1994 Vol. 18, No. 12

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Inelasticity of p-A Interaction and Its Dependence on the Mass of Target
Jing Guiru, Wang Guangjun, Ding Linkai, Jing Cailiu
1994, 18(12): 1057-1063.
Adopting a nuclear collision geometry and two-component model of hadronhadron interaction,a Monte-Carlo generator on p-N and p-A interaction has been established,Using this generator,the inelasticity distribution,average inelasticity of p-A interaction and their dependence on the mass of target have been studied.
The Use of Discriminant Analysis Method to Particle Separation in BES
Jiang Zhijin, Wang Taijie, Xie Yigang, Huang Tao
1994, 18(12): 1064-1072.
The discriminant analysis method in Multivariate Statistical Theory is used to handle e,π,μ separation in BES.The principle of the discriminant analysis method is described,the unstandardized discriminant functions(responsible for particle separation)are derived,the discriminant efficiencies for e,π,μ are given and the results are compared with those obtained from conventional way.
Transverse Momentum and pseudorapidity Distributious of Negative Particle. in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Liu Fuhu, Sun Hancheng
1994, 18(12): 1073-1077.
Based on the three-fireball model and the picture of hadronic resonance decays.the transverse momentum and pseudorapidity distributions of negative particles in relativistic heavy ion collisions are obtained and compared with the experimental results of 200 and 60GeV/N 16O-An interactions.
Hard Diffractive Production of Heavy Flavors in High Energy p+p(p) Collisions
Peng Hongan, Qin Kecheng, He Zhenmin
1994, 18(12): 1078-1085.
The p+p(p)→p+J/ψ(Υ)+X processes for energies ranging from ISR to SSC are discussed. Assuming that Pomeron(P)have parton distributions and dominated by gluons with behavior as when x.is small,we calculate carefully the cross sections for the above hard diffractive processes and of"background"DrellYan Processes by tab lug two main sub-diagrams in the lowest order of QCD.In contrast to InS increasing with S for the background cross sections,the hard diffractive ones increase as(InS)2,hance the latter would be greatly beyond the former at TeV energies.We shown that this property is universal for other hard diffractive processes.So,if our assumptions about P are right,they would provide a new method for detecting physical particles at superhigh energies.
The Virtual Effects of Pseudo Goldstone Bosons in Technicolor Theory on t→W'b Decay
Wang Xuelei, Guo Libo, Xiao Zhenjun, Yang Jinmin, Lu Gongru
1994, 18(12): 1086-1090.
The one-loop corrections to the process t→W'b from the Pseudo Goldstone bosons in the one generation Technicolor model are calculated.The dependence of the corrections on the top quark mass and Pseudo Goldstone bosons mass are discussed.The total corrections to the decay rate change from 0.6% to -2.0%for mt in the range of 100-200GeV.
The Final State Multiplicity Rates of η and η'IN e+e Annihilation at High Energy
Liu Ximing
1994, 18(12): 1091-1095.
We analyse the effects induced by η-η'mixing angle and the production of L=1 mesons on the multiplicity rates of η and η'mesons.The results show that the influence of the production of L=1 mesons on the multiplicity rayes is quite importment.When we take only this factors into account,the calculated multiplicity rates are agreement with experiment.
An Analysis of the New Data of Transverse Energy Distributions in High Energy p-A Collisions Based on Geometrical Models
Liu Bo, Zhao Weiqin
1994, 18(12): 1096-1101.
Based on the two geometrical pictures. namely independent N-N collision and participant-picture,the newly published data of transverse energy distributions in high energy p-A collisions are analysed.The influence of the choices of various model parameters is discussed and compared to the results in A-A collisions.
The Microscopic Investigation of High-Spin States for Even-Even Nuclei(III)Application to isotopes 126Ba,128Ba and 130Ba
Sang Jianping, Liu Yong
1994, 18(12): 1102-1106.
