1999 Vol. 23, No. 9

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Non-thermal Phase Transition in pp Collisions at 400 GeV/c
Wang Shaoshun, Liu Ran, Wang Zhaomin
1999, 23(9): 841-845.
The pseudorapidity distribution for charged prides Produced in pp collisions at 400GeV/c has been measured by using the LEBC films offered by the CERN NA27 collaboration. The fastorial moments up to q=7 have been calculated by star integer method. The analytic results indicate that a non-thermal phase transition and two different regimes of multiparticle production may exist. The multifractal structure of the fluctuation has been observed supporting the random cascade model of particle production.
Track Reconstruction in BES Barrel Shower Counter
Zhao Haiwen, Wang Taijie, Mao Zepu, Li Jin, Liu Hongtao, Li Weiguo, Yan Wuguang, Chen Guangpei, Liu Jing, Li Peiqin, Rong Gang, Yuan Ye
1999, 23(9): 846-853.
The track reconstruction of BES barrel shower counter was presented and the shower finding, pattern recognition technique were described. The reconstruction results from experimental data were presented and discussed.
Nondynamical r-Matrix Structure for the Trigonometric Calogero-Moser Model
Zhen Yi, Yang Wenli, Hou Boyu, Chen Kai
1999, 23(9): 854-858.
In a certain gauge, we get a new Lax operator for trigonometric Calogero-Moser model. The conesponding r-matrix is shown to be nondynamical . Atthe same time, we find that trigonometric Calogero-Moser model and trigonometric Ruijsenaars -Schneider model are governed by the completely same nondynamical r-matrix.
Study of Six Quark Cluster States in Chiral SU(3) Quark Model
Yu Youwen, Zhang Zongye, Yuan Xiuqing
1999, 23(9): 859-864.
An analysis is made for the (0s)6 six quark cluster states in the chiral SU(3)quark model. The results show that for some states with higher strange number the chiral SU(3) cloud offers more attraction. and these informations are useful to discussif there exists some narrow width six quark states.
Exact Solutions of Non-spherical Harmonic Oscillator Potential
Chen Changyuan, Liu Youwen
1999, 23(9): 865-872.
In this paper, the Schrodinger equation with a non-spherical harmonic oscillator potential in three dimensions V(r)=1/2r2+A/2r2 is solved. The exact energy equation and the normalized wave function are obtained. The calculation formulas andrecurrence formulas of matrix elements and mean values for any integer power operator rs are presented.
Quantization of Nuclear Hexadecapole Vibration in the Space of Parameter
Guo Jianyou, Xu Fuxin, Ruan Tunan
1999, 23(9): 873-879.
The quantized Hamiltonian is derived from the general parametral form of the hexadecapole Vibration in the space of parameter, which maybe important to analyze properties of nuclear stature.
Q2-Dependence of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn Sum Rule
Ma Weixing, Li Xiguo, Lu Dinghui
1999, 23(9): 880-889.
We test the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule numerically by calculating the total photon absorption cross sections σ1/2 and σ3/2 on the nucleon via photon excitation of baryon resonances in the constituent quark model. A total of seventeen, low-lying, non-strange baryon resonances are included in mis calculation.The transverse and longitudinal interference cross section, σ, is found to play an important role in the study of the Q2 variation of the sum rule. The results show that the GDH sum rule is saturated by these resonances at a confidence level of 94%. Inparticular , the P33,(1232) excitation largely saturates the stun rule at Q2=0, and dominates at small Q2. The GDH integers has a strong Q2-dependence below Q2=1.0GeV2 and changes its sign around Q2=0.3GeV2. It becomes weakly Q2-dependence for Q2>1.0GeV2 because of the qinck decline of resonance contributions.
High Spin States in 84Rb
Han Guangbing, Wen Shuxian, Liu Xiangan, Wu Xiaoguang, Li Guangsheng, Yuan Guanjun, Weng Peikun, Yang Chunxiang, Tong Dinmin, Ma Yingiun, Lu Jingbin
1999, 23(9): 890-896.
