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Number of states with given spin I and isospin T for n fermions in a j orbit

  • In this study, we investigate formulas of the number of states with a given total spin I and isospin T for n nucleons in a single-j shell denoted by DIT(j,n). Talmi's recursion formulas for the number of states with a given z-axis projection of total spin are generalized by further considering the isospin couplings and are applied to derive explicit formulas of DIT(j,n).
  • Determining the number of states with a given spin I for identical nucleons in a single-j shell [denoted by DI(j,n)] is a common practice in nuclear structure theory and atomic physics. In the nuclear shell model, DI(j,n) is usually tabulated for relatively small j and n. In cases with larger j or n, DI(j,n) might be obtained by subtracting the number of states with total angular momentum projection M=I+1 from that with M=I [1], where M equals m1+m2++mn, and mi [i=1,2,,n] is the projection of j on the z-axis for the i-th nucleon. Other recipes to extract DI(j,n) include Racha's formulas in terms of the seniority scheme [2] and generating function method studied extensively by Katriel et al. [3] and Sunko and collaborators [46].

    The first explicit and compact formula of DI(j,n) was obtained specifically for I=0 and n=4 by Ginocchio and Haxton while studying the fractional quantum Hall effect [7]. In Ref. [8], DI(j,n) was constructed empirically for n=3 and 4, and for a few I values with n=5. The formulas for n=3 was soon proved by Talmi, who introduced his recursive formulas [9]. These formulas were later derived based on the reduction rule from SU(4) to SO(3) group [10]; the formula for n=4 was derived by the reduction rule from SU(5) to the SO(3) group [11], with a demonstration that DI(j,n) can be actually derived based on the reduction rule from SU(n+1) to SO(3) group. The Ginocchio-Haxton formula of D0(j,4) was also revisited by Zamick and Escuderos [12]. An explicit recursion formula from n1 particles to n particles was obtained in Ref. [13] by introducing "pseudo" particles which allow fermions take integer spins. In Refs. [14, 15], the number of states, denoted by DI(j,n), was applied to derive sum rules of six-j and nine-j symbols, some of which were also revisited in Ref. [ 16]. In the last decade, Pain and collaborators extensively studied the odd-even staggering of DI(j,n) [17, 18], and compact formulas of DI(j,n) for n=3,4, and 5 [19]. The enumeration of the number of states with given spin was also extended to boson systems in Ref. [20]. The study of DI(j,n) motivated a number of studies related to a single-j shell; here, we mention Refs. [2134] without providing further details for completeness.

    Given that the nuclear shell model Hamiltonian respects the isospin symmetry, it is natural to generalize the enumeration of DI(j,n) to the number of states with given spin I and isospin T, denoted by DIT(j,n), for nucleons in a single-j shell. In Ref. [35], Zamick and Escuderos found a few simple relations between DIT(j,4) with T=0 and DIT(j,4) with T=2. In Ref. [36], compact and explicit formulas of DIT(j,n) for n=3 and 4 were derived in terms of sum rules of six-j and nine-j symbols involving the expression of DI(j,n) given in Ref. [11].

    Similar to the enumeration of DI(j,n), DIT(j,n) can be obtained in terms of the number of states with given spin projection M and isospin projection MT. This number is denoted by NMMT(j,n). For n fermions in a single-j shell,



    In this study, we investigate DIT(j,n) in terms of NMMT(j,n), which is obtained by generalizing Talmi's recursion formula of NM(j,n), in which isospin is not considered. Compact formulas of DIT(j,n) are derived for n=3 as an exemplification. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we generalize Talmi's formulas for NM(j,n) by further considering the isospin symmetry, and present recursion formulas of NMMT. In Sec. III, we apply our generalized recursion formulas of NMMT and extract NMMT(n,j) for n=3. In Sec. IV, DIT(j,3) is derived by using Eq. (1). In Sec. V, we summarize our study. In Appendix A, we provide an alternative mathematical proof of our generalized Talmi's recursion formula by using the generating function method. In Appendix B, we tabulate DIT(j,n) with n=3 and 4, j=5/2,7/2, and 9/2.

