F_{,H})(9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)))\\&-(F_{,H}H')(9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi))(3H'+\Gamma')). \end{aligned} $
(33) We may rewrite this in a simple way by defining some parameters:
$ \nonumber -\frac{\ddot{H}}{\dot{H}H} = \frac{\eta}{H'}+(3H+\Gamma)(\chi+\xi)-\omega, $
where the parameters are
$ \begin{aligned}[b] \chi &= \dfrac{108\beta F_{,H}H'V'(\varphi)}{H(3H+\Gamma)^{2}\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}},\\ \xi &= \dfrac{F_{,HH}H'^{2}+H''F_{,H})(9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}{H(3H+\Gamma)^{2}\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}},\\ \omega &= \dfrac{F_{,H}H'(9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi))(3H'+\Gamma')}{H(3H+\Gamma)^{2}\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}. \end{aligned} $
The general formula for calculating the amplitude of adiabatic perturbations is given by [76]
$ P_{s}(k) = \frac{4}{25}\bigg(\frac{H}{|\dot{\varphi}|}\bigg)^{2}\mathrm{d}\varphi^2, $
(34) where
$ \dot{\varphi} $ is given in Eq. (25). This equation is valid for a combination of inflation and radiation fields in the quasi-static phase of radiation production. Additionally, it can be shown that, in the quasi-static limit, and using an equation of state, this result holds true for any scalar field that is interacting adiabatically with another field. -
In this case, the term
$\mathrm{d}\varphi^{2}$ is defined as follows:$ \mathrm{d}\varphi^2 = \frac{k_{F}T}{2\pi}, $
(35) with "freeze out number"
$ k_{F} = \sqrt{\Gamma H} $ . Inserting the value of T from Eq. (27) and using expression of ϵ in Eq. (29), we get the following expression of$ P_{s}(k) $ for our model:$ P_{s}(k) = \frac{2}{25\pi}\bigg(\frac{3r}{4\alpha}\bigg)^{{1}/{4}}\bigg(\frac{H'}{\epsilon}\bigg)^{{3}/{2}} \bigg(\frac{\Gamma}{H}\bigg)^{{1}/{2}}. $
(36) The spectral index specifies the relationship between the curvature perturbations and SR parameters. We calculate the scalar spectral index
$ n_{s} $ for our model as$ n_{s} = 1+\frac{\mathrm{d}\ln P_{s}(k)}{\mathrm{d}\ln k} = 1+\frac{\dot{\varphi}}{2H}\bigg(-\frac{H'}{H}+\frac{\Gamma'}{\Gamma}-\frac{3\epsilon'}{\epsilon}+\frac{3H''}{H'}\bigg). $
(37) The following is the definition of the tensor power spectrum:
$ P_{T}(k) = \frac{32}{75m^{4}_{p}}V(\varphi) = \frac{32}{75m^{4}_{p}}\bigg(\frac{\Gamma^{2}((108\beta F+3\alpha^{2})^{2}-9\alpha^{2})}{23328\beta^{2}(F_{,H}H')^{2}+216\beta\Gamma^{2}}\bigg). $
(38) Finally, the general expression for tensor-to-scalar ratio under the high-dissipative regime is calculated as
$ r = \frac{P_{T}(k)}{P_{s}(k)} = \frac{16\pi (4\alpha)^{{1}/{4}} V(\varphi)}{3m^{4}_{p}}(\Gamma^{-{3}/{4}}H^{{3}/{4}}\epsilon^{{3}/{2}}H'^{-{3}/{2}}). $
(39) Next, we will present similar calculations for the low-dissipative regime.
In a low-dissipative regime, Eq. (34) is used to represent the amplitude of the scalar spectrum, but the term
$\mathrm{d}\varphi$ is specified differently as$\mathrm{d}\varphi = HT$ . Here,$ P_{s}(k) $ takes the following form:$ P_{s}(k) = \frac{4}{25}\bigg(\frac{T^{2}H'^{2}}{\epsilon^{2}}\bigg). $
(40) Furthermore, it can be written as
$ P_{s}(k) = \bigg(\bigg(\frac{4}{625\alpha}\bigg)\epsilon^{-2}H'^{2}\Gamma H^{3}\bigg)^{{1}/{2}}. $
(41) We analyze
$ n_{s} $ and r for low-dissipation as$ n_{s} = 1+\frac{\dot{\varphi}}{H}\bigg(\frac{3H'}{2H}+\frac{\Gamma'}{2\Gamma}-\frac{\epsilon'}{\epsilon}+\frac{H''}{H'}\bigg), $
(42) $ r = \frac{P_{T}(k)}{P_{s}(k)} = \frac{16V(\varphi)}{3m^{4}_{p}}\bigg(\frac{\epsilon^{-2}H^{3}H'^{2}\Gamma }{\alpha}\bigg)^{{1}/{2}}. $
(43) We have just completed the theoretical groundwork for our approach. Next, we will apply it to modified universe models with TE, RE, and BHDE (Secs. V, VI, and VII, respectively).
