1988 Vol. 12, No. S4

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A Monte-Carlo Generator of Chou-Yang Geometrical Model
Ding Linkai, Chi Xinyu, Zhu Qingqi, Jing Caiiiu, Jing Guiru
1988, 12(S4): 329-336.
Using an approximate energy conservation method, a Monte-Carlo generator which produces exclusive processes of Chou-Yang geometrical model is constructed. Using this generator the mcxiel is easily compared with experimental data and it receives a positive support. In principle, the method used is applicable to any mcxiels with a given inclusive momentum distribution.
Different Treatments of Nuclear Binding Effect in Deep Inelastic Lepton Nucleus Scattering
Ma Boqiang, Sun Ji
1988, 12(S4): 337-346.
We give a kinematic modification of the impulse approximation by adopting on-shell kinematics and the constraint of overall energy conservation, and calculate the nuclear binding effect in deep inelastic lepton nucleus scattering. We also compare this model with the off-shell mcxJel of nuclear binding effect, and find the two models give different results and predictions about the structure function F1A(x) and the Callan-Gross ratio RA=σL/σT for bound nucleons. The comparison with experiments shows that the on-shell model can explain more experimental phenomena and also describe the data better than the off-shell model.
Quantization of Pure Gauge Fields on Coset Space of Abelian Chiral Group
Jing Sicong, and Ruan Tunan
1988, 12(S4): 347-358.
Due to the change of the path-integral measure for fermion fields under chiral transformation, an extra term (chiral anomalous term) is added to the action of the generating functional for the coset pure gauge field theory of Abelian chiral group. The path-integral quantization of this theory is realized and the BRS invariance of the generating functional is restored with the aid of a chiral anomalous term. Ward identities, consistent with the classical PCAC equations, are also deduced by using the functional derivative technique.
Cylindrical Bag Model of Particle Production in High Energy e+e- Annihilation
Qiu Zhongping, Cai Xu
1988, 12(S4): 359-364.
The latest experimental data from TASSO and HRS Collaboration on muitipar-ticle production in high energy e+e- annihilation are analyzed with a cylindrical bag model. It shows that the observed approximate KNO scaling can be explained in terms of the bag parameters which determines the hadronization probability densities proportional to the square of the materialized energy.
Vertex Operators and Different String Interaction Pictures
Hu Hongliang, Yu Yue, Xiong Chuansheng
1988, 12(S4): 365-372.
In this paper we discuss the conformal transformations between the Witten’s string field interacting picture and other pictures. Two different interacting pictures of strings and explicit forms of their vertex operators are given. One of them cannot relate to Witten’s picture by a real conformal transformation of parameter a but the other is possible.
The Mean-Field Analysis for Chiral Symmetry Phase Transition
Liu Baohua, Li Jiarong
1988, 12(S4): 373-378.
A mean-field theory is used to study the chiral phase transition at finite temperature. The critical temperature and the phase diagram are obtained.
Alternative Regularization Scheme and Conformal Anomaly Strings
Chen Wei
1988, 12(S4): 379-386.
An improved approach for regularizing ill-defined sum $\sum\limits_{i = 1}^\infty {} $ψi+(x)ψi(x) presented, and the conformal anomaly in strings is discussed.
Surface Production of η Particles in π-A Collisions
Jiang Huanqing, Li Yangguo
1988, 12(S4): 387-392.
We propose a mcxiel to calculate the inclusive eta production reaction induced by pions. The comparison between our theory and experiments shows that the η particle emission in π-A collisions is a process of surface production.
An Inflation Solution from the Calabi-Yau Compactification
Xu Jianjun, Li Xinzhou, Ni Guangjiong
1988, 12(S4): 393-398.
The field theory limit of the superstring theories in ten-dimensional space suggests a compactification on the Calabi-Yau manifolds. The authors present a cosmological inflation solution of this scenario in which a matter term is added.
Exploration of Optimum Shape in Symmetric Fission
Dai Guangxi, Li Weisheng
1988, 12(S4): 399-404.
In this paper the large deformation of symmetric fission is described by a biquadratic surface revolution instead of several quadratic equations. Based on the standard liquid model, variation calculation of the deformation energy is performed and thereby, a better shape with a group of coefficients {bi} than the Cassinian ovaloid is obtained. The shape with {bi} has lower deformation energy than that of the Cassinian ovaloid at the same separation distance between C.M. of half bcxiies. The applicability of this so-called shape optimum II with {bi} is examined in the mass range A=208-308. The fission barrier for shape optimum II is lower and thinner than that of the ovaloid, because after the saddle point the potential descends more rapidly. There are significant differences of deformation energy between the shape optimum II and the ovaloid when the neck in the middle appears. The neck cross section of shape optimum II is larger than that of the ovaloid before the scission point is reached, but they are equal or thinner near this point.
The Study of the Dissipation Process and the Nucleon Transfer Produced by the 80.9 MeV 16O on 27Al
Yin Xu, Sheri Wenqing, Zhu Yongtai, Feng Enpu, Wang Qi, Xie Yuanxiang, Zhan Wenlong, Li Songlin
1988, 12(S4): 405-414.
The threefold differential cross sections d3σ/dAdZdE of the projectile-like fragment produced by the 80.9 MeV 16O on 27Al have been measured, using a time of flight system with △E-E telescope. The relation between the dissipation process and the nucleon exchange that appears in the reaction has been discussed.
Seniority and K-Structure of the Cranked Shell Model Wave Function (I) Even-Even Nuclei
Lin Chunzhen, Wu Chongshi, Zeng Jinyan
1988, 12(S4): 415-424.
With the increasing rotational frequency ω, the seniority V-structure and the K-staicture of the CSM wave function become very complicated. For not too high ω) ( ≤ 0.5 MeV) configurations with V = 0, 2, 4 are dominant for the low-lying bands,while those with V ≥ 6 are negligiWy small. Configurations with various K-values (|K| ≤ 10) are comparable and the nucleus deviates from axial-symmetry significantly. The variation of the gap parameter with ω are also analyzed.
The Charge-(Mass-) Relaxation Process in Dissipative Heavy-Ion Collision of Mass-Asymmetric Systems
Liu Jianye, Qiao Weimin, Li Junqin, Shen Wenqing, Chen Peijun, Tan Nanhong
1988, 12(S4): 425-432.
The first and second moments of charge (mass) in dissipative heavy-ion collisions of mass-asymmetric systems have been calculated by means of the dissipative dynamic equation coupled to the master equation. The calculated results illustrate very well the experimental drift of the first moment of charge, which cannot be explained by the normal diffusion model. The second calculated moment of charge also agrees with the experimental data very well.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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