    We use the convention that the z-axis projection of the isospin for a neutron and a proton equals 1/2 and 1/2, respectively. For n nucleons in a single-j shell, we denote the projections of total spin I and total isospin T, respectively, as M and MT. With this convention, the neutron number equals n/2+MT, and the proton number equals n/2MT. Let us denote the z-axis spin projections of neutrons and protons by using (mν1,mν2,...,mν2j+1) and (mπ1,mπ2,...,mπ2j+1), respectively, with the convention that j=mν1>mν2>...>mν2j+1=j for neutrons and j=mπ1>mπ2>...>mπ2j+1=j for protons. We define nνi=1 (or nπi=1) for i=1,...,2j+1 if the orbit of mνi (or mπi) is filled; otherwise, it equals zero.

    According to the above conventions, we have


    and the maximum of I equals



    We denote the number of states with given M and MT for n nucleons in a single-j shell by using NMMT(j,n). Clearly, we can divide the values of (nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1) into sixteen cases, as tabulated in Table 1. Here, we exemplify them by using ( nν1=1,nν2j+1=1,nπ1=1,nπ2j+1=1). In this case, there are (n4) nucleons distributed in orbits for which the absolute values of mi values equal or are below (j1). Consequently, the number of states with given M and MT, i.e., NMMT(j,n), equals the number of states of the same M and MT, but with (n4) nucleons in a (j1) shell, namely, NMMT(j1,n4). According to this classification, we are able to obtain NMMT(j,n) by using the values of NMMT(j,n), where either j is smaller than j, or n is smaller than n, or both (j,n) are smaller than (j,n). In other words, from Table 1 we have

    Table 1

    Table 1.  Number of states corresponding to the available values of nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1.
    nν1nν2j+1nπ1nπ2j+1Number of states
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    Here, the summation over {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1} refers to the sixteen cases listed in Table 1. Note that the above formula holds also for n=1,2,3,4, with the convention that NMMT(j,n)=0 if n<0 and NMMT(j,0)=δM,0δMT,0. Note also that Eq. (3) can be proved alternatively based on the generating-function technique described in Ref. [3], as presented in Appendix A.

    The value of NMMT(j,n) with n=1 or 2 is trivially determined as follows. For MT=±1/2 and |M|j, NM,MT=±12(j,1)=1; otherwise, it equals zero. For n=2 with MT=±1, the highest value of M equals Mmax=2j1 and for MT=0, Mmax=2j. For MT=±1 and M2j1,



    where ""and"" means taking the largest integer without exceeding the value inside; for MT=0 and M2j,



    Otherwise, NMMT(j,2)=0. With these results, we can construct explicit formulas of NMMT(j,3) by using Eq. (3).

    We first discuss NMMT(j,3) with the requirement that MT=12 and j<MMmax. We recursively apply Eq. (3) to this term and obtain the value of NMMT(j,n):



    where denotes summations that exclude the case {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,0} and decouple the term NM,MT(j1,n) [the last term in the summation of the sixteen terms of Table 1]; l is fixed with the requirement that NMMT(jl,n)=0 while NMMT(jl+1,n)0, which means that


    or equivalently,



    For n=3 and MT=1/2, the value of l becomes



    According to Eq. (6), with the conditions NMMT(jl,n)=0 and NMMT(jl+1,n)0, we have



    On the right hand side of the above formula, there are many terms that break the requirement of Eq. (2) for n2. Let us exemplify this by using two cases: {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,1} and {1,1,1,0}. For the first case, {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,1}, the corresponding contribution to NM,MT=12(j,3) on the right hand of Eq. (10) is NM+(ji),MT=1(ji1,2). Given that M>j here, the value of M+(ji) is larger than the maximum Mmax of two nucleons in a single ji1 shell, i.e., Mmax=2j2i2. Similarly, for {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={1,1,1,0}, the corresponding contribution on the right hand side is NM(ji),MT=0(ji1,0). Given that M(ji)>0, NM(ji),MT=0(ji1,0)=δM(ji),0=0. As a result, we obtain



    The summation of 3j3i1M2 is tedious but straightforward. One has


    When 3jM=6k+1, the summation becomes


    This summation for the case 3jM=6k+2,3,4,5,6 can be obtained similarly, as follows:



    Substituting these results into Eq. (10), we obtain



    where η(3jM)=(0,14) if mod(3jM,2)=(0,1), respectively.

