In the scalar portal models, the dark sector couples to the SM sector via the interaction with the Higgs boson or an extension of the latter [12, 32, 58−60]. A new scalar particle is conjectured in these models. It is often called the dark scalar particle as it also couples to the hidden dark sector. In this simulation, we focus on testing the minimal scalar model and the hadrophilic scalar model, which allow the rare decay channels
$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ and$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ respectively. -
The simplest extension of the scalar sector of SM [11, 58, 61−63] is to add a single real scalar S that is a gauge singlet. As the minimum extension to the scalar field of SM, the model is characterized by the inclusion of an additional singlet field, and the presence of two types of couplings, namely μ and λ [11]. At the low energies, the involved dark scalar particle decays into the electron-positron pair in these models [63, 64]. Therefore, one could find the signal of a light dark scalar particle in the η decay channel
$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ . The SM decay of$ \eta\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ is usually described with a two-photon intermediate state to conserve C parity. The branching ratio of the SM decay$ \eta\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ is estimated to be on the order of$ 10^{-9} $ , contributing a small SM background. The relevant parameter of dark scalar particle in η decay is the mixing angle$ sin(\theta) $ , which describes the mixing effect of Higgs boson and dark scalar particle. At low energies, the Higgs field can be described with$ H=(v+h)/\sqrt{2} $ , where v is the Electric-Weak vacuum expectation value and h is the field corresponding to the physical Higgs boson. The nonzero μ in the dark scalar portal$ \mu S HH $ leads to the small mixing between Higgs boson and dark scalar particle, which is written as$ \theta = \mu v/(m_{\rm H}^2-m_{\rm S}^2) $ in small-mixing limit [6]. Following Tulin's parametrization [7, 35], the mixing angle is connected with the branching ratio of η decay via the following equation:$ \begin{aligned} \begin{split} {\rm Br}(\eta\rightarrow \pi^0 S) \simeq 1.8\times10^{-6} \lambda^{1/2}\left(1,\frac{m^2_S}{m^2_{\eta}},\frac{m^2_{\pi^0}}{m^2_{\eta}}\right) \sin^2{\theta}, \end{split} \end{aligned} $
(1) where the mixing angle θ is an unknown parameter, and λ is a function related to the kinematics (
$ \lambda(a,b,c) = a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - 2ab - 2ac - 2bc $ ). Note that Eq. (1) is based on a numerical and rough evaluation with the uncertainty at order of 20%. -
Recently, a hardrophilic (or leptophobic) scalar model has been brought up. Nonetheless, it encounter a set of challenges, including a new flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC) and a naturalness problem related to the light scalar mass [13, 14]. In general, to meet the constraints of FCNC, the hardrophilic scalar interaction must be "flavor-specific". Some extensive analyses have been done on these issues [13, 14], in which it was found that the couplings to only specific quark mass eigenstates can satisfy the existing FCNC constraints even for relatively large couplings in the natural parameter space region. This assumption provides a promising way for searching the hardrophilic scalar particle, and the only coupling to the first-generation quarks is considered in this work. The corresponding Lagrangian is written as,
$ \begin{aligned} \begin{split} \mathcal{L} \supset \frac{1}{2}(\partial_{\mu}S)^2 - \frac{1}{2}m^{2}_{\rm S}S^{2} - g_u S \bar{u}u, \end{split} \end{aligned} $
(2) where
$ m_{\rm h} $ is the scalar mass, and$ g_u $ is the effective coupling parameter to the up quark. Under the hadrophilic scalar model, the branching ratio of dark scalar particle in η rare decay is expressed as [7, 13, 35],$ \begin{aligned} \begin{split} {\rm Br}(\eta\rightarrow \pi^0 S) = \frac{c^2_{S\pi^0\eta} g^2_u B^2} {16\pi m_{\eta} \Gamma_{\eta}} \lambda^{1/2}\left(1, \frac{m^2_S}{m^2_{\eta}}, \frac{m^2_{\pi^0}}{m^2_{\eta}}\right), \end{split} \end{aligned} $
(3) where
$ g_u $ is an unknown coupling parameter,$ B\cong m^2_{\pi}/(m_u+m_d) \approx 2.6 $ GeV,$ c_{S\pi^0\eta} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}\cos{\theta}-\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\sin{\theta} $ is a parameterized coefficient used to describe the effect of$ \eta -\eta^{\prime} $ mixing, and λ is a function related to the kinematics. Due to$ SU(3) $ breaking, the physical states of η and$ \eta^{\prime} $ mesons are the mixed states of the singlet and octet states. In studying the meson decay at the quark level, the$ \eta -\eta^{\prime} $ mixing angle is considered. At low energies, the interactions of dark scalar particle with pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson is associated with chiral symmetry breaking in terms of the known meson masses, resulting in a dimensional parameter$ B\simeq m^2_{\pi}/(m_u+m_d) $ [13]. -
From the Monte-Carlo simulations, firstly we estimate the detection efficiencies of the channels of interests. Secondly, we show the resolutions of the masses of
$ \pi^{0} $ , η and dark scalar particle. Thirdly, we show the projected background distributions after performing the event selection criteria. Fourthly, we compute the upper limits of branching ratios of the studied channels. Finally, the sensitivities to the model parameters are given from the simulation data. -