Tsallis entropy was introduced by Brazilian physicist Constantino Tsallis in
$ 1988 $ [77]. This entropy is a generalization of the standard Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy, which is commonly used to discuss inflationary cosmology. This allows for the description of systems that exhibit non-Gaussian statistics, long-range correlations, and non-extensive behavior, which may be relevant to WI scenarios. It has been shown to be useful in describing dissipative systems, which is an essential feature of WI models. In WI, dissipation is introduced by considering the inflation field to be in contact with a thermal bath, which leads to non-conserved energy systems and results in the production of particles. Tsallis entropy can provide a more accurate description of the non-equilibrium dynamics of the inflation field and the thermal bath, paving a path to more accurate predictions for the inflationary observables. Tsallis entropy in WI models can lead to new and interesting results that cannot be obtained by using the standard Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. It has been shown that TE can lead to power-law inflationary potentials, which has some interesting cosmological implications. Tsallis entropy in the WI mechanism is an important and active area of research, which has the potential to lead to new insights into the dynamics of the early universe and the generation of the cosmic structure. We have considered the Hubble horizon as a candidate for the IR-cutoff as the cosmic horizon for this entropy, which is$ {\cal{L}} = 1/H $ . The radius of the Hubble horizon [78] is considered as$ r_A = 1/\sqrt{H^{2}+K/a^{2}} $ ; as we are working in flat geometry, the curvature parameter$ K = 0 $ leads to$ r_A = {\cal{L}} $ . The Hawking temperature [79] defined by the surface gravity is taken to be$ T_{A} = 1/2\pi r_{A} $ ; by considering the radius, it turns out to be$ T_{A} = H/2\pi $ , where A is the area of the horizon. The volume is considered as$ V_A = (4/3)\pi R_{A}^{3} $ , which will become$ V_A = 4\pi/3H^{3} $ .The usual Friedmann equation is written as
$ F(H) = H^2 = \frac{8\pi}{3m^{2}_{p}}\rho. $
(44) Here,
$ c = h = 1 $ , and$ m^{2}_{p} $ is the reduced Planck mass. ρ is the energy density of the fluid. Black hole entropy has received significant attention recently, particularly due to developments from Tsallis and Cirto [80]. They argued that the thermodynamic entropy of a black hole has a microscopic mathematical formulation that deviates from the area law, which is characterized as$ S = \gamma A^{\kappa}, $
(45) where γ is an unknown constant, A is the black hole horizon area, and κ is the Tsallis parameter, a real parameter that quantifies the degree of non-extensivity. In Ref. [81], a modified Friedmann equation was successfully developed, integrating modifications to Padmanabhan's Emergent Gravity proposal [82] by considering Tsallis-type entropy for the apparent horizon of an FLRW universe. The relevant Friedmann equation is [81]
$ (H^{2})^{2-\kappa} = \frac{8\pi}{3m^{2}_{p}}\rho. $
(46) The following equation corresponds to the modified Friedmann universe with TE using the above equation:
$ F(H) = H^{2(2-k)}. $
(47) By keeping in view, the original
$ F(H) $ in Eq. (23) turns out to be$ F(H) = \bigg(\frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}\bigg)^{(2-k)}. $
(48) In our approach, H and Γ will be treated as a function of φ. These terms are chosen as the power-law functions of inflaton, which are defined as
$ \begin{array}{l} H(\varphi) = H_{0}\varphi^{n},\quad \Gamma(\varphi) = \Gamma_{0}\varphi^{m}, \end{array} $
(49) where