    Let us now address NM,MT=12(j,3) with Tz=1/2 and 0<Mj. In this case, Eq. (3) is applied recursively for jM+1 times. As a result, we have



    where, again, denotes summation among the sixteen sets of {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1} excluding {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,0}. For MT=12 and n=3, the above formula is reduced to




    where the first term " 1" is given by NM=0,MT=0(ji1,0)=1 with {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1,i}={1,1,1,0,jM}; the second term NM,MT=12(M1,3) is given in Eq. (12) with j=M1, i.e.,



    The summations in Eq. (14) equal zero when the upper limit of the given summation index is larger than its lower limit. On the right hand side, the summations of ji+M12 and jiM12 are classified into two cases, jM=2k and 2k+1. For jM=2k, we obtain


    The summation with jM=2k+1 is obtained similarly. The results of these two cases are unified as follows:



    Following a similar procedure, we obtain



    Substituting Eqs. (15)–(17) into Eq. (14), we obtain NM,MT=12(j,3) with 0<Mj in a compact form:



    The results for NMMT(j,n) are reduced to NM(j,n) for identical particles, and Eq. (3) is reduced to Talmi's recursion formula. For this case, NM,MT=32(j,3) was obtained in Ref. [19], which we cite for completeness. For j<MMmax, according to Eqs. (2.11a)–(2.11b) in Ref. [19],





    for mod(3jM,6)=0,1,2,3,4,5, respectively. For 0<Mj, according to Eqs. (2.19a)-(2.19b) in Ref. [19],





    for mod(M12,3)=0,1,2, respectively.

    Provided the results of NMMT(j,3), i.e., Eqs. (12), (18), (19), and (20), we can readily substitute them into Eq. (1) to obtain the number of states with given I and T, i.e., DIT(j,3).

    We first consider the case T=1/2. When I>j and T=1/2, we obtain



    According to Eqs. (12) and (19), the above formula is reduced to



    For I=j and T=1/2,



    By using Eqs. (12), (18), (19), and (20), we have



    Similarly, for 0<I<j and T=1/2,



    By using Eqs. (18) and (20), the above formula is reduced to



    Eqs. (24)–(26) can be rewritten as follows. For Ij and T=1/2,



    and for 0<Ij and T=1/2,



    These results [Eqs. (27)–(28) in this paper] are consistent with Eqs. (25)–(26) in Ref. [ 36], which were obtained in terms of sum rules of six-j symbols, except that the formulas derived in this paper are expressed in a more transparent and understandable form.

    The T=3/2 case is much simpler than the T=1/2 case. One uses Talmi's recursion formulas for NM=I,32(j,n) and obtains DI,T=32(j,3) straightforwardly. The resulting formulas are consistent with those given in Ref. [ 8] and Ref. [19]. We show them next for completeness. According to Eq. (1) in Ref. [ 8], for 0<Ij and T=3/2,



    and according to Eq. (2) in Ref. [ 8], for Ij and T=3/2,




    δI={0if mod(3j3I,6)=1,1otherwise.

    In principle, one can follow the above procedure as explained in Eqs. (1)–(3) for larger n values. However, this procedure becomes formidably tedious with lengthy formulas and tables for larger n values. Instead of those formulas, we calculate DIT(j,n) for n=3 and 4 and j=5/2, 7/2, and 9/2 and tabulate them in Table B1 and Table B2 in Appendix B.

    To summarize, in this paper we generalize Talmi's recursion formula of the number of states with given spin I by further consideration of the isospin symmetry. This generalization is also proved alternatively based on the generating function method. We also exemplify the generalized Talmi's recursion formulas obtained in this paper by applying our generalized Talmi's recursion formulas in constructing the number of states with given spin and isospin of three nucleons in a single-j shell.