The detection efficiencies for the aimed η decay channels are the important quantities in optimizing the design of the spectrometer. The input MC events and the reconstructed events are shown in Figs. 4 and 6, for the channels
$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ e^- $ and$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^+ \pi^- $ respectively. One sees that the efficiencies are above 40% for both channels aimed for the dark scalar particle exploration. These efficiencies are satisfying, as they are very close to the pure geometrical acceptances.Figure 4. (color online) The event distributions as a function of the mass of dark scalar particle for the channel
$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^0 e^+ e^- $ . The green and blue histograms show respectively the input MC events from event generator and the reconstructed events from detector simulation. -
In the simulation, we programmed the decay chains of η meson decay with a presumed dark scalar particle,
$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-\gamma\gamma $ and$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\gamma\gamma $ . From the ChnsRoot simulations, the distributions of the reconstructed mass of dark scalar particle are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 for$ e^+e^- $ and$ \pi^+\pi^- $ channels respectively. Thanks to the small spatial resolution of silicon pixel detector, the mass resolution for the dark scalar particle is quite small, less than 2 MeV for both channels. The small mass resolution is important for the sensitivity of new particle, as the background events under a narrower peak are fewer.Figure 8. (color online) The invariant mass distribution of
$ e^+e^- $ from the dark scalar decay channel$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-\gamma\gamma $ . The mass of dark scalar particle is assumed to be 50 MeV in the simulation.Figure 9. (color online) The invariant mass distribution of
$ \pi^+\pi^- $ from the dark scalar decay channel$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\gamma\gamma $ . The mass of dark scalar particle is assumed to be 300 MeV in the simulation.Figure 7. (color online) The collecting efficiency of the channel
$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^0 \pi^+ \pi^- $ as a function of$ M(\pi^+\pi^-) $ .For the event selection, we also need to identify
$ \pi^0 $ and η particles from the invariant mass distributions. Based on the ChnsRoot simulations, the distributions of the reconstructed mass of the decay$ \pi^0 $ are shown in Figs. 10 and 11 for$ e^+e^-\pi^0 $ and$ \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ channels respectively. According to the current design of EMC, the mass resolution of$ \pi^0 $ is not that good, around 15 MeV for both η decay channels. The distributions of the reconstructed mass of η meson are shown in Figs. 12 and 13 for$ e^+e^-\pi^0 $ and$ \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ channels respectively. From our simulation, the mass resolution of η meson is around 20 MeV for both studied decay channels. The resolution of η mass mainly comes from the resolution of$ \pi^0 $ , for our designed spectrometer excels in measuring precisely the momentum of charged particle. Small mass resolution allows us applying strict criteria for$ \pi^0 $ and η selections, so as to reduce the background and improve the sensitivity to dark scalar particle. Improving the energy resolution of EMC is one effective way to improve the resolutions of the masses of$ \pi^0 $ and η.Figure 10. (color online) The distribution of the reconstructed
$ \pi^0 $ mass from the channel$ \eta\rightarrow e^+ e^-\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-\gamma\gamma $ .Figure 11. (color online) The distribution of the reconstructed
$ \pi^0 $ mass from the channel$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^-\pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+ \pi^-\gamma\gamma $ . -
The targeted decay channels of η in searching the dark scalar particle are
$ \eta\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ and$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ . The technique to find the dark scalar particle is to look for a bump in the invariant mass distributions of$ e^+e^- $ and$ \pi^+\pi^- $ . Before generating the aimed invariant mass distributions, we need to select the channels of interests. The reconstructed masses of η and$ \pi^0 $ are required to be within$ \pm 3\sigma $ range.Figs. 14 and 15 show the simulated invariant mass distributions of
$ e^+e^- $ and$ \pi^+\pi^- $ , from the channels$ \eta\rightarrow e^+e^-\pi^0 $ and$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ respectively. The bin width of histogram is taken as six times of the resolution of dark scalar particle, so that the dark scalar particle mostly shows up in only one bin. To make a conservative estimation, in the detector simulation, the neutrons above the hit threshold of EMC are all misidentified as photons. In the invariant mass distributions of$ e^+e^- $ and$ \pi^+\pi^- $ , one sees no peaks, because there is no dark scalar particle implemented in the GiBUU event generator. Therefore, the obtained invariant mass distributions depict only the background distributions without the dark scalar particle. The lower the background distribution, the better sensitivity of the experiment will be. -
The invariant mass distributions of
