1998 Vol. 22, No. 2

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ΛΛ,ΛΛγ and ΛΛπ0 Productions in J/ψ Decay
BES Collaboration
1998, 22(2): 97-105.
The channels of J/ψ decay into,ΛΛ,ΛΛγ and ΛΛπ0 are analyzed with 7.8×106 J/ψ events collected by BES detector at BEPC Collider.The branching ratios for three channels and the angular distribution for the first channel are measured.The branching ratios are Br(J/ψ→ΛΛ)=(l.08±0.06±0.24)×10-3,Br(J/ψ→ΛΛγ)-4(90% CL)and Br(J/ψ→ΛΛπ0)=(2.3±0.7±0.8)×l0-4 respectively. The angular distribution for J/ψ→ΛΛ is dN dcosθ=N0(1+αcos20),α=0.52±0.33±0.13.
Improvement on Momentum Distribution Formula of Relativistic Heavy Ion Fragments
Wang Shuhua, Zhou Zuoxu, Chai Zhengwei
1998, 22(2): 106-110.
A new formula about the momentum distribution width σ of relativistic heavy ion fragments can be obtained by equally dividing the number of nucleons A in the fragmenting nucleus into groups and using the result derived by H Feshbach and K. Huang. The new formula can explain the quantity of fragments which mass number K≤A/2.
Exact Solutions of Non-autonomous Quantum Systems With Semisimple Lie Algebraic Structure
Jie Quanlin, Wang Shunjin, Wei Lianfu
1998, 22(2): 111-116.
For quantum systems with semi-simple Lie algebraic structures,the exact solutions of the equations of motion are obtained by means of algebraic dynamics.The Hamiltonian is transformed into a linear function of Cartan operators by a set of gauge transformations. The coefficients of the gauge transformations are determined by a set of ordinary differential equations.From the inverses of these gauge transformations,the solutions of the Schrodinger equation,as well as a set of dynamic constants of motion (dynamic invariant operators) are obtained. An SU(3) model serves as an example.
Curvature Excitation in Quantum Gravity
Shao Changgui, Chen Zhongqiu, Ma Weichuan, Chen Yihan, Lin Shuyuan
1998, 22(2): 117-121.
The leading term of qantum Wilson loop for Stelle gravity is calculated. The qantum result of vector papallel transport is obtained using the excitation of curvature, and a functional expression for calculating the quantum Wilson loop under the nonflat background is presented.
Analysis of Intermittency in a Single Event
Hu Yuan, Liu Lianshou
1998, 22(2): 122-132.
We study the distribution of intermittency exponents of a single event inhigh energy collisions. The relations between intermittency and the number of phasespace intervals and multiplicity are obtained. A proper requirement is obtained forcorrectly studying the dynamical fluctuation of a singe event with neglegble influenceof statistical fluctuations.
Infrared Divergences of Three-Loop Vacuum Graghs of Gluon Field at Finite Temperature
Chen Xiangjun, Liu Lianshou
1998, 22(2): 133-140.
The kinds of infrared divergent integrals in three-loop vacuum graghs of gluon field at finite temperature are pointed out and their regularization is discussed. All of the infrared divergences in three-loop vacuum graghs of gluon field are isolated.
Study of the (N)Channel Coupling Effect in Quark Model
Dai Lianrong, Shen Pengnian, Zhang Zongye, Yu Youwen
1998, 22(2): 141-147.
The coupling effect of (N) channel on the N-N scattering is studied by solving a coupled channel RGM(Resonating Group Method) equation in the quark-SU(3) chiral model. The results indicate that the coupling between 1S0 (NN) and 5 D0 (N) is important in explaining the NN 1S0 phase shifts, and the influence of the (N) channel coupling to the N-N higher partial wave scattering is small.
Two-Body Correlation Transport Theory for Heavy Ion Collision V. Hierarchy Truncation
Liu Hang, Li Xiguo, Liu Jianye, Zuo Wei
1998, 22(2): 148-152.
The dynamical process in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energy described by Two-Body Correlation Transport Theory (TBCTT) under different hierarchy truncation is discussed. It is found that the different hierarchy truncations of TBCTT have different descriptions about the dynamical process of heavy ion collision.
Path Integral of the Angular Momentum Eigenstates Evolving Whitthe Parameter Linked With Rotation Angle Under the Space Rotation Transformation
Zhang Zhongcan, Hu Chenguo, Fang Zhenyun
1998, 22(2): 153-161.
We study the method which directly adopts the azimuthal angles and the rotation angle of the axis to describe the evolving process of the angular momentum eigenstates under the space rotation transformation we obtain the angular momentum rotation and multi-rotation matrix elements ' path integral which evolves with the parameter λ(0→θ,θ the rotation angle), and establish the general method of treating the functional (path) integral as a normal multi-integrals.
Dynamical Correlation and the Collective States in 110Cd
Di Yaomin
1998, 22(2): 162-168.
The collective states in,110Cd are discussed with the proposed concept of dynamical correlation, while the g-boson degree of freedom is also considered, The octopole state is discussed in the frame of sdf boson model.
Microscopic Foundation of sdgIBM-2 and Study of Low-Lying States of 24Mg
Zhang Zhanjun, Shi Zhuyi, Liu Yong, Sang Jianping
1998, 22(2): 169-175.
A microscopic framework of sdlBM-2 is extended to the one of sdglBM-2. lntroducing hexadecupole pairing force, Hamdltonian and E2,E4 operators of the sdglBM-2 are deduced microscopically. The nucleus 24Mg in the light-mass region is chosen as the first application of such an extended microscopic approach. Based on strong coupling picture, spectrum, reduced E2 transition rates and reduced E4 transition matrix elements are calculated. The calculated results fit experimental results quitewell.
Simulation Study of the Closed Orbit Distortion and Its Correction for CSRm
Liu Shengli, Zhang Wenzhi, Xia Jiawen, Wei Baowen
1998, 22(2): 176-179.
The closed orbit distortion (COD) and its correction in the presence of field and alignment errors of magnets, for the heavy ion cooling storage ring (named CSRm), have been simulated on the basis of linear lattice of CSRm. ln a typical case, the maximurn COD before correction is 3.08mm and 2.73mm for horizontal plane and vertical plane, respectively. The simulation shows that the COD of CSllm can be limited with in a sufficiently small range.
Design and Calibration of the Measuring System for Soft X-ray Absolute Intensity
Cui Congwu, Cui Mingqi, Yi Rongqi
1998, 22(2): 180-185.
We described the design of the measuring system for soft X-ray absolute intensity in detail. The system consists of two parts:: the ionization chamber and the monitoring (or, to be calibrated) detector and its transfering system. The system can be used as the primary standard detector for the measurement of soft X-ray absolute radiation flux in the energy range from 50 to 2000eV after alibrated. The uncertainty of the system is also given.
Application of Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Analysis in Bionmedical Field
Zhao Limin, Wu Yingrong, Huang Yuying, Li Guangcheng, Jia Quanjie, Yuan Lizhen, Chen Jiapen
1998, 22(2): 186-191.
The feasibility of total reflection X.ray .fluorescence spectrometer applied in the biomedical field is discussed. With this spectrometer, the normal and radiated small intestine cells of small white mice were analyzed. The results indicate that the content of trace elements for normal and radiated small white mice was greatly different which can be used to provide valuable clue for clinic medicine.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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