    In this Appendix, we present an alternative proof of the recursion formula presented in Eq. (3) based on the generating-function method.

    A generating function is a polynomial function for which the expansion coefficients are related to the number of states with a given requirement. We define the generating function corresponding to NMMT(j,n), similar to that in Ref. [17],


    which yields




    The generating function is expanded in powers of z as follows:




    Using the Leibniz formula, one obtains


    By using Eqs. (A1), (A5), the above relation yields


    Given that gj(x,y,z) is a fourth-order polynomial, the only derivatives that are nonzero correspond to



    Eq. (A7) holds for any independent variables x and y; therefore, the coefficients of homogeneous terms on both sides are equal, which immediately leads to Eq. (3).

    In this Appendix, we tabulate DIT(j,n) with j=3/2– 9/2 and n=3–4, for convenience.

    Table B1

    Table B1.  DIT(j,n) for j=5/2-9/2, with n=3. ID in this Table represents that there are D states with spin I for the jn configuration.
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    Show Table

    Table B2

    Table B2.  The same as Table B1 except for n=4.
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    Show Table
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    [22] L. Zamick and A. Escuderos, Ann. Phys. (NY) 321, 987 (2006) doi: 10.1016/j.aop.2005.08.006
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    [33] X. B. Wang and F. R. Xu, Phys. Rev. C 85, 034304 (2012) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.034304
    [34] Y. Y. Cheng, J. J. Shen, G. J. Fu et al., Phys. Rev. C 100, 014318 (2019) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.014318
    [35] L. Zamick and A. Escuderos, Phys. Rev. C 72, 044317 (2005) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.044317
    [36] Y. M. Zhao and A. Arima, Phys. Rev. C 72, 064333 (2005) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.72.064333
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Cited by

1. Poirier, M., Pain, J.-C. Exact expressions of the distributions of total magnetic quantum number and angular momentum in single- j orbits: A general technique for any number of fermions[J]. Physical Review C, 2024, 109(2): 024306. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.024306


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X. Yin and Y. M. Zhao. Number of states with given spin I and isospin T for n fermions in a j orbit[J]. Chinese Physics C. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ac7eb3
X. Yin and Y. M. Zhao. Number of states with given spin I and isospin T for n fermions in a j orbit[J]. Chinese Physics C.  doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ac7eb3 shu
Received: 2022-06-11
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Number of states with given spin I and isospin T for n fermions in a j orbit

    Corresponding author: Y. M. Zhao,
  • 1. Shanghai Key Laboratory of Particle Physics and Cosmology, School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
  • 2. Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA (CICIFSA), Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

Abstract: In this study, we investigate formulas of the number of states with a given total spin I and isospin T for n nucleons in a single-j shell denoted by DIT(j,n). Talmi's recursion formulas for the number of states with a given z-axis projection of total spin are generalized by further considering the isospin couplings and are applied to derive explicit formulas of DIT(j,n).


    • Determining the number of states with a given spin I for identical nucleons in a single-j shell [denoted by DI(j,n)] is a common practice in nuclear structure theory and atomic physics. In the nuclear shell model, DI(j,n) is usually tabulated for relatively small j and n. In cases with larger j or n, DI(j,n) might be obtained by subtracting the number of states with total angular momentum projection M=I+1 from that with M=I [1], where M equals m1+m2++mn, and mi [i=1,2,,n] is the projection of j on the z-axis for the i-th nucleon. Other recipes to extract DI(j,n) include Racha's formulas in terms of the seniority scheme [2] and generating function method studied extensively by Katriel et al. [3] and Sunko and collaborators [46].