High spin states of 84Rb were populated by the 70Zn (18O,p3n) reaction at 75MeV 18O beams provided by the HI-13 Tandem Accelerator of CIAE. Excitation function, gamma-gamma coincidence and DCO Ratio were measured by using 8 BGO Compton-supton-suppressed HPGe spectrometers and a planar HPGe detector. More than 40excited states and 50 γ rays were identified in the Present work. A new level scheme of 84Rb was established, in which the positive and negative bands are extended to 17+and 17 respectively . Comparing the odd-odd Rb isotopes and N=47 isotones, the similar structure is observed in their low excited states.
Self-consistent Determination of QMC Model Parameters in Nuclear Matter
Guo Hua, Wang Shunjin
1999, 23(9): 897-899.
It is discussed the equivalent properties between QMC and QHD models,and then, the in-medium QMC model parameters are determined self-consistently. The results demonstrate that the bag constant and the nucleon radius are greatly influenced by nuclear medium, however, the parameter for the zero-point inchon keeps the same value as in vacuum. The critical curve shows that the QMC model parameters determined in our scheme are valid in low density region (ρ≤1.75ρ0,) todiscuss the finite nuclei and nuclear matter properly.
New Torsion Structure on Riemann-Cartan Manifold and Knots
Li Xiguo
1999, 23(9): 906-913.
The projection geometry stature of torsion on 3 dimensional Riemann Cartan manifold have been studied. It shows that the geomeny origin of linkingnumber may correspond to the projection torsion structure via both Chern-Simons theory and Witten's topological field theory. Furthermore, it is also indicated lines by means of a quanhzation method in which the quantum number is detennined by Hopf indices and Brouwer degree that wilson loops may defect lines.
HOMs Power Generated by Unequany Spaced and Populated Bunches in Storage Ring
Zhao Zhentang
1999, 23(9): 914-921.
The method to calculate the RF cavity higher-order modes (HOMs) power generated by unequally spaced and populated bunches in the storage rings with single beam and colliding beams is developed and presented in this paper. The corresponding analytical formulas for calculating the HOMs power are derived.
High Precision Test of QCD at Beijing Electron Positron Collider
Ma Boqiang
1999, 23(9): 922-925.
The generalized Crewther relation relates the cross section ratio R=σ(e+e→hadrons)/σ(e+e→μ+μ) in e+e annihilation with the Bjorken sum rule or the Gross-Llewellyn Smith sum rule in deep inelastic scattering and provides a fundamental connection for observables in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) without scale or scheme ambiguities. The ratio R can be measmed at the upgrated Beijing Electal Positron Collider or the τ-Charm factory with higher precision and thus can be served for a high Precision test of QCD in the standard model.
External Momentum Expansion in NJL Model
Huang Mei, Zhuang Pengfei, Zhao Weiqin
1999, 23(9): 926-930.
In the large Nc expansion beyond mean-field approximation, we develop a generals scheme of SU(2) NJL model including current quark mass explicitly. In our scheme, the conshttituent quark's propagator is expanded in pion's external momentum k, and all the Feynman diagrams are naturally expanded to k2 term in a unified way. Our numerical results show that in the mean field appproximations the effect of current quark mass is invisible, however, the effect of current quark mass can be seen explicitly beyond mean-field approximation for reasonable choices of the parameters in NJL model.
High-Power Test of Iris Coating in the S-Band Linear Collider
Jin Kai
1999, 23(9): 931-935.
The excitation of Higher, Order Modes (HOM) in an accelerator can lead to cumulative beam break up, therefore, these modes have to be suppressed. For the S-Band Linear Collider (SBLC), it has been suggested to cover the disk loaded strucks at the iris with an aPPropriate loss malarial. For the high-power test of the iris coating a resonator consishng of tWo cells of the SBLC is used. This paper describes the high-power test and gives some Preliminary results.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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