$ H_{0} $ and$ \Gamma_{0} $ represent arbitrary constants, while the exponents n and m are not specified at present. We are going to count on Planck data to determine the power laws applicable to the underlying model. Using the TE given in Eq. (47), we evaluate the spectral index$ n_s $ and tensor-to-scalar ratio r for a high-dissipative regime as$ \begin{aligned}[b]\\ n_{s} =& 1+(3 H_{0}^{4-2k} n^2 \varphi ^{n(4-2k)-1} (k-2))(\Gamma_{0}^2H_{0}^{4 k}\varphi^{2(m+2nk+2)}+432 \beta H_{0}^{10}n^4\varphi^{10 n}(k-2)^2)^{\tfrac{3}{2}}(m-3+2n+3((36 \beta \\&\times \Gamma_{0}^2 H_{0}^{4(1+k)}\varphi ^{2(m+2n+2nk+2)}(4(k-2) n+m+3)+\alpha ^2 \Gamma_{0}^2H_{0}^{6 k}\varphi^{2( m+3nk+2)} (2 (k-2) n+m+3))+(15552\beta^2H_{0}^{14}\\ &\times n^4 (k-2)^2 ((2 k-3) n+1) \varphi ^{14 n} + 432 \alpha ^2 \beta H_{0}^{2(5+k)} (k-2)^2 n^4 (n+1) \varphi ^{2n(5+k)}))), \end{aligned}$ (50) $ \begin{aligned}[b] r =& -(8\pi n^3(\varphi ^m)^{\tfrac{3}{2}} \sqrt{H_{0} \varphi ^n}((3 \alpha ^2+108 \beta (H_{0} \varphi ^n)^{4-2 k})^2-9 \alpha ^2)(H_{0}^{2(2-k)} (k-2) \varphi ^{-m+4n-2kn-3})^{\tfrac{3}{2}} (( \varphi ^{2 m+4}\Gamma_{0}^2\\& \times (36 \beta H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+\alpha ^2(H_{0}\varphi^n)^{2k})^2)(\Gamma_{0}^2H_{0} ^{4 k}\varphi ^{2(m+2kn+2)}+432 \beta H_{0}^{10}n^4 \varphi ^{10 n}(k-2)^2))^{-\frac{3}{4}})(9\sqrt{3}H_{0}^{\tfrac{5}{4}}\varphi^{\tfrac{1}{4}(5n+m-6)}\\& \times \beta m_p^4(\Gamma_{0}\alpha^{-1} )^{\tfrac{1}{4}}(\Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m}+432 \beta H_{0}^{2(5-2k)}n^4\varphi ^{2(5n-2kn-2)}(k-2)^2))^{-1}. \end{aligned} $
(51) Also, for the low-dissipative regime,
$\begin{aligned}[b] n_{s} =& 1+ (36 \beta H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+\alpha ^2 (H_{0} \varphi ^n)^{2 k})^{-1}(48 \beta H_{0}^8 n^4 \varphi ^{8 n} (k-2)^2 +\varphi ^4 (H_{0} \varphi ^n)^{4 k})^{-\tfrac{3}{2}} (1728 \beta ^2 H_{0}^{12} n^4 \varphi ^{12n-2} (k-2)^2 \\ & \times (m+(4 k -1) n)+1728 \alpha ^2 \beta^{2} H_{0}^{12+6k}n^4 \varphi ^{6n(2+k)+4}(k-2)^2 (m+7 n)(m+4+(8 k-9) n)+\alpha ^2 \varphi^4 (m+4 \\ & + (4k-1)n)(H_{0}\varphi^n)^{6k})(H_{0}^{3-2k}n^2 \varphi ^{n(3-2k)+1}(k-2)(36\beta H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+\alpha ^2 \left(H_{0} \varphi^n\right)^{2k})), \end{aligned} $
(52) $ r = \dfrac{4\alpha^{\tfrac{1}{2}} n^{2}\varphi^{4}(k-2)(H_{0}\varphi^{n})^{4k}(-9\alpha^{2}+(3\alpha^{2} +108\beta(H_{0}\varphi^{n})^{4-2k})^{2})(36H_{0}^{4}\beta\varphi^{4n}+\alpha^{2}(H_{0}\varphi^{n})^{2k})} {81\beta(\Gamma_{0}\varphi^{m}(H_{0}\varphi^{n})^{-1+4k})^{\tfrac{1}{2}} (48H_{0}^{8}(-2+k)^{2}n^{4}\beta\varphi^{8n}+\varphi^{4}(H_{0}\varphi^{n})^{4k})^{\tfrac{3}{2}} m_{p}^{4}}. $
(53) The aforementioned information provides a theoretical foundation for inflation. Recent observational data from the Planck satellite also provide insightful information on the WI paradigm. They provide specific information about the spectral index and its variation. Figures 1 and 2 show that the constructed model incorporating WI using TE fitted well with the deep
$ 2\sigma $ level of the Planck 2018 data [6, 7].Figure 1. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during high-dissipative regime with contours of Plank 2018 data by varying$m = 0.5, 1, 1.5$ , and$n = -3.5,-3,-2.5$ . Here, we fixed$k = 0.05, \Gamma_0 = 0.5, H_0 = 1.5, \alpha = 1$ ,$\beta = 0.1$ , and$m_p=1$ .Figure 2. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during low-dissipative regime with contours of Plank 2018 data, by varying$m = 0.5, 1, 1.5$ , and$n = -3.5,-3,-2.5$ . Here, we fixed$k = 0.05, \Gamma_0 = 0.5, H_0 = 1.5, \alpha = 1$ ,$\beta = 0.1$ , and$m_p=1$ . -
The concept of RE was introduced by Hungarian mathematician Alfred Renyi in
