2013 Vol. 37, No. 4

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Particle and field theory
Ratio of a strange quark mass ms to up or down quark mass mu,d predicted by a quark propagator in the frameworkof the chiral perturbation theory
PENG Jin-Song, ZHOU Li-Juan, MENG Cheng-Ju, PAN Ji-Huan, MA Wei-Xing, YUAN Tong-Quan
2013, 37(4): 043101. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043101
Based on the fully dressed quark propagator and chiral perturbation theory, we study the ratio of the strange quark mass ms to up or down quark mass mu,d. The ratio is related to the determination of quark masses which are fundamental input parameters of QCD Lagrangian in the Standard Model of particle physics and can not be directly measured since the quark is confined within a hadron. An accurate determination of these QCD free parameters is extremely important for both phenomenological and theoretical applications. We begin with a brief introduction to the non-perturbation QCD theory, and then study the mass ratio in the framework of the chiral perturbation theory (χ PT) with a parameterized fully dressed quark propagator which describes confining fully dressed quark propagation and is analytic everywhere in the finite complex p2-plane and has no Lehmann representation so there are no quark production thresholds in any theoretical calculations of observable data. Our prediction for the ratio ms/mu,d is consistent with other model predictions such as Lattice QCD, instanton model, QCD sum rules and the empirical values used widely in the literature. As a by-product of this study, our theoretical results, together with other predictions of physical quantities that used this quark propagator in our previous publications, clearly show that the parameterized form of the fully dressed quark propagator is an applicable and reliable approximation to the solution of the Dyson-Schwinger Equation of quark propagator in the QCD.
H→γγ: a comment on the indeterminacy of non-gauge-invariant integrals
A. Pilloni, A. D. Polosa
2013, 37(4): 043102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043102
We reanalyze the recent computation of the amplitude of the Higgs boson decay into two photons presented by Gastmans et al. [1, 2]. The reasons for why this result cannot be the correct one have been discussed in some recent papers. We address here the general issue of the indeterminacy of integrals with four-dimensional gauge-breaking regulators and to which extent it might eventually be solved by imposing physical constraints. Imposing gauge invariance as the last step upon Rξ-gauge calculations with four-dimensional gauge-breaking regulators, allows us to recover the well known H→γγ result. However we show that in the particular case of the unitary gauge, the indeterminacy cannot be tackled in the same way. The combination of the unitary gauge with a cutoff regularization scheme turns out to be non-predictive.
Branching ratio and CP asymmetry of Bs→K0*(1430)η(') decays in the PQCD approach
ZHANG Zhi-Qing, WANG Shi-Jian, ZHANG Li-Ying
2013, 37(4): 043103. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043103
In the two-quark model supposition for K0*(1430), which can be viewed as either the first excited state (Scenario Ⅰ) or the lowest lying state (Scenario Ⅱ), the branching ratios and the direct CP-violating asymmetries for decays Bs0→K0*0(1430)η(') are studied by employing the perturbative QCD factorization approach. We find the following results: (a) The CP averaged branching ratios of Bs0→K0*0(1430)η and Bs0→K0*0(1430)η' are small and both in the order of 10-7. If one views K0*(1430) as the lowest lying state, B (Bs0→K0*0(1430)η)≈3.9×10-7 and B (Bs0→K0*0(1430)η')≈7.8×10-7. (b) While the direct CP-violating asymmetries of these two decays are not small: if we still take the parameters of K0*(1430) in scenario Ⅱ, ACPdir (Bs0→K0*0(1430)η)≈56.2% and ACPdir (Bs0→K0*0(1430)η')≈2.4%. (c) The annihilation contributions will play an important role in accounting for future data, because both the branching ratios and the direct CP asymmetries of these two decays are sensitive to the annihilation type contributions.
Anomalous spin of the Chern-Simons-Georgi-Glashow model
HUO Qiu-Hong, JIANG Yun-Guo, WANG Ru-Zhi, YAN Hui
2013, 37(4): 043104. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043104
With the Coulomb gauge, the Chern-Simons-Georgi-Glashow (CSGG) model is quantized in the Dirac formalism for the constrained system. Combining the Gauss law and Coulomb gauge consistency condition, the difference between the Schwinger angular momentum and canonical angular momentum of the system is found to be an anomalous spin. The reason for this result lies in the fact that the Schwinger energy momentum tensor and the canonical one have different symmetry properties in the presence of the Chern-Simons term.