Starting from the shell model configurations and the effective nucleon-nucleon interactions,a microscopic approach is applied to study high-spin states for the isotopes 126Ba,128Ba and 130Ba.The low-lying states and the band built upon aligned (h11/2)proton pair configurations are considered.Energy levels and backbendings are reproduced well.For the yrast band,the dependence of the strength of interband interaction on the coupling operator is discussed.
Improved Partou Evolution Model and Its Explanation to the EMC Effect and the Nuclear Drell-Yan Process
Yu Mingjian, Shen Jianping, Li Guanglie, Yang Jianjun, Shen Hongqing
1994, 18(12): 1107-1114.
In this paper,we prove analytically that the parton evolution model can provide a physical basis to the double x-rescaling model. Then we describe the nuclear shadowing and antishadowing effect in the small x region using the modified Alteralli-Parisi equation to improve the parton evolution model.The unified description of the EMC effect,the nuclear shadowing effect,and antishadowing effect is given without introducing the nuclear shadowing factor.Finally,we explain the experimental data of the Drell-Yan process with the improved parton evolution model.
A Comparison of Two Different Models for 12C+12C Scattering
Li Qingrun, Yang Yongxu
1994, 18(12): 1115-1118.
A comparison of two different nuclear structure models for 12C+12C scattering is made.The comparison shows that the α-particle model of 12C gives the better results.
Some Collective Observables in Nuclear Motion
Zhang Jingye
1994, 18(12): 1119-1123.
The B(E2:)values and ground band energy ratio R=,are often used as indicators of the collectivity in nuclear motion.A great effort has been paid to understand systematically the relation between these quantities and the calculated deformation parameters through a standard potential energy surface approach.It is found that the B(E2:)values are dominantly determined by the equilibrium(static)deformation of nuclei.The existing NilssonstrutinskyBCS approach can reproduce nicely reasonable deformation values for a great variety of even-even nuclei, from Z=30 to actinides,while the energy ratio R reflects the whole structure of the potential energy surface,such as the stiffness and unharmonisity.
Three-Body Iateraction Corrections on the O(6)Energy Spectra
Shao Bin
1994, 18(12): 1124-1129.
The three-body interacting items are introduced in the IBM Hamiltonian and a simply corrected formula of the O(6)energy spectra is given.The caculations for some nuclei near A~70.130.190 regions show that the agreement between the theory and experimental data is greatly improved.
An IBM2 Description on the Low-lying States of Even-even Xe Isotopes
Zhang Dali, Liu Yuxin, Han Qizhi
1994, 18(12): 1130-1136.
A discussion on the energy spectra and E2 transition rates of the even-even Xe isotopes with A=116 to 132 is carried out in the framework of neutronproton Interacting Boson Model.With the quadrupole interactions among like coherent nucleon pairs S and D being taken into account,the staggering phenomenon in the quasi-γ bands of these nuclei are improved. The calculated results of the low-lyingenergy levels agree with the experimrntal data quite well.
Improvement on the Electron Trajectroy of Wiggler of Beijing Free Electron Laser
Huang Min, Li Yonggui, Zhuang Jiejia, Dai Lisheng, Zhao Chunnong
1994, 18(12): 1137-1142.
A method is described which experimentally determines the trajectory sensitive parameter β of NdFeB rectangular magnet used for wiggler of Beijing Free Electron Laser(BFEL).The parameter β expresses the contribution of single magnetic block to electron trajectory.The magnetic blocks are chosen and optimized according to their β values, and the deviation of electron trajectory in the wiggler can be improved.
A Possible New Resonance State──Spin-Parity Analysis of the X Resonance in J/ψ→X+f0 (975) Process
Yu Hong, Shen Qixing
1994, 18(12): 1143-1146.
The boson resonance state X is produced in company with f0(975)in the J/ψ hadronic decay process.If the X particle decays into a pair of pseudoscalar mesons its spin-parity is Jpc=(odd)--.The helicity formalism of angular distribution of the process has been given. How to discriminate 1-- meson from 3-- meson for the X particle has been discussed. We think that the X1(1573) which has been observed in the four prong channel(K+Kπ+π) and in company with f0(975)(→π+π)by BES collaboration may be a new resonance state.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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