$ 1960 $ [28]. Renyi entropy is a concept from information theory that is used in various fields, including physics and cosmology. It can be used to quantify the degree of entanglement between the inflaton field and its environment. During WI, the inflaton field is in contact with a thermal environment, which means that the inflaton field is not in a pure state. Instead, it is described by a density matrix that includes contributions from the thermal environment. The RE is a measure of the entanglement between the inflaton field and the environment and is defined as$ \nonumber S_{q} = \frac{1}{(1-q)}\ln(\mathrm{tr}(\rho^q)), $
where ρ is the density matrix, and q is a parameter that determines the order of the entropy. When
$ q = 1 $ , Renyi entropy reduces to non-Neumann entropy, a standard entanglement measure. Renyi entropy has been used to study the dynamics of the inflaton field and its interaction with the thermal environment. It can be used to quantify the degree of entanglement between the inflaton field and its environment, and it has been used to study the dynamics of the inflaton field and quantum-to-classical transition during WI. In more recent times, it has been claimed that BHE$S = {A}/{4}$ is actually Tsallis entropy that results in$S = \ln(1+{\delta}A/4)$ for the Renyi entropy content of the system. The Hubble horizon is considered as the IR cut-off.Renyi HDE can be defined as [83]
$ F(H) = \frac{3C^{2}H^{2}}{8\pi\left(1+\dfrac{\pi\delta}{H^{2}}\right)}, $
(54) which can be simplified as
$ F(H) = \frac{3C^{2}H^{4}}{8\pi(H^{2}+\pi\delta)}. $
(55) Now, by using general
$ F(H) = H^2 $ given in Eq. (23), we get$ \begin{aligned}[b]F(H) =& \frac{3C^{2}}{8\pi}\bigg(\frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}\bigg)^{2}\\&\bigg(\frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}+\pi\delta\bigg)^{-1}. \end{aligned}$
(56) In this model, we use the same power-law functions of inflaton for parameters H and Γ. The parameters
$ n_{s} $ and r for the low-dissipative regime are calculated as follow:$ \begin{aligned}[b] n_{s} =& 1-(3 C^2 n^2\varphi^{3n+5}(H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}+\pi \delta) (2 H_{0}^3 \pi \alpha ^2 \varphi ^{2 n}+27 C^2 H_{0}^5 \beta \varphi ^{4 n}+2 H_{0} \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta )^3 4 H_{0}^8 \pi ^6 \delta ^3 108 C^4 (m+7 n) \alpha ^2 \beta \delta ^2 n^4\\ & + 20 (5 m+11 n+20) \alpha ^2 \varphi ^4+27 C^2 (25 m-137 n+100) \beta \delta \varphi ^4 \varphi ^{8 n}+8 H_{0}^{10} \pi ^5 \delta ^2 (189 C^4 (m+7 n) \alpha ^2 \beta \delta ^2 n^4+ (27 m\\ & + 73n+108) \alpha ^2 \varphi ^4+27 C^2 (15 m-59 n+60) \beta \delta \varphi ^4)\varphi ^{10 n}+4 H_{0}^{12} \pi ^4 \delta(1458 (m-n) n^4 \beta ^2 \delta^3 C^6+513 n^4 (m+7 n) \alpha ^2\\ & \times \beta \delta ^2 C^4+108 (5 m-13 n+20) \beta \delta \varphi ^4 C^2+16 (m+3 n+4) \alpha ^2 \varphi ^4)\varphi ^{12 n}+2 H_{0}^{14} \pi ^3(1458 n^4 (5 m+3 n) \beta ^2 \delta ^3 C^6+675 \\ & \times n^4 (m+7 n) \alpha ^2 \beta \delta ^2 C^4+54 (7 m-11 n+28) \beta \delta \varphi ^4 C^2+4 (m+3 n+4) \alpha ^2 \varphi ^4)\varphi^{14 n}+54 C^2 H_{0}^{16} \pi ^2 \beta (81 C^4 (3 m+5 n)\\ &\times \beta \delta ^2 n^4 +8 C^2 (m+7 n) \alpha ^2 \delta n^4+2 (m-n+4) \varphi ^4)\varphi ^{16 n}+27 C^4 H_{0}^{18} n^4 \pi \beta(189 m \beta \delta C^2+459 n \beta \delta C^2+ 2 m \alpha ^2+14 n \\\ & \times \alpha ^2) \varphi ^{18 n}+C^6 729 H_{0}^{20} n^4 (m+3 n) \beta ^2 \varphi ^{20 n}+8 H_{0}^2 (13 m-n+52) \pi ^9 \alpha ^2 \delta ^6 \varphi ^{2 n+4}+8 H_{0}^4 \pi ^8 \delta ^5(27 (m-9 n+ 4) \beta \delta C^2 \\ & + 4 (9m+7n+ 36) \alpha ^2)\varphi ^{4 n+4}+4 H_{0}^6 \pi ^7 \delta ^4(27 (11 m-79 n+44) \beta \delta C^2+10 (11 m+17 n+44) \alpha ^2) \varphi ^{6 n+4}+16 (m-n \\ & + 4) \alpha ^2 \pi ^{10}\delta ^7 \varphi^4) /(8 \pi(\varphi ^4 (H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}+\pi \delta)^2 (2 H_{0}^2 \pi \alpha ^2 \varphi ^{2 n}+ 27 C^2 H_{0}^4 \beta \varphi ^{4 n}+2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta )^2)^{\tfrac{3}{2}}(4 H_{0}^8 \pi ^2 (27 C^4 \beta \delta ^2 n^4 + \varphi ^4) \varphi ^{8 n} \\ & + 108 C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \pi \beta \delta \varphi ^{10 n} + 27 C^4 H_{0}^{12} n^4 \beta \varphi ^{12 n}+16 H_{0}^2 \pi ^5 \delta ^3 \varphi ^{2 n+4}+24 H_{0}^4 \pi ^4 \delta ^2 \varphi ^{4 n+4}+16 H_{0}^6 \pi ^3 \delta \varphi ^{6 n+4} + 4 \pi ^6 \delta ^4\varphi^4)^{-\tfrac{3}{2}} \\ &\times (4\pi ^2 H_{0}^8 (27 C^4 \beta \delta ^2 n^4 + \varphi ^4) \varphi ^{8 n} + 108 C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \pi \beta \delta \varphi ^{10 n}+27 C^4 H_{0}^{12} n^4 \beta \varphi ^{12 n}+16 H_{0}^2 \pi ^5 \delta ^3 \varphi ^{2 n+4} +24 H_{0}^4 \pi ^4 \delta ^2 \varphi ^{4 n+4} \\ & + 16\delta \varphi ^{6 n+4}H_{0}^6 \pi ^3 +4 \pi ^6 \delta ^4 \varphi ^4)^{3}), \end{aligned} $ (57) $ \begin{aligned}[b] r =& ((2 ((3 \alpha ^2+((81 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n})/(2 \pi ^2 \delta +2 \pi H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})))^2-9 \alpha ^2))(27 \pi \beta m_p^4 ((27 \beta C^4 H_{0}^8 n^4 \varphi ^{8 n-4} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2/\pi ^2 (\pi \delta \\ & + H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2n})^4)+4))^{-1})( \alpha C^4 H_{0} n^4 (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2(2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta +27 C^2 \beta H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+2 \pi \alpha ^2H_{0}^2\varphi^{2n})^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}}(\Gamma_{0} \varphi ^{m-n} (\pi \delta + \varphi ^{2 n} \\ &\times H_{0}^2)^2 (27 \beta C^4 H_{0}^{12} n^4 \varphi ^{12 n}+108 \pi \beta C^4 \delta H_{0}^{10} n^4 \varphi ^{10 n}+4 \pi ^2 H_{0}^8 \varphi ^{8 n} (27 \beta C^4 \delta ^2 n^4+\varphi ^4) + 4 \pi ^6 \delta ^4 \varphi ^4+16 \pi ^3 \delta H_{0}^6 \varphi ^{6 n+4} \\& + 24 \pi ^4 \delta ^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n+4}+16 \pi ^5 \delta ^3 H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n+4}))^{-\frac{1}{2}}. \end{aligned}$
(58) Under the high-dissipative regime,
$ n_{s} $ and r will have the following form:$ \begin{aligned}[b] n_{s} =& 1-9 C^2 H_{0}^4 n^2 \varphi ^{-m+4 n-3} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})(1/8 \pi) (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-2}( \varphi ^{m+2} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) (2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta +27 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}\\ & + 2\pi \alpha ^2 H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}))(243 \beta C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \varphi ^{10 n} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2+4 \pi ^2 \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi^{2n})^4)^{-\tfrac{3}{2}}((\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \phi ^{2 n})(2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta \\ & + 27 \beta C^2 H_{0}^{4} \phi ^{4 n}+2 \pi \alpha ^2 H_{0}^{2} \phi ^{2 n}) ((12 H_{0}^2 n \varphi ^{2 n})(\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-1}-(6 H_{0}^2 n \varphi ^{2 n})(2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-1}+3 (m-4 n+3) \\ & + m+3 (n-1)-n) - 81 \beta C^2 n \varphi ^{4 n}(8 \pi ^2 \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) (H_{0}^3 \varphi ^{2 n}+\pi \delta H_{0})^4+ (18 \pi \alpha ^2 C^2 H_{0}^{10} n^3 \varphi ^{6 n} \\& \times (2 \pi ^2 \delta ^2 + H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+3 \pi \delta H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) (H_{0}^4 (m-3 n+2) \varphi ^{4 n}+3 \pi \delta H_{0}^2 (m-3 n+2) \varphi ^{2 n} + 2 \pi ^2 \delta ^2 (m-5 n+2)))- (243 \\ & \times \beta C^4 H_{0}^{14} n^3 \varphi ^{10 n} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) (H_{0}^4 (-m +n-2) \varphi ^{4 n}+\pi \delta H_{0}^2 (-3 m+n-6) \varphi ^{2 n} - 2 \pi ^2 \delta ^2 (m-n+2)))) / ((\pi \\ & \times \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})( 2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta +27 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+2 \pi \alpha ^2 H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n} ) ((\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) (2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta +27 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n} + 2 \pi \alpha ^2 H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n}) \\ & \times (243 \beta C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \varphi ^{10 n} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2+4 \pi ^2 \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^4)))), \end{aligned} $
(59) $\begin{aligned}[b] r =& ((2\pi^{-1}H_{0} \varphi ^n)^{\tfrac{1}{2}} (\varphi ^m)^{3/2} ((3 \alpha ^2+81 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}(2 \pi ^2 \delta +2 \pi H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-1})^2-9 \alpha ^2)(3 \beta m_p^4 (H_{0} n \varphi ^{n-1})^{3/2} (\Gamma_{0} \varphi ^{m-n}( H_{0} \\& \times \alpha)^{-1})^{\tfrac{1}{4}}(243 \beta C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \varphi ^{10 n-4} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2\pi ^{-2} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-4}+4 \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m}))^{-1})( C^2 H_{0}^4 n^3 \varphi ^{-m+4 n-3} (2 \pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \\ &\times \varphi ^{2 n})(\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^{-2})^{\tfrac{3}{2}} ((\Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2 (2 \pi ^2 \alpha ^2 \delta +27 \beta C^2 H_{0}^4 \varphi ^{4 n}+2 \pi\alpha ^2 H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2)(243 \beta C^4 H_{0}^{10} n^4 \varphi ^{10 n}\\ &\times (2 \pi \delta + H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^2 +4 \pi ^2 \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4} (\pi \delta +H_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 n})^4)^{-1})^{\tfrac{3}{4}}. \end{aligned} $
(60) The consistency of the
$ n_s-r $ trajectories with the Planck$ 2018 $ data is shown in the left plots of Figs. 3 and 4, and the$ n_s-\alpha_s $ trajectories are displayed in the right panels of Figs. 3 and 4. Both graphs fit well with current observational data up to the$ 2\sigma $ level.Figure 3. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during low-dissipative regime within contours of Plank 2018 data, varying$m=0.5, 1, 1.5$ and$n=-3.5,-3,-2.5$ . Here, we fixed$\delta=0.1, C^2=1.5, \Gamma_0 = 0.5, H_0 = 1.5, \alpha = 1, \beta =0.1$ , and$m_p=1$ .Figure 4. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during high dissipative regime with contours of Plank 2018, by varying$m = 0.5, 1, 1.5$ and$n = -3.5,-3,-2.5$ . Here, we fixed$\delta = 0.1, C^2=1.5, \Gamma_0 = 0.5, H_0 = 1.5, \alpha = 1$ ,$\beta = 0.1$ , and$m_p=1$ . -
Barrow recently proposed a fractal pattern for the black hole horizon, suggesting that the area of the horizon could increase due to quantum-gravitational deformation [84]. This modifies the area-law entropy, resulting in