Arbitrary-state solutions of the Dirac equation for a Möbius square potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method
H. Hassanabadi, H. Rahimov, S. Zarrinkamar
2013, 37(4): 043105. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043105
We inquire into spin and pseudospin symmetries of the Dirac equation under a Möbius square-type potential using the Nikiforov-Uvarov method to calculate the bound state solutions. We numerically discuss the problem and include various explanatory figures.
Solution of the Schrödinger equation for a particular form of Morse potential using the Laplace transform
M. K. Tavassoly
2013, 37(4): 043106. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/043106
In this paper, we have solved the Schrödinger equation for a particular kind of Morse potential and find its normalized eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, exactly. Our work is based on the Laplace transform technique which reduces the second-order differential equation to a first-order.
Doublet bands in 128La and systematic features of energy separationof doublet bands observed in the A~130 mass region
MA Ke-Yan, LU Jing-Bin, YANG Dong, WANG Hui-Dong, LIU Yun-Zuo, LI Jian, LIU Gong-Ye, LI Li, MA Ying-Jun, WU Xiao-Guang, LI Guang-Sheng, ZHENG Yun, HE Chuang-Ye
2013, 37(4): 044001. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/044001
High spin states of 128La have been studied through the fusion-evaporation reaction 118Sn(14N, 4n)128La at a beam energy of 69 MeV. A positive-parity side band with the same configuration as that of the yrast band has been identified. Moreover, it is noted that the energy separation ΔE(I)=E(I)side-E(I)yrast of all doublet bands reported in odd-odd nuclei in the A~130 mass region exhibit a staggering pattern systematically, and they stagger up at even-spin and stagger down at odd-spin.
An angle-dependent potential and alpha-decay half-lives ofdeformed nuclei for 67≤Z≤91
E. Javadimanesh, S. Zarrinkamar, H. Rahimov
2013, 37(4): 044101. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/044101
The half-lives of deformed nuclei are reported for 67≤Z≤91. We consider an angle-dependent potential which yields multiple approximations. The results are in better agreement with the experimental data when the multiple approximation is solely considered for the daughter nuclei.
Astrophysical S-factor of the d(p,γ)3He processby
H. Sadeghi, H. Khalili, M. Godarzi
2013, 37(4): 044102. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/044102
We summarize the recent effective field theory (EFT) studies of low-energy electroweak reactions of astrophysical interest, relevant to big-bang nucleosynthesis. The zero energy astrophysical S(0) factor for the thermal proton radiative capture by deuteron is calculated with pionless EFT. The astrophysical S(0) factor is accurately determined to be S(0)=0.243 eV·b up to the leading order (LO). At zero energies, magnetic transition M1 gives the dominant contribution. The M1 amplitude is calculated up to the LO. A good, quantitative agreement between theoretical and experimental results is found for all observables. The demonstrations of cutoff independent calculation have also been presented.
Influence of coupling constants on nuclear symmetry energy
2013, 37(4): 044103. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/044103
By studying the energy of neutron star matter, we discuss the nuclear symmetry energy at different baryon densities and different coupling constants in the relativistic mean field approximation. The results show that the symmetry energy increases with baryon density at various coupling constants and incompressibilities. Furthermore, the symmetry energy at saturation density increases with increasing incompressibility at fixed d, and decreases at fixed c. Specifically, when coupling constants gv and gs are fixed, respectively, the symmetry energy has a little change with increasing incompressibility. It is demonstrated that the NN coupling constants have greater influences on the symmetry energy than the self-coupling constants.
Detection Technology , Electronics and Methods
Prospects for searching the η→e+e- rare decay at the CSR
JI Chang-Sheng, SHAO Ming, ZHANG Hui, CHEN Hong-Fang, ZHANG Yi-Fei
2013, 37(4): 046201. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/046201
We study the possibility of searching the η→e+e- rare decay on the Cooling Storage Ring (CSR) at Lanzhou. The main features of the proposed Internal Target Experiment (ITE) and External Target Facility (ETF) are included in the Monte Carlo simulation. Both the beam condition at the CSR and the major physics backgrounds are carefully taken into account. We conclude that the ITE is more suitable for such a study due to better detector acceptance and higher beam density. At the maximum designed luminosity (1034 cm-2s-1), η→e+e- events can be collected every ~400 seconds at the CSR. With a mass resolution of 1 MeV, the expected signal-to-background (S/B) ratio is around 1.