$ e^+e^- $ and$ \pi^+\pi^- $ , present no bump, as they are just the background distributions without the dark scalar particle in the decay. Since there is no signal peak in the distribution, the significance of dark scalar particle is less than$ 3\sigma $ . With the background distribution after the event selection process, we can estimate the branching-ratio upper limit of the dark scalar decay channel. The branching-ratio upper limit of a new particle in the decay is simply given by,$ \begin{aligned} \begin{split} {\rm Br.\; upper\; limit} = \frac{3\times\sqrt{N_{\rm bg}^{i}}}{N_{\eta}\times\epsilon_{i}}, \end{split} \end{aligned} $
(4) where
$ N_{\rm bg}^{i} $ is the resulting number of background events in bin i,$ N_{\eta} $ is total number of η mesons produced in the experiment, and$ \epsilon_{i} $ is the efficiency of detecting the dark scalar particle in the mass bin i. The confidence level is at 99 % for the upper limit estimated with Eq. (4). The statistic of total η samples is discussed at the beginning of this section.Figs. 16 and 17 show the branching-ratio upper limits of a dark scalar particle in the decay as a function of the particle mass, in the channels
$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-\gamma\gamma $ and$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\gamma\gamma $ respectively. In Fig. 16, one sees a fast drop of the upper limit around 0.14 GeV. This is because most of the background electrons in the simulation are from the decay of$ \pi^0 $ . In the large mass region above the pion mass, the projected upper limit of dark scalar particle is close to$ 10^{-9} $ in the$ e^+e^- $ channel. In the$ \pi^+\pi^- $ channel, the branching-ratio upper limit of dark scalar particle is below$ 10^{-6} $ . As the direct$ \pi^+\pi^-\pi^0 $ decay is one of the main decay channels of η, the upper limit of dark scalar particle given in this channel is not that small. -
Applying the model description of the dark scalar particle in η rare decay, the branching-ratio upper limit of η to dark scalar particle can be used to constrain the free parameters in the model. The sensitivity to the model parameter is the precision of the parameter on which level we can test the model with satisfying significance. In an experiment, the sensitivity to the model parameter is closely related to the measured upper limit of the branching ratio, via Eq. (1) or Eq. (3).
Fig. 18 shows the projected sensitivity of the mixing angle parameter as a function of the mass of dark scalar particle, under the minimal scalar model. The sensitivity is based on the projected upper limit of branching ratio of
$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow e^+ e^-\gamma\gamma $ , for a prior experiment of one-month running. One sees that the sensitivity to θ is around the level of$ 10^{-1} $ at the confidence level of 99%. REDTOP's preliminary projection is also shown for comparisons [35]. In the small-mass region our result is worse than REDTOP's result, while in the large-mass region our result is as similar as REDTOP's result. In Fig. 18, we also present the sensitivity projection for an ideal experimental plan of one-year running at event rate of 500 MHz.Figure 18. (color online) The sensitivity to the parameter
$ \sin^{2}\theta $ in the minimal scalar model as a function of the mass of dark scalar particle, for the suggested experiment of one-month running (black solid curve, the conservative plan). The projected sensitivity for an ideal case is also shown in the figure (black dashed curve). The ideal experimental plan is for one-year running at event rate of 500 MHz. The red dashed curve shows the preliminary result of REDTOP experiment [35].Fig. 19 shows the projected sensitivity of the coupling parameter
$ g_u $ as a function of the mass of dark scalar particle, under the hadrophilic scalar model. The sensitivity is based on the projected upper limit of branching ratio of$ \eta\rightarrow S\pi^0 \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-\gamma\gamma $ , for a prior experiment of one-month running. One sees that the sensitivity to$ g_u $ is close to$ 10^{-6} $ at the confidence level of 99%. One finds that even with only one-month running of our suggested experiment, the sensitivity will surpass the existing experiments in the corresponding mass domain. The current experimental constraints by MAMI and BESIII are from the analyses of$ \eta\rightarrow \pi^0 \gamma\gamma $ and$ \eta^{\prime}\rightarrow \pi^0\pi^+\pi^- $ data, respectively, under the same hadrophilic scalar model. In Fig. 19, we also present the sensitivity projection for an ideal experimental plan of one-year running at event rate of 500 MHz. With years running of Huizhou η factory program, our constraints on the hardrophilic scalar model will be similar to the proposed REDTOP experiment [35].Figure 19. (color online) The sensitivity to the parameter
$ g_{u} $ in the hadrophilic scalar model as a function of the mass of dark scalar particle, for the suggested experiment of one-month running (black solid curve, the conservative plan). The projected sensitivity for an ideal case is also shown in the figure (black dashed curve). The ideal experimental plan is for one-year running at event rate of 500 MHz. Some previous experimental data for the constraints are taken from E787/E949 [70−73], MAMI [74], BESIII [52], KLOE [55], SN 1987A [13].
Simulation of dark scalar particle sensitivity in η rare decay channels at HIAF
- Received Date: 2024-10-02
- Available Online: 2025-04-01
Abstract: Searching dark portal particle is a hot topic in particle physics frontier. We present a simulation study of an experiment targeted for searching the scalar portal particle at Huizhou η factory. The HIAF high-intensity proton beam and a high event-rate spectrometer are suggested for the experiment aimed for the discovery of new physics. Under the conservative estimation,