1993 Vol. 17, No. 12

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Determining the Luminosity for BES by Spectrum Analysis of Bhabha Events in Small Angle
Zhu Qiming, Zhou Huashi, Jiang Chunhua, Ni Huiling
1993, 17(12): 1057-1064.
This paper presented a method of determining the luminosity of BES by spectrum analysis of Bhabha events in small angle during the measurement of the mass of Tau lepton at BEPC.
Functions of the ALICE Code and Its Utilization
Yuan Suanggui, Xu Shuwei, Pan Qiangyan, Qu Xiulan
1993, 17(12): 1065-1069.
The functions of the ALICE code and the method of its usage have been introduced.The fusion evaporation exitation functions given by using the ALICE code are reliable and can be accomplished by using the simplifying method,but by using s-wave approximation formula only for reactions induced by heavy ions.The adopted level density parameter a=A/12MeV-1 is suitable for cross section prediction.Dependable fusion fission sections can be obtained by means of regulating scaling parameter Bf properly.The calculated energy spectra of particles emitted by precompound decay are also satisfactory.
Measurement of the Lateral Distribution of Cerenkov Light from Air Shower
Li Yanguo, Yuan Yukui, He Changxiao, Tan Youheng, Dong Yuju, Yuan Peng, Zhang Huimin
1993, 17(12): 1070-1075.
In order to investigate both the lateral distribution of Cerenkov light and the pulse time structure depending on the longitudinal development of the shower,a small Cerenkov light array has been built in Huairo.Lateral distributions of Cerenkov light intensity from EAS have been measured using the combined Cerenkov-particle array,for showres in the size range 2×105 to 107 particles.The prelimianary results are in agereement with the results of some recent experimental measurements and theoretical simulations.
Study of Higher Order Cumulant Expansion of U(1) Lattice Gauge Model at Finite Temperature
ZHENG Xite, LEI Chunhong, LI Yuliang, CHEN Hong
1993, 17(12): 1076-1080.
The order parameter,Polyakov line 〈L〉,of the U(1) gauge model on N3σ×Nτ(Nτ=1) lattice by using the cumulant expansion is calculated to the 5-th order.The emphasis is put on the behaviour of the cumulant expansion in the intermediate coupling region.The necessity of higher order expansion is clarified from the connection between the cumulant expansion and the correlation length.The variational parameter in the n-th order calculation is determined by the requirement that corrections of the n-th order expansion to the zeroth order expansion finish.The agreement with the Monte Carlo simulation is obtained not only in the weak and strong coupling regions,but also in the intermediate coupling region except in the very vicinity of the phase transition point.
The Study on the Production of tc at LEPⅡ Energy in the Extended Standard Model with Two Higgs-doublets
ZHANG Zhaoxi, LI Xueqian, YANG Maozhi, WANG Jianxiong
1993, 17(12): 1081-1090.
In this paper the cross section of the production of tc(or tc)by e+e→(or tc),is computed in the Standard Model and its extension with two Higgs-doublets as well as the fourth generation fermions included.The results show that even for the top mass is so high around 140GeV,as predicted by the Model,the cross section of this process still may be reach at an observable valne at the LEPⅡ if favourable parameters are taken in the extension model.
SU(3)f Predictions for Nonleptonic Decays of Charmless B-Flavoured Baryons
HOU Yunzhi, GAO Lixin
1993, 17(12): 1091-1101.
Using SU(3)f flavor symmetry of the strong interactions which we expect to hold well for bottom baryon decays,we obtain some decay rates and relations among the nonleptonic decays of charmless B-Flavoured baryons.It is hoped that in the near future experimental data on these decays will become available and so will provide tests on the assumptions involved.
Examine the Method of Spin Determination in Superdeformed Bands on the Basis of Normal Deformation
CHEN Xingqu, XING Zheng
1993, 17(12): 1102-1106.
The data available for the ground rotational bands of known angular momenta are used to examine the method of spin determination in superdeformed bands.The bandhead angular momenta of all the ground-state rotational bands are reproduced.The calculated transition energies depend sensitively on the prescribed spins both for ground-state rotational bands and for superdeformed rotational bands.It is reasonable to determine the spins in superdeformed bands using two parameter W-Z expression for rotational spectra.
Nuclear Response Function in Quasielastic Electron Scattering
MA Zhongyu
1993, 17(12): 1107-1115.
The recent progress of both experimental and theoretical investigations on the nuclear response function in the quasielastic electron scattering at high momentum transfer is presented in this paper.
Study of 3-α Cluster Ground State Using CHHE-MRT Method
LI Shiqing, XU Dingan, LIU Fuqing
1993, 17(12): 1116-1119.
The ground state of 3-α cluster(12C) has been studied using CHHE-MRT method.The 2-body T matrix and 3-body hyperradial wave function of 3-α cluster wer given,and the bound state was calculated using Gauss,Yukawa and Exponential potential,respectively.The results(with K=0,2 approximation)show a good agreement with experiments.
Investigation of Nucleus Using Deformed Configuration Method
ZHU Zhiyuan, FU Deji
1993, 17(12): 1120-1125.
The angular momentum projection technique is applied to the nucleus 147Pm in the transition region,the mediumheavy nuclei ,56Fe,56Co,56Mn and 66—72Ge isotope.It is a shell model type calculations and a small but well chosen deformed orbits generated by the mean field are used.The agreement with experimental data is satisfactory,especially for 56Fe.The validity of the method in the study of the nuclear structure is discussed.
Effects of the Internal Excitation of the Hadron and QCD Vacuum on the Thermodynamic Behavior of Nuclear Matter
HE Zejun, ZHANG Jiaju, CHEN Junfeng, QIU Xijun
1993, 17(12): 1126-1128.
The influences of the internal excitation of the hadron and QCD vacuum on the thermodynamic behavior have been studied on the basis of a mixed phase model.The results well show that these two effects bring a reasonable phase transition picture from nucleons to quarks,and significantly change the thermodynamic behavior of nuclear natter.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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