      The first explicit and compact formula of DI(j,n) was obtained specifically for I=0 and n=4 by Ginocchio and Haxton while studying the fractional quantum Hall effect [7]. In Ref. [8], DI(j,n) was constructed empirically for n=3 and 4, and for a few I values with n=5. The formulas for n=3 was soon proved by Talmi, who introduced his recursive formulas [9]. These formulas were later derived based on the reduction rule from SU(4) to SO(3) group [10]; the formula for n=4 was derived by the reduction rule from SU(5) to the SO(3) group [11], with a demonstration that DI(j,n) can be actually derived based on the reduction rule from SU(n+1) to SO(3) group. The Ginocchio-Haxton formula of D0(j,4) was also revisited by Zamick and Escuderos [12]. An explicit recursion formula from n1 particles to n particles was obtained in Ref. [13] by introducing "pseudo" particles which allow fermions take integer spins. In Refs. [14, 15], the number of states, denoted by DI(j,n), was applied to derive sum rules of six-j and nine-j symbols, some of which were also revisited in Ref. [ 16]. In the last decade, Pain and collaborators extensively studied the odd-even staggering of DI(j,n) [17, 18], and compact formulas of DI(j,n) for n=3,4, and 5 [19]. The enumeration of the number of states with given spin was also extended to boson systems in Ref. [20]. The study of DI(j,n) motivated a number of studies related to a single-j shell; here, we mention Refs. [2134] without providing further details for completeness.

      Given that the nuclear shell model Hamiltonian respects the isospin symmetry, it is natural to generalize the enumeration of DI(j,n) to the number of states with given spin I and isospin T, denoted by DIT(j,n), for nucleons in a single-j shell. In Ref. [35], Zamick and Escuderos found a few simple relations between DIT(j,4) with T=0 and DIT(j,4) with T=2. In Ref. [36], compact and explicit formulas of DIT(j,n) for n=3 and 4 were derived in terms of sum rules of six-j and nine-j symbols involving the expression of DI(j,n) given in Ref. [11].

      Similar to the enumeration of DI(j,n), DIT(j,n) can be obtained in terms of the number of states with given spin projection M and isospin projection MT. This number is denoted by NMMT(j,n). For n fermions in a single-j shell,



      In this study, we investigate DIT(j,n) in terms of NMMT(j,n), which is obtained by generalizing Talmi's recursion formula of NM(j,n), in which isospin is not considered. Compact formulas of DIT(j,n) are derived for n=3 as an exemplification. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, we generalize Talmi's formulas for NM(j,n) by further considering the isospin symmetry, and present recursion formulas of NMMT. In Sec. III, we apply our generalized recursion formulas of NMMT and extract NMMT(n,j) for n=3. In Sec. IV, DIT(j,3) is derived by using Eq. (1). In Sec. V, we summarize our study. In Appendix A, we provide an alternative mathematical proof of our generalized Talmi's recursion formula by using the generating function method. In Appendix B, we tabulate DIT(j,n) with n=3 and 4, j=5/2,7/2, and 9/2.

    • We use the convention that the z-axis projection of the isospin for a neutron and a proton equals 1/2 and 1/2, respectively. For n nucleons in a single-j shell, we denote the projections of total spin I and total isospin T, respectively, as M and MT. With this convention, the neutron number equals n/2+MT, and the proton number equals n/2MT. Let us denote the z-axis spin projections of neutrons and protons by using (mν1,mν2,...,mν2j+1) and (mπ1,mπ2,...,mπ2j+1), respectively, with the convention that j=mν1>mν2>...>mν2j+1=j for neutrons and j=mπ1>mπ2>...>mπ2j+1=j for protons. We define nνi=1 (or nπi=1) for i=1,...,2j+1 if the orbit of mνi (or mπi) is filled; otherwise, it equals zero.

      According to the above conventions, we have


      and the maximum of I equals



      We denote the number of states with given M and MT for n nucleons in a single-j shell by using NMMT(j,n). Clearly, we can divide the values of (nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1) into sixteen cases, as tabulated in Table 1. Here, we exemplify them by using ( nν1=1,nν2j+1=1,nπ1=1,nπ2j+1=1). In this case, there are (n4) nucleons distributed in orbits for which the absolute values of mi values equal or are below (j1). Consequently, the number of states with given M and MT, i.e., NMMT(j,n), equals the number of states of the same M and MT, but with (n4) nucleons in a (j1) shell, namely, NMMT(j1,n4). According to this classification, we are able to obtain NMMT(j,n) by using the values of NMMT(j,n), where either j is smaller than j, or n is smaller than n, or both (j,n) are smaller than (j,n). In other words, from Table 1 we have

      nν1nν2j+1nπ1nπ2j+1Number of states

      Table 1.  Number of states corresponding to the available values of nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1.