$ S_{h}\sim A^{1+ \tfrac{\Delta}{2}} $ . The cosmological field equations based on Barrow's modified entropy were investigated in Ref. [85]. Subsequently, researchers have explored new developments in the literature to test the effectiveness of Barrow's entropy in the cosmological context [86]. In addition, the BHDE model was introduced in Ref. [87] and assessed against recent cosmological data in Ref. [88]. It was discovered that BHDE efficiently describes the late-time accelerating expansion of the universe and has the correct asymptotic behavior [89]. Notably, although Barrow's entropy shares similarities with TE, the origin and physical motivation of the two are distinct. Tsallis non-additive entropy correction is motivated by extending traditionalthermodynamics to a non-extensive one, while Barrow's correction to entropy is based on a complex fractal horizon structure caused by quantum gravitational effects, which was driven by the COVID-$ 19 $ viral explanation. Hence, a deformed black hole entropy expression is given by [29]$ S_{B} = \bigg(\frac{A}{A_{0}}\bigg)^{\Delta+1}, $
(61) where the new term Δ is defined in the range
$ [0, 1] $ ,$ A_{0} $ is the Planck area, and A is the standard horizon area. Therefore, the goal of this modified entropy relation is simply to produce BHDE on the basis of HDE, whereby phenomenology is improved, and set it apart from the HDE standard framework. Barrow's entropy is defined as [86]$ F(H) = {\cal{C}}{\cal{L}}^{-2(1-\Delta)}, $
(62) where
$ {\cal{C}} = 3c^{2}M^{2}_{p} $ ,$ M_{p} $ is the Planck mass,$ c^{2} $ is a dimensionless constant, and$ {\cal{L}} $ represents the IR cutoff, which is taken to be the Hubble horizon$ {\cal{L}} = 1/H $ . Parameter$ {\cal{C}} $ has dimension$ [{\cal{L}}]^{-2(1-\Delta)} $ . For vanishing Δ, Eq. (62) will be the standard HDE, and it becomes constant under the limit$ \Delta\rightarrow1 $ . Our model now takes the following form:$ F(H) = {\cal{C}}\bigg(\frac{1}{H}\bigg)^{-2(1-\Delta)}. $
(63) Using Eq. (23), we get
$ F(H) = {\cal{C}}\bigg(\frac{-3\alpha\pm\sqrt{9\alpha^{2}+216\beta V(\varphi)}}{108\beta}\bigg)^{(1-\Delta)}. $
(64) In this model, we followed similar expressions of H and Γ to those used in the previous two models. The parameters
$ n_{s} $ and r for the low-dissipative regime are calculated as$ \begin{aligned}[b] n_{s} =& 1+(c (\Delta -1) n^2 (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}\varphi)(\alpha ^2+36 \beta c (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})(48\beta c^2H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)}n^4\varphi^{4n(1-\Delta)}(\Delta -1)^2+\varphi ^4)^{-\frac{1}{2}}\\ & \times (m+2 (n-1)+3n+(2(\alpha^{4}(48 \beta c^2 H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)}\varphi ^{4n(1-\Delta)}n^4(n+1)(\Delta - 1)^2+\varphi ^4 ((2 \Delta -1) n+3)) +(72 \alpha ^2\beta c (\varphi ^{n}\\& \times H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}(48 \beta c^2H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)}n^4\varphi ^{4n(1-\Delta)}(\Delta-1)^2(\Delta n+1)+\varphi ^4 ((3 \Delta -2) n+3))) +(1296 \beta ^2 c^2 H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)}\varphi ^{4n(1-\Delta)}\\ & \times (48 \beta c^2n^4 (\Delta-1)^2 H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)}\varphi^{4n(1-\Delta)}((2\Delta -1)n+1)+\varphi ^4 ((4 \Delta -3) n+3))))((48 \beta c^2H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)} n^4 \varphi^{4n(1-\Delta)}(\Delta -1)^2\\& + \varphi ^4)(\alpha ^2+36 \beta c(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})^2)^{-1})), \end{aligned}$ (65) $ \begin{aligned}[b] r = &4 \varphi ^4 \alpha^{\tfrac{1}{2}}n^2 c ((3 \alpha ^2+108 \beta c (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})^2-9 \alpha ^2) (\Delta -1) (\alpha ^2+36 \beta c(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}) (81 \beta m_p^4 (48 \beta c^2 H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)} \\ &\times n^4\varphi ^{4n(1-\Delta)}(\Delta -1)^2+\varphi ^4))^{-1} (\Gamma_{0} H_{0}^{3+4\Delta} \varphi^{m+3n+4n\Delta}(48 \beta c^2 H_{0}^{4(1-\Delta)} n^4 \varphi^{4n(1-\Delta)}(\Delta -1)^2+\varphi ^4))^{-\tfrac{1}{2}}. \end{aligned} $