Study of n-γ discrimination for 0.4-1 MeV neutrons using the zero-crossing method with a BC501A liquid scintillation detector
CHEN Yong-Hao, LEI Jia-Rong, ZHANG Xiao-Dong, AN Li, ZHENG Pu, WANG Xin-Hua, ZHU Chuan-Xin, HE Tie
2013, 37(4): 046202. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/046202
An experimental system aimed at n-γ discrimination using the zero-crossing method with a φ3"× 2" BC501A liquid scintillation detector was established and tested with an Am-Be neutron source. Two-dimensional plots of energy versus zero-crossing time were obtained. The quality of n-γ discrimination was checked by the figure-of-merit (FOM), the neutron peak-to-valley ratio, and the proportion of leaked neutrons over all neutron events. The performance of n-γ discrimination in terms of FOM was compared with previous work done by other groups. The n-γ discrimination in four different energy regions with an interval of 0.1 MeV between 0.3 MeV and 0.7 MeV was studied, and the results indicate that the n-γ discrimination threshold can go down to 0.4 MeV.
Recalculation of the HIRFL-SSC injection and extraction system
YE Feng
2013, 37(4): 047001. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/047001
In order to further improve beam transmission efficiency at the SSC, the beam center trajectory and injection and extraction system are recalculated based on the program group used in the final design of the GANIL accelerator, with some necessary changes and the addition of some auxiliary programs. The two different types of injection and extraction elements (the bending magnet and the inductive septum) are distinguished, and their interaction with the ambient field is considered. More focus is placed on considering the differences in the magnet field inhomogeneity of the ambient field in the located area of the inductive septum where the ends are situated in the ambient field (between the main magnet poles). Thus the gradient magnetic field problem of the inductive septum is solved perfectly. As well as preparing the necessary auxiliary programs and taking the structural integration of the SSC magnetic field maps, the measured magnet field correction is completed. Therefore, the trajectory and a variety of injection and extraction system parameters are obtained. According to the recalculation results, the SSC beam transmission efficiency will be enhanced significantly.
Study of superradiance based on a low-voltagebackward wave oscillator
WU Jie, FANG Zhi-Cong, XIE Hong-Quan, LI Zheng-Hong
2013, 37(4): 047002. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/047002
According to the small size requirement for wide-band high-power microwave radiation, a superradiance backward wave oscillator (BWO) is proposed to generate such high-power microwave radiation with a low voltage (~20 kV) pulse power supply and low guiding magnet field (~0.1 T). In order to get a high-efficiency C-band superradiance BWO with a low beam voltage and a low guiding magnet field, the mechanism of superradiance in a BWO is explored in particle-in-cell simulation. With the oversized structure, the simulation shows that a microwave power of 405 kW with a frequency of 5.6 GHz and a spectrum width of 500 MHz can be obtained with a voltage of 23 kV and magnetic field of 0.1 T.
End-to-end simulation of the C-ADS Injector Ⅱ with a 3-D field map
WANG Zhi-Jun, HE Yuan, WANG Wang-Sheng, LIU Shu-Hui, JIA Huan, LI Chao, XU Xian-Bo, CHEN Xi-Meng
2013, 37(4): 047003. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/047003
The Injector Ⅱ, one of the two parallel injectors of the high-current superconducting proton driver linac for the China Accelerator-Driven System (C-ADS) project, is being designed and constructed by the Institute of Modern Physics. At present, the design work for the injector is almost finished. End-to-end simulation has been carried out using the TRACK multiparticle simulation code to check the match between each acceleration section and the performance of the injector as a whole. Moreover, multiparticle simulations with all kinds of errors and misalignments have been performed to define the requirements of each device. The simulation results indicate that the lattice design is robust. In this paper, the results of end-to-end simulation and error simulation with a 3-D field map are presented.
Lattice study for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring
BAI Zheng-He, WANG Lin, JIA Qi-Ka, LI Wei-Min
2013, 37(4): 047004. doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/37/4/047004
The Hefei Light Source (HLS) is undergoing a major upgrade project, named HLS-Ⅱ, in order to obtain lower emittance and more insertion device straight sections. Undulators are the main insertion devices in the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring. In this paper, based on the database of lattice parameters built for the HLS-Ⅱ storage ring obtained by the global scan method, we use the quantity related to the undulator radiation brightness to more directly search for high brightness lattices. Lattice solutions for achromatic and non-achromatic modes are easily found with lower emittance, smaller beta functions at the center of the insertion device straight sections and lower dispersion in non-zero dispersion straight sections compared with the previous lattice solutions. In this paper, the superperiod lattice with alternating high and low horizontal beta functions in long straight sections for the achromatic mode is studied using the multiobjective particle swarm optimization algorithm.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
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