      Here, the summation over {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1} refers to the sixteen cases listed in Table 1. Note that the above formula holds also for n=1,2,3,4, with the convention that NMMT(j,n)=0 if n<0 and NMMT(j,0)=δM,0δMT,0. Note also that Eq. (3) can be proved alternatively based on the generating-function technique described in Ref. [3], as presented in Appendix A.

    • The value of NMMT(j,n) with n=1 or 2 is trivially determined as follows. For MT=±1/2 and |M|j, NM,MT=±12(j,1)=1; otherwise, it equals zero. For n=2 with MT=±1, the highest value of M equals Mmax=2j1 and for MT=0, Mmax=2j. For MT=±1 and M2j1,



      where ""and"" means taking the largest integer without exceeding the value inside; for MT=0 and M2j,



      Otherwise, NMMT(j,2)=0. With these results, we can construct explicit formulas of NMMT(j,3) by using Eq. (3).

    • A.   MT=1/2 and j<MMmax

    • We first discuss NMMT(j,3) with the requirement that MT=12 and j<MMmax. We recursively apply Eq. (3) to this term and obtain the value of NMMT(j,n):



      where denotes summations that exclude the case {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,0} and decouple the term NM,MT(j1,n) [the last term in the summation of the sixteen terms of Table 1]; l is fixed with the requirement that NMMT(jl,n)=0 while NMMT(jl+1,n)0, which means that


      or equivalently,



      For n=3 and MT=1/2, the value of l becomes



      According to Eq. (6), with the conditions NMMT(jl,n)=0 and NMMT(jl+1,n)0, we have



      On the right hand side of the above formula, there are many terms that break the requirement of Eq. (2) for n2. Let us exemplify this by using two cases: {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,1} and {1,1,1,0}. For the first case, {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,1}, the corresponding contribution to NM,MT=12(j,3) on the right hand of Eq. (10) is NM+(ji),MT=1(ji1,2). Given that M>j here, the value of M+(ji) is larger than the maximum Mmax of two nucleons in a single ji1 shell, i.e., Mmax=2j2i2. Similarly, for {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={1,1,1,0}, the corresponding contribution on the right hand side is NM(ji),MT=0(ji1,0). Given that M(ji)>0, NM(ji),MT=0(ji1,0)=δM(ji),0=0. As a result, we obtain



      The summation of 3j3i1M2 is tedious but straightforward. One has


      When 3jM=6k+1, the summation becomes


      This summation for the case 3jM=6k+2,3,4,5,6 can be obtained similarly, as follows:



      Substituting these results into Eq. (10), we obtain



      where η(3jM)=(0,14) if mod(3jM,2)=(0,1), respectively.

    • B.   Tz=1/2 and 0<Mj

    • Let us now address NM,MT=12(j,3) with Tz=1/2 and 0<Mj. In this case, Eq. (3) is applied recursively for jM+1 times. As a result, we have



      where, again, denotes summation among the sixteen sets of {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1} excluding {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1}={0,0,0,0}. For MT=12 and n=3, the above formula is reduced to




      where the first term " 1" is given by NM=0,MT=0(ji1,0)=1 with {nν1,nν2j+1,nπ1,nπ2j+1,i}={1,1,1,0,jM}; the second term NM,MT=12(M1,3) is given in Eq. (12) with j=M1, i.e.,



      The summations in Eq. (14) equal zero when the upper limit of the given summation index is larger than its lower limit. On the right hand side, the summations of ji+M12 and jiM12 are classified into two cases, jM=2k and 2k+1. For jM=2k, we obtain


      The summation with jM=2k+1 is obtained similarly. The results of these two cases are unified as follows:



      Following a similar procedure, we obtain



      Substituting Eqs. (15)–(17) into Eq. (14), we obtain NM,MT=12(j,3) with 0<Mj in a compact form:


    • C.   MT=3/2 and 0<M

    • The results for NMMT(j,n) are reduced to NM(j,n) for identical particles, and Eq. (3) is reduced to Talmi's recursion formula. For this case, NM,MT=32(j,3) was obtained in Ref. [19], which we cite for completeness. For j<MMmax, according to Eqs. (2.11a)–(2.11b) in Ref. [19],





      for mod(3jM,6)=0,1,2,3,4,5, respectively. For 0<Mj, according to Eqs. (2.19a)-(2.19b) in Ref. [19],





      for mod(M12,3)=0,1,2, respectively.

    • Provided the results of NMMT(j,3), i.e., Eqs. (12), (18), (19), and (20), we can readily substitute them into Eq. (1) to obtain the number of states with given I and T, i.e., DIT(j,3).

      We first consider the case T=1/2. When I>j and T=1/2, we obtain



      According to Eqs. (12) and (19), the above formula is reduced to



      For I=j and T=1/2,



      By using Eqs. (12), (18), (19), and (20), we have



      Similarly, for 0<I<j and T=1/2,



      By using Eqs. (18) and (20), the above formula is reduced to



      Eqs. (24)–(26) can be rewritten as follows. For Ij and T=1/2,



      and for 0<Ij and T=1/2,



      These results [Eqs. (27)–(28) in this paper] are consistent with Eqs. (25)–(26) in Ref. [ 36], which were obtained in terms of sum rules of six-j symbols, except that the formulas derived in this paper are expressed in a more transparent and understandable form.

      The T=3/2 case is much simpler than the T=1/2 case. One uses Talmi's recursion formulas for NM=I,32(j,n) and obtains DI,T=32(j,3) straightforwardly. The resulting formulas are consistent with those given in Ref. [ 8] and Ref. [19]. We show them next for completeness. According to Eq. (1) in Ref. [ 8], for 0<Ij and T=3/2,



      and according to Eq. (2) in Ref. [ 8], for Ij and T=3/2,




      δI={0if mod(3j3I,6)=1,1otherwise.

      In principle, one can follow the above procedure as explained in Eqs. (1)–(3) for larger n values. However, this procedure becomes formidably tedious with lengthy formulas and tables for larger n values. Instead of those formulas, we calculate DIT(j,n) for n=3 and 4 and j=5/2, 7/2, and 9/2 and tabulate them in Table B1 and Table B2 in Appendix B.

    V.   SUMMARY
    • To summarize, in this paper we generalize Talmi's recursion formula of the number of states with given spin I by further consideration of the isospin symmetry. This generalization is also proved alternatively based on the generating function method. We also exemplify the generalized Talmi's recursion formulas obtained in this paper by applying our generalized Talmi's recursion formulas in constructing the number of states with given spin and isospin of three nucleons in a single-j shell.

    • In this Appendix, we present an alternative proof of the recursion formula presented in Eq. (3) based on the generating-function method.

      A generating function is a polynomial function for which the expansion coefficients are related to the number of states with a given requirement. We define the generating function corresponding to NMMT(j,n), similar to that in Ref. [17],


      which yields




      The generating function is expanded in powers of z as follows:




      Using the Leibniz formula, one obtains


      By using Eqs. (A1), (A5), the above relation yields


      Given that gj(x,y,z) is a fourth-order polynomial, the only derivatives that are nonzero correspond to



      Eq. (A7) holds for any independent variables x and y; therefore, the coefficients of homogeneous terms on both sides are equal, which immediately leads to Eq. (3).

    APPENDIX B: DIT(J,N) WITH J=3/29/2 AND N=34
    • In this Appendix, we tabulate DIT(j,n) with j=3/2– 9/2 and n=3–4, for convenience.


      Table B1.  DIT(j,n) for j=5/2-9/2, with n=3. ID in this Table represents that there are D states with spin I for the jn configuration.


      Table B2.  The same as Table B1 except for n=4.

Reference (36)



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