(66) For the high-dissipative regime,
$ n_{s} $ and r are formed as$ \begin{aligned}[b]n_{s} =& 1+(3 c (\Delta -1) n^2 \varphi ^{-m-2}(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2(\Delta-1)})( \varphi ^{m+2} (\alpha ^2+36 \beta c (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})(432 \beta c^2 (\Delta -1)^2 H_{0}^6 n^4 \varphi ^{6 n}(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-4 \Delta } \\& + \Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4})^{-\tfrac{1}{2}})(m\varphi^{-1}+3 (n-1)\varphi^{-1}- n\varphi^{-1}+(3(\Gamma_{0}^{2}\varphi^{4+2m}(36 \beta c (m+4 (\Delta -1) n+3) (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}+\alpha ^2 (m \\ & + 2(\Delta -1) n+3)) +(432 \beta c^2 (\Delta -1)^2 H_{0}^6 n^4 \varphi ^{6 n} (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-4 \Delta }(36 \beta c ((2 \Delta -1) n+1) (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}+\alpha ^2 (n+1)))))/ \\ & \times (\varphi(\alpha ^2+36 \beta c (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})(432\beta c^2(\Delta -1)^2 H_{0}^6 n^4 \varphi ^{6 n} (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-4\Delta}+\Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4}))), \end{aligned} $
(67) $ \begin{aligned}[b] r =& (8\pi \varphi ^4 (\varphi ^m)^{\tfrac{3}{2}} \sqrt{H_{0} \varphi ^n}((3 \alpha ^2+108 \beta c(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)})^2-9 \alpha ^2)(9 \sqrt{3} \beta m_p^4 (H_{0} n \varphi ^{n-1})^{3/2}(\Gamma_{0} \varphi ^{m-n}(\alpha H_{0})^{-1})^{\tfrac{1}{4}}(432 \\ & \times \beta c^2(\Delta -1)^2 H_{0}^6 n^4 \varphi ^{6 n}(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-4 \Delta }+\Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4}))^{-1})(c (\Delta -1) n^3 \varphi ^{-m-3}(\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}\Gamma_{0} \varphi ^{m+2}(\alpha ^2+36 \beta c(\varphi ^{n}\\ &\times H_{0})^{-2 (\Delta -1)}) (432 \beta c^2 (\Delta -1)^2 H_{0}^6 n^4 \varphi ^{6 n} (\varphi ^{n}H_{0})^{-4 \Delta }+\Gamma_{0}^2 \varphi ^{2 m+4})^{-\tfrac{1}{2}})^{\tfrac{3}{2}}. \end{aligned} $
(68) The
$ n_s-r $ trajectories are consistent with Planck 2018 data, as shown in the left plots of Figs. 5 and 6. The consistency of$ n_s-\alpha_s $ trajectories is displayed in the right panels of Figs. 5 and 6. It is found that the model is fitted with current observational data up to the$ 2\sigma $ level.Figure 5. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during low-dissipative regime within contours of Plank 2018 data for$\bar{\lambda}=0.5, 1, 1.5$ . Here, we fixed$H_0=k=\kappa=1$ ,$\Gamma_0=0.5$ ,$m_p=1$ ,$\alpha=1$ , and$\gamma=0.16$ .Figure 6. (color online) Left plot for
$n_{s}-r$ plane and right plot for$n_s-\alpha_s$ during high-dissipative regime within contours of Plank 2018 data by varying$m=0.5, 1, 1.5$ and$n=-3.5,-3,-2.5$ . Here, we fixed$\delta = 0.04,~c = 10^{45},\; \Gamma_0 = 0.5,\; H_0 = 1.5,\; \alpha = 1$ ,$\beta = 0.1$ , and$m_p=1$ .
Warm inflation triggered by entropies of some recent dark energy models within $ {\boldsymbol{f}\boldsymbol(\boldsymbol{Q}\boldsymbol)} $ gravity
- Received Date: 2024-04-17
- Available Online: 2024-12-15
Abstract: This manuscript aims to study cosmic warm inflation (WI) in the framework of